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9:�5 A.M. Held a Board of Equalization meeting. <br /> 9:4p a.m. Returned to the regular meeting. <br /> 7. DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING SENIOR CENTER - 1/2 <br /> CENT SALES TAX — Lancaster stated that she had looked at this and remembered that <br /> $100,000.00 has been promised to the Senior Center and after som� research they <br /> found several references regarding this. Once the mayor was aware of this there was <br /> communication and Mr. Vavricek stated that he will make a recammendation to budget <br /> this item. <br /> Mr. Quandt stated that in 2004 when this was to go ta the vote of the people the seniors <br /> h�lped pass the ballot issue. These dollars were to help maintain the buildings. He <br /> wants to make sure that this is addressed. <br /> Mayor Jay Vavricek stated the City and County have cooperated with the jail bond issue <br /> and various other issues they represent the same people. When he was made aware af <br /> this he stated that he will make a recommendation to the City Council but it will be up <br /> the council to approve this. He distributed information to the board members regarding <br /> this issue. There was an ordinance that noted the dollars that were to be set aside for <br /> the capital improvements for the Senior Center. They are just starting on the budget <br /> process and he will extend this recommendation to the council to consider this proposal. <br /> He would also like to see the City council appoint a member ta the Senior Citizens <br /> board. <br /> Lancaster stated that that it is important to Iook forward regarding this issue. Repairs to <br /> buildings are expensive and it is impartant to address this for the future. <br /> Arnold noted that he has been through s�veral administrations and he appreciates the <br /> working relatianship th�y have had with Mr. Vavricek. <br /> 6. DISCUSSIQN REGARDING LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER CAPITAL <br /> IMPROVEMENT FUND — Ziola stated that he and Mr. Schuppan met with the Sheriff to <br /> go over the budget and noted in the budget the maintenance for the capital <br /> impravement for the Safety Center in the amaunt of$25,000.00. He looked at the <br /> interlocal agreement on the City County Safety Center and noted that there is to be a 6 <br /> member advisory cammittee. According to the inter local there is ta be a co-location <br /> committee and this time there is not an active committee. He feels that there needs to I <br /> be more cammunication and some oversight. � <br /> Lancaster stated that there needs to be a committee and they need to make sure that <br /> some communication takes place. <br /> Mr. Vavric�k stated that this was the agreement in 2006 and to his knowledge the co <br /> location committee has not been approved by the city council. The membership of the <br /> co location committee is out lined in the inter-lacal agreement. Mr. Vavricek stated he <br /> 2 <br />