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�_`�' <br /> WILL AND DE�CRE� �.ECORD No. 10 <br /> 38892-THEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLAND.NEBR. � � � <br /> IT IS, THEREF�RE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED ANb DECREED by the �ou�rt that the So�th �ial.f of' Lot Five in Block Sixty-five <br /> in the original town, noW �itp, of Grand Islatrd, Nebraaka passed and deseended to Otto Eggers and H�nry Eggers in equal <br /> sbares and the same ia awarded to them. <br /> IT IS F�JRTH�R ORDERED, ADJITDGED A1�D DECREED by the co�rt that Lots Une and Two in Block Seveaty-fcur in the <br /> orfginal tc�wt�, aow city, of Grand Island, Nebraska, passed and deacended to Otto Egger: in abselt�te title and the same <br /> is awarded tu him. <br /> IT IS FURTFiER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by tbe conrt that the balance remaining aa hand at the ti�e a�f filing <br /> said report, to-Witt $5,402.22, passed a�d descended to Otto Eggers and Her�ry Eggers in equal shares to each. <br /> The cot�rt further finds that the estate of Mary Eggers, deceased, wa$ sub�ect tb the payment of inheritanEe tax, <br /> that the snm+ of $2�4.46 Was chargeable to Otto Eggera sttd the s�n of �151.96 was char�eable to Henry E�gera; that said <br /> inherftance tax has bee� paid 3.n full and receipt ��ereof has been filed with this conrt. <br /> THE CUURT FURTHER FINAS that the said e�tate is not subject to inheritance ta�c arider the 1aNa of the Statesof <br />` the United States. <br /> The conrt further finds that the balance on hand, to�+it: $5,4U�.22 shotil.d b� di�tribat�d between the said Otto <br /> E�ger$ and Henry Eggers and receipts filed with the co�rt tlaerefor. <br /> IT IS, THEREF�RE, URDERED, ADJUDGED AND DBCREED by the coart that a11 clai�s a�ainat said estate, ftu�erai= ee��ccpense, <br /> the ezpenses of the last illness, court costs and attorney fees have been paid a� there remains nothin� fmr the eaecutors <br /> to do except to file the reeeipts for the distrib�tion, as abovc aet forth. <br /> IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDCED AND DECREED by the ceurt that the Final Report of atto Eggers acid Henry Eg�ers, <br /> executors, be and hereby is approved; that th+e said estate is clused and �ettled and their bond released and said <br /> exeeuters dischar�ed. <br /> Charles Bossert <br /> courrry Jc�cE <br /> In the County Court of Hall Co�antp, Nebras�a <br /> Certificate <br /> STATE OF NEBRA�KA� ) <br /> ) ss. I, Charles Boasert Connty Jt�dge of Hall Conntq, Nebraska, do hereby certifT that I have com- <br /> AALL COUNTY ) pared the foregofng copy cf Last Will ax�d Testament, Certificate of Probate and F'inal Decr�e - <br /> IN TI� MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MA�tTt EGGERS, DECEA3LD, with the uri�inal record thereof, nc�ai <br /> remaining in safd Court, that the aame is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that <br /> safd Cu�rt is a Cunrt of Record havfng a seal, �rhich seal is hereto attached; t�eat �aid Gourt has no Clerk aut�oriaed to <br /> aign certiticates in his own na�te, aad that I am th� le�al custodisn of said Seal and of the Recmrds of said Cotirt, and <br /> that the fore�oing attestation is in dt�e form of law, <br /> IN TF,�STIMONY W�REOF I have hereunto set �p* hand and affix�d tt�e seal of the Co�nty Court, at Grand Island, this <br /> 3rd .day of Febrnarp, 1951, <br /> (SEAL) �harlea Bossert <br /> cow�ty J�d�e. <br /> Filed for record this 5 day of February 1951, at 9:30 o�ciocic A.M. � <br /> ��,.��. <br /> /"�P� Register of Deed: <br /> o—o—o—o—o.-o—o—c�—o-o—oo—o—o—a.o—a-o—c�-o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—ca�—c�—a—c�-c�--o—o—o—o—ao—c�—a-c��—o—o—c�—a-Q—c�—o—o—o—u—cs-o—o—o—o—c� <br /> FINAL DECREE <br /> IN THE .COttNTY COURT OF HALL COtINTY, IQEBRASKA <br /> IN THE MATTER �F THE } <br /> ) <br /> FSTATE OF ANDREW V. BOSLER, ) FIATAL DECREE <br /> ) <br /> DECEASED ) <br /> Nc3x on this 20th day of Daccmber, 1950, _this eanse c�me on to be heard o� the Fina1 Report of GrAnd Ialarni Tru�at � <br /> Cc�pany, Adminiatrator, and the Court, after having exa�iaed the records and Piles in thia cat�se, finds t�at �mtiee of <br /> the time Pixed for hearing upon said Final Report has been giren in the manner sad form prc�rided b� lawr, and t�a� there " <br /> a�� no objeetions on file. <br /> Ncrw the Cot�rt, bein� fully advised in the pre�, finds that said Finsl Report ia in a11 tbin;s tr�t� ued earrect; <br /> thst the Administrator has therein accounted for all the goos atxi asset: that have cc�e into ita pos�easion, and thst it <br /> has obeyed the orders of this Court, and has converted the peraonal property into caah. <br /> IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGE� AND DECREED by the Court that said Final Report be and the sase ia benb�' <br /> approved and confirmed. <br /> The Cor�rt further finds that notice has been given of the time fixed for filing elaims in the manner x� t�r! �v- <br /> vided by law, and that all claims on file have been paid in full. <br /> IT IS, Tf�REFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND D$CREED by the Court that sll claims against ssid estate �aot r�a�r �`i f�e be <br /> I and the same are herebp forever barred. � <br /> The Court further finds that the expenses of the last illness and funeral expenses have bee� paid f� full; that the <br />� estate was not svbject to Federal Estate Tax or the State Ir��ritance Tauc, the gross valne of th� estatt being leas than <br /> Ten Thousand Dallars. <br /> The Cunrt further finds that there re�aain� on hand ita the possassioe ot' the Administratc►r ft� �f�tribution the suet <br /> of $64$8.83, and the Administrator is hereby ordered to pay froat said $w�n the court costa i� �I�If �� of �5?.�0, the <br /> statt�tory administrator�s fee in the scun of �174.04, and to Harold A. Prince, as attorue� f� t�� tstate, the staa of <br /> $370.00. <br /> The Court further finds that upon pa.yment of said sums, there will remain fvr disCribution the atna of SS89i.79. <br /> The Cowrt further f9.rids that AndreW V. ;�p,sler, who is ane and the same person as Valentitte 8caler, died cn thc <br /> 25th day af Dece�ber, 1950, in Hall Coczr�ty, Nebras��; that he was a citizen and residettt ef Hall Conntp, Nebraska, �t <br /> the t3me of his death and that this court has jurisdictio�. <br /> The Court further finds that the said AadreM V. Bosler died intestate, that he had n��er been married, left no <br /> �id�r or child or children, hi� surviving; that his sole and onl� heirs at law were and are as follawa: Frar�k Bosler, <br /> brother; Marie Huch�,r, aister; P'annie Rca�bach, siatar; and Genevieve F'n11er, sister; Joseph Bo�ler, ae�ew; �cse <br /> Robinscn aad Violet Hc�es, nieces; the �aid nepheas and r�ieces bein� the children of Joseph Bos�er, a brother �rE�a pre- <br /> d+eCeased the said Andre� V. Bosler. <br />