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— <br />�i <br />AFF Ih ^A V I T <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />(ss , <br />COUNTY OF HALL, <br />Emil. F. Roeser, be?n,,-, first duly sworn, upon oath der,nFes an'' <br />says that he is one and the same person as the ?my l- F. Pn s ^r <br />as grantee in the warranty deed recorded in Book 85, at Pa- ?8, <br />in the Office of the Register of Deed -, 'Jal' gnunty, ,'�' ^ras' �, a -1 <br />shower as one of the p-rantors, bei rg the - u.sban' off' Fri e 1a Roes , <br />in the larranty deed" recorder', in Book 85, at Page ?Q, in the Off_.c� <br />of the Register of Deeds, Hall. County, Nehras'ra; t.--Et knows or <br />his own personal knot-,r]-e,17,? it was th intention of t;,,, grantors i_" <br />the warranty deeds referred, to aholr- to convey. to t`� -*n „�c+; <br />of said warranty- deeds the complement to Fractional. ':o- 7i -o � ^' , 4 n <br />Fractional Block Thirty -nine 09), in Charles Wasr -rt s Aa'' '-,i �-- n <br />the City of Grand Island, Nehraslvla, said complezIient bgi n <br />as follows: <br />That part of Fractional Bloc': Twelve (12) , 1 .r iindol rh t <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebra s *,a, <br />taken Fractional Lot Five (5) , in Frac' -oral Fleck <br />Thirty -nine (39), of Charles Wa.- ,merts Adc'i ticn to t ^e <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, will make a full rectangular <br />lot, having a northerly frontage of Fifty -four (51�) feet <br />on John Street in said City of Grand island., �ebrasI­a, and <br />a depth of One hundred Thirty -two (132) feet, <br />notwithstanding that in the warranty deeds referred to above the <br />complement referred to above was erroneously described as ir. <br />"The ?rlesterIv Twenty -six (26) feet of Lot Two (2), and all of Lots <br />Three (3) , Four , (L.) Five (5) , Six (6) , Seven (7) , and i i s-ht (8) , <br />in Block Twelve (121, Windolphts Addition to the City of Grand Tslard, <br />. * *as` surveyed ' and platted ", said Block Twelve (12) in ;hlindolnhts <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, not having; bean <br />surveyed and platted into lots at the time of the execution of sai� <br />warranty deeds. <br />Affiant further' says that he 'kno�,rs of his own personal ','_nowledge <br />it was the 'intention of the grantors in the warranty deeds, referred <br />to above, to conv-v to the ;grantees therein all of the rip t, title, <br />claim and i- nterest of the grantors in and to the real estate described <br />hereinafter, despite the erroneous descriptions shown in the warranty <br />deeds,, to -wit: <br />That part of Fractional Block Twelve (12), in ?-,Iindol.phts <br />.:udstion which taken with Fractional Lot Five ('5), in <br />Fractional Block Thirty -nine (39), of ChaAes Wasmerts <br />Addition will make a full rectangular lot, having_ a <br />northerly frontage of Fifty-four (5L) feet or John Street, <br />it -d City ,, ";: and a depth of One Hundred Thirty -two (132 ) <br />feet; "both . "Auditions being Additions to the City of Grand <br />Island," Nebraska.' <br />F,urther,affant sayeth not, <br />ft <br />" M <br />q gribe d .in my presence; and sworn to "before me this 24th day <br />195. <br />�p . -' { <br />�c► <br />1� <t= Notary Public <br />p� � c ©rd f detober 2, 1 at 1.3 ©P T� �, Reister� of Deeds,, <br />J 4 <br />a *_ <br />Hall Go 4nt <br />o y, <br />