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f <br /> FIFTEENTH <br /> Sir.ce the assets of my estate cover nurneraus property <br /> interests anc� know� from personal experience that the proper <br /> manage�nent ef tne estate will require considerable time and <br /> nerscnal atten�ian on the part of my Executors and on the part <br /> of �y Trustees, it is my request that as scon as they have <br /> qualified for either office, they at once among themselves agree <br /> upon a plan fcr mana�;ement of the estate which shall be such <br /> plan or arran;em�nt under which eacn will devote about the same <br /> time and effort to ti�e management thereof (which is not intende� <br /> ta in�lu:�e lepal servi�es} as will result in harmonious adminis- <br />, traticn c;� ;,his estate. In all matters calling for decisians cn <br /> the part of t�p Er,ecutors er Trustees, if they cannct agree, <br /> t::e d��isi�:; ;� t',:a r;a�,ority shall prevail, except this shali <br /> rct n_»�c:�z;.de anZr o� t�l? Executors cr trustees frcm requestin� <br /> ti�e ;:cr:trovers�r be sab:;litted to ti:e Probate Court having <br /> .jurisd�.� ,�c;n f„r a de�isic�n, the Frobate �ourt settinc a vim� i�z� <br /> :�ear=��;, ���J��;�, r�ascr;an?e nctice thereof tc a11 Executcrs or <br /> `I':":1Si,E'"S� ?i1i� �i":G C1��1S1.Ci?1S Of i,t`1@ vOUT'L� 11�0?1 rl@c'�T'=.21�; ��c'3:7.� Sn�_�l <br /> L'1@T: tip �:,�.n;i�i1�' '.iT.:�r 3i� O� th@ i,aCeCUtCT'S 07' Trustees 2.ri� �7c`.'C <br /> �he sar.:� e�'ze�t �.s if �hetir rad urani:�ously agreed upon the :;att:.�r. <br /> 91i legal ~�:atters i�� �cn?�ectior- with t;�e estate ar_� trus�s are <br /> ta b� ran�:led ��r ti. J. Lue�s, or Ker.neth H. Elscn of G�and Island, <br />� ��e�ras'_�:a. � <br /> SIX':'�'�r4 m;; <br /> Ii it appears tiZe i:�vc:�� from ts�e assets of �:�1 estate <br /> will not �e nee;�e� fcr ciaims, alministrative, taxes or <br /> other ou_poses and if aut�corized by the Court, tr e devisees <br /> nar,�ed i� �ne S�V:�i;mH and I4IivT?? I:}aT'$gT'BTJF'1S of this i�t`il?, �i t:=ey <br /> ta'�:e thereu�der, shall be entitled to all income frorn the real <br /> estate t�:e�ein sp�ciiically d�vised tc t�e:.1, froin date of my death, <br /> ar.y and al' necessary up�cee� t:ereon, accuring froM and after <br />, rn;T deatn, shall be ci�ar�ed to them, and proper accounting shall <br /> be maue TfTith sucn devisees by my �xecutors should it devolve <br /> upon tnem as part of their duties to collect rentals or pay for <br /> any upkeep. This provision is made to enaole t:".ese d�visees to <br /> receive the beneiits tnerefror: and cemmence the enjoy?nent tha�of <br /> so far as possible i�;tmediately after my deatn. Prepaid taxes <br /> and insuran�e shall nct oe taken into account or charged to these <br /> devisees. Also, com�encing onemonth after my Executors qualify, <br /> and until paymer_ts are commenced by my Trustees to my daughter, <br /> Mary Evelyn Rurup, and to my son, James Webb, Jr. , or either oi ther�, <br /> as hereinabove provided, my Exe�cutors may pay to i�lary Evelyn <br /> Rurup �p100.00 per month and to James Webb, Jr. , :�150.00 per month. <br /> P�Tone of the provisicns of t' paragrapn shall be construed <br /> as mandatory upon my �xecutors. <br /> SEV�NTEEI�TN <br /> The provisions hereinabove made for monthly payments and <br /> other benefits to my daughter, I�Iary Evelyn Rurup, and to my son, <br /> James Webb, Jr. , out of any part of my estate, are conditioned <br /> as� to each separately upon the following: <br /> To the extent permitted by law, neither beneficiary shall <br /> have any power to dispose of or to charge by way of anticipation <br /> any interest given to her or him, and all sums payable to <br /> any beneficiary sha11 be free and clear of her or his debts, <br /> contraets, dispositions, and anticipations, and sha11 riot be <br /> reached or taken, by any legal or; equitable process in satisfaction <br /> thereof. . , <br /> : _ -$- <br />�i , _ . <br /> . _ � <br />