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or diatribution to a minor, or to a peraon under legal disability, <br /> or to a person not ad�ud�ed incocretent, but w:lo, by reason oP <br /> mental , piiysical or emotional disabilit�, in the ex�cutor's di�- <br /> cretion, s:iall be unable to wisely use suci: pay�ent or distribution, <br /> may be made by t:.e Fxecutor for ti�E direct or indirect uFe or bene- <br /> Pit of sucr� ber.efic�ary in an� one cr r:;ore cf t::F follo�sing xays, <br /> as, in his o�inicn, ahall be rnoat desirable for tnF beneficiary: <br /> (a) directly to tr:� b�:r.��iciar��; (�) to a quallYied legal repre- <br /> arntative of such benePiciary; (c) to so:�e near relative or friFnd <br /> of such beneficiary, Por tiit b:-neficiar;� dur' ng the continuance of <br /> t'r:e disability, ��ritii trr rE;^ainder t:_e.eof to be delivE-red directly <br /> to tne beneficiar;� upon t�rinination oP t?:F• die��i�ity; o^, (d} by <br /> the executor usin� sucn paymEnt for t:_� brn�fit o' s�,cri beneficiary. <br /> All oP eaid powers are to be broadly construe.i, a-�d are to be exer- <br /> cised in the discretion oP the person w�o s4rves as•ator, with- <br /> cut autnorization or arproval of a:��� Co�s^� , if Fit?�:rr oP tr:e two <br /> persona s_r,ecifically nar.:ed in Fara�rarh 3, hereof, is executcr, or <br /> with approval of �ourt, if anyone e1Re serves as e;:ecutor. <br /> 5. I �ive, devise and bequeatn*„� my huabatld, Albert <br /> KoehlE,r, oP Grand Island, Nebra;��.a, if he survives me, an�r real <br /> property w�Lich I rc,a;� own at the ti�:�e or my deat'r�, f�r and durin� <br /> his natural life, with the obli�ation on `�.ir�, during :,i� natural <br /> life, to pay the taxes a.�d asseasments of all kinda thereon, and <br /> to keep the s�e in repair, and to pa;� fire, hail, wir.dstorm, ar:d <br /> other extended covera�e and ordinary :�,zarda, ir. tne amount of its <br /> insurable value witn policy �;ayable to r�v husba.nd and the remainder- <br /> men as t:�eir rE spective i:`crt.�ts ;::a;; ar-Ne�r, a.�d to pay all ot��er <br /> necessary ex�enaes connectea therewith and a:�pertalning.thereto. <br /> At the death oP my said husband, or at my death in the event that <br /> he does not survive me, I �ive, devise and bequeath all of tne said <br /> real estate, absolutely and in fee elrrrple, to my daughter, Jeanette <br /> E. Koehler, of Grand Ialand, Tlebraska. P.1y said daughter ie not now <br /> � , ,,, <br /> page 2 of my Last '.°,'ill and '"estament J� <br /> e. en , oe er <br /> Initials of Witne�sea �,�� ��'�'?�"'.,:�- <br /> � <br /> � <br />