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.� <br /> DEED REGQRD NO. 72 <br /> — o.. m !, . .. . . . . <br /> �'0 HAVE A16A TO HQLD the above-described premises ,with the �ppurtenances,unta the said U�ion Paci ic <br /> Railxo�.d Company a,nd to its suecessors �,nd a.ssigns forever; and we the said �illiam F.Krehmk� an <br /> ��ma A.Krehmke for aurs�lves and our heirs, executors ,and administrators, do cavenant with �he ,� <br /> said Union Pacific Railroad Company and �ith its successars and assigns; that we are la�fu�Iy <br /> seized of said pre:nises , that the;� are free fro�n incumbrance ,tnat we have �ood right and lawful <br /> authority to sell the same and tha,t we wi11 �nd o�r heirs ,executors, and �dminietrators Bhall � <br /> � <br /> ararrant and defend �he sa��e unto the Union pacific Railroad Cc�mpany and its successors and a <br /> 0 <br /> assi�ns forever ,against the lawful cla.ims c�f �,11 persone �ahornoever. It is underst:�od th�,t the � � <br /> aa <br /> gra.ntee wi1l pay the taxes for year Z9�9• �:�� <br /> �� ; <br /> IN '�ITNESS �'HER�OF, we have hereunto set our hands this lyth day of Dece:nber A. D.1929. ��� 3 - <br /> �°� � , <br /> In Presence of � William F.grehmke � ��:� <br />� � . .. _ . N :,� � <br /> H.A. Swanson Emroa A.Brehmke � X <br /> . � <br /> . <br /> . o. <br /> ST 4TE OF 1V�BRASKA ) On tnis lqth day of Dece:nber A.D.1929 ,before me, a RTotary Public in �,nd a <br /> ) ss. far said County , personally : <br /> County � of��Fia1Z . ) ,�_ came the above named �illiam F.Krehmke and Emma A.�rehmke ,husb�nd and � <br /> wife , who are personally known to me to be the identical persons whose names �,re affixed to the <br /> abave instru�nent as grantors and the.y acknowledged said instrument to be their volun�ary act and <br /> deed. <br /> �!YITNESS my ha.nd �nd Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. K.p.pxonake <br /> ( gEqLj Notary PubZic <br /> �y cc�mmission expires on tne lyth da.y of Febr.A.D. 1931. <br /> Filed for reeord tnis27 _day of Dece:nber 1929 ,at g: �0 o� clock A.�d. �,'���.-���J� "� <br /> R �ieter of Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-U-0-J-J-�-0-J-J-0-J-0-G-J-J-�-J-J-�-�-J-J-J-O-J-U-�-�7-J-i?-0-�?-�-i�-Q-�7-�-�-��-v-0-J-�.}-t�-0 <br /> GPA$RARTY AEEA - VESTING ENTIRE TITLE IN SURVIVOR. <br /> KNQW ALL RdEN BY TH�SE PRESENTS, That Phillepena Zimmerman,a widow, of the Qounty of Buffalo ar�d <br />! 8tate of Nebraska,for and in consideration af One and no/100 DOLLARS:; in hand paid, do hereby <br /> grant , bargain,sell ,convey and confirm unto L�wrence F.Haug and Gladyc.e E.Haug �,s JOINT TENANTS, <br /> and not as tenants in co�mon; the following described re�,I estate,situate in the County of H�11 <br /> and State of Nebraska,to-wit: An: undivided One-sixth ( 1/6) interest in the �iouthwest r�uarter of � <br /> 8ecti�n Numbered 3ix ( 6) ,in To�nsnip Numbered Nine (}) ,North of Range numbered Twelve,( 12) ,l�est . <br /> of the Si�th P.M. ,except Ten, ( 10) ,�.cres in the Southeast Quarter of the 9outheast Quarter � <br /> sai�. Section known as tne Shelton Cemetery; �,nd e�cept .a pareel of ground described as follows; <br /> t�ommenci�2g a.�G the Northwest coi�ner of the Southwest Quarter of said Section ,runnin� thence 9out�. <br /> alon� the 8ection line One rod, thence East One Hundred and Forty Rods,thence South Twenty Rode, <br /> thence East T�►enty Rode, thence Nor�h Twenty-one Rods,thence �Pest Qne FIundred and Siaty Rods to <br /> the pla:ce of beginning,all in the Southwest Quarter of Secti�n�numbere3 Six,in Township numbered <br /> Nine,North ,of Rar�ge numbe�red Twelve,West of the ;3iath P.M. ,subject however ta a LIFE ESTATE helci <br /> by Katherine Rirk,to�ether �ith all tne tenements , heredita:nents, a,nd appurtenances to the same <br /> belonging , �nd all the estate ,title ,dower,right of homestead,claim or de;nand whatsoever of �he sa ;, <br /> grantor ,of,in or to thesame ,or any part thereof; sub�ect to a LIFE ESTATE held by Ratherine Kirk. <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION QF ALL PARTIES HERET4, THAT IN TH� EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITFiER (?F SAID . <br /> GRANTEES, THE �tTIRE FEE SI�PLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED H:�'REII4 SHALL VEST IN ?'HE SUR•- <br /> " VI VI NG GRARTT EE. _ <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premisss,with the appurtenances,unto the said grantees as <br /> k <br />� Jt?INT TENANTS, �,nd not as tenants in common, and to tneir assigns , or to the heirs and assi�;ns of <br /> the survivor of tr�Pm,forevsr ,a.n3 I the grantor na:roed herein fox myself and my hei�is ,executors , ar� <br /> �.dminietrator�, do covenant with the gra:ntees na�►e� herein and with their assigns and with the he rs <br /> an3 assigns vf the survivor of tne�n, that I am 2�wfully seized vf eaid premiass; th�.t they are fr e <br />� from incumbrance exce�t as stated herein , and that I ti�e said grantor have good right and Ia�ful <br /> authority to sell the same ,and tnat I will and my heirs,executors and administxatora sha11 warran <br />