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HALL COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING DECEMBER 6, 2011 <br /> The Hall County Board of Supervisors convened December 6, 2011 by published call in the <br /> Caunty Board meeting room, 121 South Pine, Grand Island. <br /> CALL. TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pamela Lancaster. <br /> INVOCATION - Invocation was given by Scott Arnold. <br /> PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -- The Pledge af Allegiance was given in unisan. <br /> ROLL CALL - Present on roll call were, 5cott Arnold, Pamela Lancaster, Bab McFarland, Dan <br /> Purdy, Gary Quandt, and David Ziola. Stephen Schuppan is out of town on an excused <br /> absence. Also present was D�puty County Attorney Jack Zitterkopf and Board Assistant Stacey <br /> Ruzicka. <br /> � NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING LAW — Chairman Pamela Lancaster read the natice of apen <br /> meeting law. <br /> REQUEST TO RESERVE TIME — Chairman Lancaster stated that if anyane from the audience <br /> has a request to reserve time to speak on a specific agenda item, to please come forward at this <br /> time. No ane responded. <br /> MINUTES- McFarland made a motion and Quandt seconded ta approve the minutes of the <br /> November 22nd meeting. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt and Ziola all vated yes <br /> and none voted no with Schuppan absent. <br /> 9:05 A.M. Held a Board of Equaliaation m�eting. <br /> 9:08 a.m. returned to regular session <br /> 8. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON REVISED PUBLIC PARTICIPATION LIMITATIONS - <br /> Deputy Caunty Attorney Jack Zitterkapf stated that he did some research and talked with <br /> County Attarney Mark Young and there were same concerns on the proposed wording. The <br /> proposed notice complied with the apen meetings act but there was not any case law regarding <br /> this issue. He contacted Dale Comer with the Attorney General's Office who is the head of the <br /> legal s�rvices bureau. Jack stated that he explained what happened and sent him a capy af the <br /> propased warding. Mr. Camer also stated that he could not find any case law regarding this <br /> issue. Mr. Camer stated that you have to set aside some time for the public to speak and they <br /> have the right ta speak on whatever they choase. It should not be obscene or threatening. It is <br /> important to keep a dialogue going between the public and the official so if a citizen has a <br /> concem this is the place to come. You cannot cut off comments or say you are no# gaing to <br /> listen because this could violate their constitutional right by nat allowing them ta speak freely. A <br /> time limitatian is suitable but you must be fair on both sides. It was suggested #o refer <br /> comments to a committee but this would not b� a public forum. . � <br /> Arnold stated that the Board has always let people speak in public participation but if it is <br /> regarding an employee and it is a personnel issue he feels that it is within our rights ta schedule <br /> that issu� so the employee would know what is going on. �, <br /> � <br /> I <br /> 1 ii <br />