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i <br /> PUBUC PARTICIPATION w Chairman Lancaster called for public participation and no one <br /> responded. <br /> 9:05 A.M. Held a Board of Equalization meeting. <br /> 9:20 a.m. Returned to regular session. <br /> 1 Q. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON SETTLEMENT OFFER FROM NIRMA FOR 2008 <br /> CHEVY TRANSPORT VAN — Carrectians Director Fred Ruiz stated that they did have a <br /> transpart van involved in an accident in December and in the beginning NIRMA was not gaing to <br /> tatal the vehicle but after looking at it they have affered a settlement of $14,800.00 minus the <br /> $500.Op deductible. You will not get the full value af the vehicle. <br /> Quandt asked what the cost of a new van would be and Mr. Ruiz stated it would be araund <br /> $20,000.00. He stated that they did nat budget for this and he is gaing to talk to the corrections <br /> steering committee at the next meeting on how to proceed. <br /> Lancaster asked if they cauld da without this van and Mr. Ruiz stated that they make 3 to 4 trips <br /> to C7maha to transport inmates and this is their revenue stream. They are struggling to get by <br /> with one it is a necessity to replace it. <br /> Arnold made a motion and Ziola seconded ta accept the settlement agreement from NIRMA on <br /> the van. Discussion was held and the deductible is covered from the general fund so there <br /> wauld be $14,3QQ:Op to purchase a replacement. Arnold, l.ancaster, McFarland, Purdy, <br /> Quandt, Schuppan and Ziala all voted yes and none vated no. Motion carried. <br /> 6 9:30 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING FOR LIQUOR LICENSE FOR PILOT TRAVEL CENTERS <br /> WOOD RIVER, NE — Quandt made a motion and Purdy seconded ta apen the public hearing for <br /> the liquor license. Arnold, Lancaster, McF'arland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted <br /> yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Chairman Lancaster stated that there was a letter from the Sheriff s Department stating that <br /> there is no reasan ta not approve the license. Lancaster called for public participation and no <br /> ane responded. The information was included in the packets regarding the license. <br /> Arnold made a matian and Quant seconded to close the public hearing. Arnold, Lancaster, <br /> � McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Motion <br /> ' ' carried. <br /> . <br /> Quandt mad� a motion and Ziola s�conded ta approve the liquar license for Pilot Travel Center <br /> in Wvod River. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes <br /> and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> COUNTY ATTORNEY — Deputy County Attorney Jack Zitterkopf was present and stated that he <br /> wanted ta introduce Sarah Johnson the latest addition ta the County Attorney's office <br /> prr�fessional staff. He usually daes not do this, but this pasition was approved during the budget <br /> prac�ss. 5he graduated from the University of Nebraska and graduated in the top 25% of her <br /> class she also clerked for a law firm in l.incoln. The second reason is that their plan for Sarah is <br /> to spend svme time helping Jack and the rest of the time she will working on criminal cases. <br /> Sarah is helping him ta settle some of the issues that have been waiting to be completed. Mark <br /> 3 <br />