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��� <br /> WILL AND DECREE RECORD <br /> 28U81—The Auguatine Co., Grand Ialand, Nebr. <br /> VTILL AND DECREE - � <br /> � <br /> IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CLAY COUNTY, NE�BRASKA �r <br /> In the Matter of the Estate ) <br /> o� ) FINAL DECREE. - � <br /> Corydon Fremont Glazier, Deceased. ) ` <br /> Now on this 16th day of -September, 1932, this matter comes on for hearing on the petition of <br /> , <br /> M J R� n executora of <br /> the wil� and estate of said decease�. ra in <br /> Fremont C. Gl�zier, and . . ga , � p Y � <br /> f'or the allowance of their account filed, and for their discharge from said truat. The court <br /> finds that all oP the interested parties are -bef ore the court3 and that the court has ,�uriadiction <br /> over the interested parties and of the sub�ect matter of this proceeding. <br /> The matter comes on for hearin� upon said petition, and the evidenee, a nd the court bein� fully <br /> advised in the matter finds: � <br /> That Corydon Fremont Glazier departed this life on the 29th day of January, 1932, in Lincoln, <br /> � Lancaster County, Nebraska, ��hile temporaxily residing therein; that at the time of his death <br /> he �ras a reaident of Clay C�unty, Nebraska, and had been for many years prior thereto; that said <br /> deceased Zeft him surviving as his sole heirs at law, next of kin and the only persons interested. <br /> in his estate, his three children, to-wit : Mildred GJ.azier Ebert �,nd Mamie Glazier Regan, daughtera, <br /> and Fremont C. Glazier, a son, all of whom are of legal age; that he left no widow, nor any other <br /> child or children, nor the child or children of any deceased child him surviving; that on the 9th <br /> day of FebruaryT, 1932, Mildred Glazier Ebert and Mamie Glazier Rega n filed in this court a petition <br /> asking f or the probate of an inatrument which they alleged to be the � last will and testament of <br /> said deceased; that due notice was given of the time and place of hea,ring on said petition, and on <br /> the 29th day of February, 1932, this court found said instrument to be the last will a.nd testament <br /> of said deceased, and it wc�s duly prabated; that on that da�e Fremont C. Glazier and M. J. R�gan <br /> were du�y appoint�d executors of said last will and testament, and on March 2nd, 1932, qualified <br /> as such and have been acting in that capacity since; that said deceased died seized of no real <br /> estate, havin� transferred the same in his lifetime; that the estate coneisted of personal property <br /> in the form of promissory notea, given by the son and daughters of said deceased, which hav� been <br /> fu11.y settled and satisfied among themselves, and the receipt of each of said heira f inding that <br /> the matter has been fully and amicably settled between them, has been filed in �his court; that all <br /> clair�s allowed against �aid estate h�ve been paid, also all of the funeral expenses of said de- <br /> ceased, and the cos�s of administering the estate. <br /> The court further finds that there is no inheritance tax due in this estate, or any part thereof, <br /> on account of the value of the estate going to eaeh of said heirs and legatees being less than the <br /> amount exempt to them by law; that nothing further remains to be done by said executors and they ;- - <br /> discharged. <br /> IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND D�CREED BY THE COURT: <br /> l. That the report of said executors be and the same ia hereby in� all things approved as <br /> their final re�aort. <br /> 2. �hat no funds are shown to be in their hands, save and except one note, si�i�ed by G. W. , <br /> Klahn, for �135.00, and by agreement of' the interested, said note is assigned to M. J. <br /> Regan for the purpose of collection, and when collected, the proceeds to be div3ded equally <br /> between the three children. " <br /> 3. That said executora- should be and they are hereby discharged and their letters te�tamentary <br /> are hereby cancelled and annulled. � <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be aPfixed the seal of my court <br /> �t Clay Center, NeUraska, the day and year first herein written. <br /> �Henr�, Vauck <br /> ( sea,l) County Judge <br /> ' LAST '�1TLL AND TESTAMENT <br /> OF <br />, CORYDON FREMOPIT GLAZIER <br /> I, Corydon Fremont Glazier, now residing in Pdgar, Clay County, Nebraska, being of sound m�nd <br /> and memory, b�t mindful of the uncertainties of this mortal life, do make, publigh and dec].are <br /> the fo�loti,ring to be last will and testament. <br /> 1. <br /> I direct that all my ,�ust debts, the� expenses of my last sicknesa, my funeral charges and the <br /> coat of adm�.nistering my est�.te be paid from the personal pro�erty of which I may die poasessed. <br /> 2. _ <br /> I have heretofore made and executed deeds to the real estate of which I am seized. The real <br /> estate I own in the city of Edgar, Clay County, Nebraska, I have conveyed by deed to my beloved <br /> daughter M�.ldred Glazier Pbert, and the real estate I own in the city of Hebron, �hayer County, <br /> Nebraska, and also the real estate I otrrn in the city of �oniphan, Hall County, Nebraska, I have <br /> by deed conveyed to my beloved daughter Mam3e Glazier Regan. It is my wish, and I so declare, <br /> and I hereby give, devise and bequeath said propertieg to my beloved children as named above in <br /> the ahare and part a� named in said deeds, and I wish that the deeds so made, and now in my <br /> safe�ty box, b� dellvered to them and be by them recorded after my death. <br /> 3• <br /> All the household goods and furniture in my home in Edgar, Nebraska, I give and bequeath to <br /> my beloved daughter Mildred Glazier �b�rt, to be hers abso�utely, �xcept : <br /> 1 Wa1 rnzt pede stal mirror <br /> 1 Hand-painted picture and <br /> My Walnut bedstead and feather mat�ress <br /> which I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Mamie Glazier Regan, to be thEirs ab�olutely. <br /> �. <br /> All the rest, balance, resldue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal and Uahere- <br />