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N it <br /> .�. <br /> 6. Partner with Dune & his operator for new mowing tractor to do our area north & west of <br /> facility. It takes our maintenance staff 5 -7 hours to complete while it would only take <br /> Dune's staff at the most two hours to do. Better use of our maintenance staff than <br /> mowing. <br /> 7. RFP for fingerprint machine in the administrative area. County attorney's office suggested <br /> we get an RFP but I just haven't had time to work on it. The bottom price we were able to <br /> get Morpho Trak on this equipment was 35K. Securus has given us 30k towards <br /> purchase and we would take on the remaining 5K. <br /> 8. SCAAP Grant for 2011 has been submitted. <br /> 9. Third party inspection was clone on kitchen in anticipation of reviews & audits. The <br /> kitchen received a perfect score. <br /> 10. <br />