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^�z„.,_ . . . , . ... _:. ....,_ . . <br />'`�.?t� . � . ,4 <br />�� .,. . . . . . . . . <br />... � �� � �tVk��ii 4i��� �/� �►�r �i�Q��1�.�, �#u►a�Nl� � � ���. <br /> ��' �`� N�A.`l"�ER fl�" � ��'I'A`t� ) <br /> �?F �: t��1��i 3�TE�I�'�i�� �AtH�R�°t'���� '�;`AX <br /> � . <br /> C�A.R3.�S �, �P�LLMA�, I��C�A�EI?,) <br /> �To�r on th�.� ��d.�.y b�' �faresY�, 196�., t��.s eae�se ca�n� or� fvr <br /> h�arin� �n tY�� �aeti�;�c�n c�� �Y�e ;�urv3.ei��; widc�w and. �Y�� '�eir�s at ].s.w <br /> for a d�terrninatian o:�' �he �nh�rit�:r�e� �� d�e th� �c�unt�r a�' Hall <br /> and the �tate �s' Nebr�ska up�n t'�� e��at� of' �be d;eceas�d �.nd it <br /> ap��arin� tm the Cc�rar� tha.t �h� Coun�y A'��o�n�s� a�f �i�.11 �c��ra��r, <br /> �Veb�^as�a, Y�as �xecuted � kiaiv�r o�' a natiese tfl �ho�t ��us�s of' the <br /> time and y��.aee Qf' hearicag; �'s�r�rmin�.tis�n of Inh�ri�ance T� ar��. <br /> t��.s enterec� �z vol�r�t�ry �:ppear�.nee a� t�eha2� c�f th� Count�r r�f Ha11 <br /> �n� �t�.te oi' i��: �.r�� it �.��ea.�ir.��; to �ka� Court fro� an sx�nina- <br /> t�on c�a' -�t�e S'�wts t�aat t�is 1'ollo�ing� n�.a��. person� ar� t�s sola and <br /> only h�ir� �,t l��r o#' �Gl�e dec�a.s�d, ta-w�.t; <br /> Linn3 e A. ��aellmar�, �rvivira� wido�r, Do�ipban, k��bra�k�., <br /> �Iar�r �nn Astrc�r�es, dau�hter, �onia�h�rz, ATebrsska, <br /> C�ordon �pellma�, s�n, A�l�na, Nebr�sk�., �.nd. <br /> All@n S�Sellmen, son, t�ilbur, ���braska, <br /> �.nd that each of' said persans h�ve si�;;t�ed s�,id p�t3�tian prayin�; <br /> t?-aai� t?�e C�art deterrnin� the Inheritanee Tax d�te upon tY�� propertg <br /> ai the t�+�,�o€�.sed. <br /> A.nd i� ��pearin�; t� tk�o ;;ourt tY�at the sole �nd �nl�r p�operty <br /> o�' whi.ct� the dec��sed died possess�d we.s �. 19�6 i�-dc�or Pontiae sed�n <br /> o�' the �al�.a� o�' �b��.t}C� anc3 a j�iz�t ��nanc� i�r the f'oliflwin� d�scri.b- <br /> ed real e���tE: <br /> `T'h�.t �art af' Lot �.l�ven (17.) €�� th� Ct�unt �ubdi�isis�tx <br /> o� a part oi the Sc�utl� Ha7:f o�` S�e�iQa �'ive (��, i� Ts�wns��:p <br /> t�ine (9) P�orth, h�.n�;� Nin� (9) West s� the 6�� P.i�. , �no�� <br /> �ar�icul�:r�.�t d�sc�i"b�� �:�a �ollr�ws s F3��inni�� �� � pr�int l�� <br /> f�e�: Saut�h ��' the �ar��e��t corn�r c��' gaid Lc�-t ��.e�re� {11) , <br /> �.r��. �u�n�ri� t�aer�ce r��st, a� �*#.�&t e�gl�s, wi�h th� ea�t line <br /> o� ��i� Lat 11, 14�� feet, tt�e�cs� sc�uthy �t �*�.�b't ���l�s, <br /> 1�3;� ��et; �1a�nes eas�, at �i�ht ar��;l�s, 2(}�� �'�e� �c� �he <br /> e�st 11ne oi" s�,Sd Lc�t �1.; t����e �a�t�i, �lon�, ��id e��� l�.ne, <br /> 193� �'eet ta �hs pl�.�� €�f b��ir�r�ira�, <br /> tt�a� s�aid rea�C e�tat� is I.4e�:t�c2 3.t� t�� v�Ile��;� af 1�nipha�i, �i�abrask�., <br /> and it appearfn� ta �hs Cot�r� t�a� t�ae value af s��.d rea.I e��a�a do�� <br /> na� �xce��d tizs s�m o�' �J�,�(�Q.�1(� e�d th�t t�� d��eassd. hald ��1�1e tc> <br /> the sam�: in �oirat tena�ne� �itY� L�.r�r�ie 1�, �p+�l].�an, �ia surviv�i�� <br /> �rido�r, and it �ppea.i�it�� ta t�e Caur� �hat I,#.nnie -�i, �p+��.�t��, �h� �ur- ' <br /> vi�rin�; wi�.ow, is sn�it3�d �p a� ��it�� ci�d�a��.o� �.n ��d.iti�� '�t� _�a i <br /> _ / <br />