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. . ., ... �..s...._ .. ..::. ._.. ._ . . .�._:. <br /> I,AST WILL aND TESTAMENT OF LTJLU B, LANGJAHR. _ <br /> I, Lu1u Bo Langjahr, being of sound mind and disposing <br /> memory, do make an d publish t his, my last will and testament, in <br /> the manner and form following: <br /> ��'IRST. <br /> I direct my Exec,ztors, hereinafter r:amed, first to pay <br /> a12 of my just debts, expenses of my last illnes�, and burial. <br /> SEC,dND, <br /> I give, devise,and bequeath one-half of al� of my <br /> property, real, pe rsonal, or mixed, where�soever situated, and <br /> whAther now owned by me or hereafter acquired, untc� Rolland C, <br /> �pTc�odr�iff and '�i1l.iam Suhr, in trust, and to their succe�sors in <br /> tr�.�st, until my dauPhte�, I�Iaxine Langjahr, reaches the age of <br /> florty years, and I give, devise, and beaueath the ovh�r one�- <br /> '�alf of all of my property, real, personal, or mixed, wheresoever ;' <br /> situa�ed, and whether now owned by me or hereafter �cGa?red, ' <br /> u.�tc� RoIIQ..nd C. 4Joodruff and �:dilliam Suhr, in trustt ur�.til my <br /> �.�u�;hlter, Mary .To Lar�gjahr, reaches the age o�' for+i,� �S2.A"S' <br /> ur,or the uses and trusts arx3 i or the ��urne.�es fr?1���tain�. `"c� <br /> r�v�j �e, take, h�ld, man�.�e, and con�ra� t��e 4 ame a fro:�. m� <br /> �.eath �.zxitil m� said children reach the a�e of ft�l"'�� vears � as � <br /> ���reinbefore set forth, and in the �dr��7'?ti0:1 0� sa;_d t:^�,�st, <br /> aaid trustees, and �heir successors in trttas�, are authorized <br /> ard emp�wered to se?1 a'! d �onvey any or a11. of the real estate <br /> ca ;�Prsonal praperty o�.rned by me , to lease an�; or all o�' ��� . <br /> �e�l es�ate owned by me,ta bc�rr�w r.acPssar^,� man�.y for ':re �r�p�r. <br /> ��r�i.n�stration of this trus�, a7�1 to cha^ge t:�e trust estate w3_th <br /> �';;e payment thereof; t� sel� �:�� c�r_4�e� �e�scr.�l nropert�; �.,o <br /> ��asonably p�� all taxPs i��h�ch �.a� be l�vied o^ a"s�s�e� ��a:.r.s� <br /> �a��. �rust estate, or any pa�^f ",}.�r�c,f; t�. '•;ee�� al� of ��e <br /> rx�pzrty covered by ti�is trust ir� a �aod state of repa��^ ; t� <br /> r�res��:��Le an.d de�erd a�;� suit or acti�n ;n ��_�rr 'nvc�.19_n�; �,a,-d <br /> -;rust estate, �r any part t;lareof; to pa�l a17_ i�+:�.erj±anne +ax�s� <br /> c�.os�s, and ex�:;enses in ad.,�:?nisterin{� my nstai� .n�. th;.� tx^,��L, <br /> t�� invest and re-i:�vest any survlus mone�rs b�'_on�i.n�, 110 �a�_d �.rust <br /> esuate in interest-bearin� £irst-Tno���a��s, �^.�n�c'_�al or '?nite:� <br /> 7tat�s Governr,ien� bonds, and generall�,- tc d�; ;�.:d rer.rcxr? all a��?. <br /> �v�r,y act and thing whau�opve^ req�is:i te a�?d i�e�eessa^�� t� �� <br /> dcn� o �'or the proper and e conom�cal ad;�rinis urat9.nn ef s a�.d �;ru:�y <br /> es+��ae� <br /> Finall;, on tne first day �f Dec�mber, 19��� sai�. Trustees <br /> s?�:all �eliver to my said �a�aghter, I�iaxine ian�jah^; cr ir� ih� event <br /> c�f her dea�l�, to her ch�lciren, an 1u�d��r� da� one--half ���tere�t in <br /> �nd to all of riy trust esta�e, and on the I12'St da�T of De�ember, <br /> 196L�, s'r�all deliver to my dau�hter, tviar �o La��jah», or �o her <br /> children, if she be deceased, the ot:ner�,�ndivide� one-nalf intcrest <br /> in s�.id trust estate, <br /> In the event either of my daughters should die during the <br /> term of this trust, then if either daughter leaves r.o c�i�d or : <br /> childran survivin�, the share of such daughter is hereby devised <br /> an� bequeathed to my surviving daaghter. <br /> Said Trustees shall use so �much of the income or �rin- <br /> �ipal of the respe ctivz shares as in their judgment ma,; be <br /> n�cessary for the care, sup�ort, and education of eae�� of my <br /> said daughters, <br /> &r ; <br /> .Y <br /> T � `a <br /> -"7.^'s'`L?.'G?..:4Y3�...!z..w.`u'.3. z..Fw-.",€'."�a"G�K�,'-.�'.S'a n�, ..t�.� .`3+�ik';c'•s a:� �� _a� - �. _ �'} '"�` l:n,��`�.�}�$�'.x�.. ....+.:..� ;aW <br />