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will do everything he can to get this taken care of. <br /> Th�resa Engelhardt with S�nior Citizen stated that they are ne need of maintenance on <br /> the roof and also on the parking lot. Th�y have had num�rous fund raisers at the center <br /> far various projects and they would appreciate the funding. The ariginal building was <br /> building in 1978 and the parking lot and roof are in need of major repairs. The Older <br /> American Act dallars are to be used for senior programs and those dollars cannot be <br /> used to maintain the building. They also pay for the insurance on the building. <br /> Lancaster stated she appreciates Theresa's leadership as director. The city of Grand <br /> Island is doing what variaus cities are doing regarding the senior centers. There was <br /> some confusion on how the dollars are to be paid on the city side. The County <br /> contributions are match dollars for the funding. Midland Area Agency on Aging is a <br /> group af counties that work together to obtain the Older American dollars. These issues <br /> need to be clarified on how the center is ta be funded. <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATON — Chairman I�ancaster called far public participation and no <br /> one responded. <br /> 4.C�UNTY ATTORNEY EXECUTIVE SESSION-LITIGATION STRATEGY — Mc�arland <br /> made a motion and Ziola seconded to go into executive session regarding litigation. <br /> This executive session is to protect the public interest. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, <br /> Purdy, Quandt, Purdy, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> 10:3Q a.m. executive session <br /> 10:45 a.m. McFarland made a motion and Ziola secanded to go out of executive <br /> session. No other subject was discussed and no actian was taken. Arnold, Lancaster, <br /> Mc�'arland, Purdy, Quandt, Purdy, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted <br /> no. Motion carried. <br /> 9. DISCUSS AND APPROVE SPECIAL DESIGNATED LIQUOR LICENSE FOR <br /> i RAND ISLAND LI UOR FOR GRAND ISLAND SKEET AND SPORTING CLAY <br /> G Q <br /> CLUB FOR AUGUST 5T" - Purdy questianed if the back ground check was completed <br /> on this application. County Clerk Marla Conley stated that it was and read the E mail <br /> from Chief Deputy Chris Rea. This application was received on July 25t" and she <br /> th <br /> received the verification on Monda Jul 30 . <br /> Y Y <br /> Ziola made a mation and Quandt seconded to approve the special designated liquor <br /> license for Grand Island Liquor Mart for the Grand Island Skeet and Sparting clay Club. <br /> Arnold stated that he appreciated the work to get this done this is for a worthy cause. <br /> The vote on the motion was taken. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, <br /> Purdy, Schuppan and Ziala all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 3 <br />