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��� � <br /> � <br /> NO. 9 HALL COUNTY �`'�a" �� o <br /> ; ,� <br /> � .� <br /> r" <br /> claims filed against said estate and all debts of the ciec��sed been fully paid and that all <br /> �ersons having unfiled cl�.ims against said estate, if any there be, are Porever barred and <br /> precluded from making claim thereon; that all costs �.nd expenses of administration have been fully <br /> T�aid; tha.t said estate and tne succession thereto are not sub,ject to any inheritance tax under <br /> the laws of �?ebrask�.. <br /> The court further finds from the evidence adduced that Gustav Thavenet died intestate on <br /> January 16, 1947, a, resident of said Hall County a.nd left him surviving as his sole and only heirs <br /> _ at law, his widow, T�eta Thavenet, and the following nar�ed children, all over twenty-one of <br /> age at his death: �'ohn G. Thavenet, Ma�le Thavenet, Alta T. Dodge, Delma T. Da.hlman, Blanche Tagge <br /> and Arthur H. Thavenet. That the deceased was also known as Gustave Thavenet and that they were one <br /> and tne same person; th�t the real estate hereinafter descri-bed passed and descended under t.he <br /> statutes of descent of Nebra,ska to said T�vido?a and children as tenants in common sub� ect onl to a <br /> J Y <br /> in the sum of �1700.00 held by Arthur H. Thavenet anc� the homestead estate of the widoTa in <br /> the following proportions � one-third interest to sa_id u�idow and a one-ninth interest to eacn of said <br /> six children a.bove named. Finds tnat the estate has been fully administered and should be closed <br /> and the a.c�ministratrix should be discha,rged and her bond relea.sed. <br /> IT IS THEREFORE CONSIDERED, ADJUDGEU AND DECRE�D: by the court - that the final �ccount and <br /> ren�rt of Meta Thavenet, administra.trix of the deceased be and it is hereby a.pproved and allowed; <br /> that all debts a.nd claims a. ainst the deceased or his estate been f ull aid• th�.t all exn <br /> � y p , enses <br /> and costs of administration of said estate have been fully vaid; that said estate is not sub,ject to <br /> any inherit�.nce ta.x �ander the laws of Nebraska or to an y estate tax; that all debts or claims against <br /> said estate, if any thPre be, not filed or �llowed against said estate, are forever barred a,nd <br /> precluded.; that t'�e dece�.sed �tiras also kno�frn as Gustave Thavenet; tha.t deceased died seized in fee <br /> sim le of the East three acres of Northwest Quarter of NorthTJest Quarter or' Northwest Quarter <br /> (NT�T�NW�N'�?4) of Section Tsaenty-seven ( "c7) in ToTnmship Eleven (11) North of Range Nine (9) Z�est of <br /> the 6th P.M. , m o r e �a r t i c u l a r l y d e a e r i b e d a s f o l l ow s: c o m m e n c i n g a t t h e N o r t h e a s t c o r n e r o f t h e <br /> NZ+J� NW� Nti+l4 of said Sec�ion 27; running thence ��rest 1? rods ; thence South paral.lel �aith the west <br /> line. of said section for 40 rods; thence East thence East, parallel with the North line of said (n�ge2 <br /> SPCtion a c�istance of 12 rods; thence North, parallel�ai�h the t�Jest line of s�.id Section �0 rods to <br /> the pl�.ce of beginning, excepting therefrom a. rectangul�.r tra.ct containing about oP <br /> an �.cre, being 12 r�ods East and '�lest and 10 rods North ancl South, having for its South bounda.ry the <br /> South line of the t�ree acre tract above described which said three-quarters of an acre was heretofore <br /> conveyed by the deceased a.nd said ?��Ieta Thavenet to Arthur H. Thavenet sub�ject only to �, mort�age now <br /> held by Arthur H. Thavenet in the �rincipal sum of �1700.00 and a private right of way conveyed to <br /> Arthur H. Tha,venet on the ��Test side of tne 2� acre tract oP Tatlictl tne deceased died seized; that the <br /> deceased died intest�te and left as nis sole and only heirs at law .�iis taidow, Meta Thavenet and <br /> his children John G. Thavenet, Mable Th�.venet, Alta T. Dodge, Delma T. Dahlman, Bla,nche Tagge and <br /> Arthur H. Thavenet and tna,t said rea.l estate a.bove described ownec� by the deceased at his death <br /> passed and descended under the statutes of descent of iJebraska to said tvidow and children above <br /> named in the following proportions - a one-tnird interest therein to Meta Thavenet and a one - ninth <br /> interest therein to each of six children above as tenants in common and the same is so <br /> allotted to them; tha.t the estate has been fully adr�inistered and is hereby settled a,nd closed �,nd <br /> the administr�trix is dischar ged of her trust a.nd her bond released and discha.rged. <br /> Charles Bossert <br /> Judge. <br /> IN THE COUNT`�' COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> � CERTIFIC4TE <br /> ST.9iE OF IVEBRASKA) <br /> ss. I, Ch�.rles Bossert Countv Juc�ge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certify <br /> HALL COUNTY ) that I have comp�red tne foregoing copy of Final Decree entered IN THE <br /> MATTER OF THF FSTA�'E OF GUSTAV THAVFNFT, DECEASED, witn tne original record <br /> thereof, no!a remaining in s�id Court, that the is a correct transcript thereoP, and of the �A�hole <br /> of such original record; tn�.t said Court is a Court of Record having a. seal, which seal is hereto <br /> �tta.ched; that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his o��►n, and that I am <br /> the le��l custodia.n of said Seal �nd of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attest�.tion <br /> is in due for� of la.w. <br /> IN TESTIr�ONY ��JHFREOF I have hereunto set my hand a.nd affixed the seal of the County Court, <br /> at Grand Island, this 17th da,y of r�Iarch, 19�!�. <br /> Charles Bossert <br />� ( SEAL) County Juc��e. <br /> F'iled for record the 17 day of Ma.rch, 194� at 4: 45 0 ' clock P. M. �.� � � <br /> Register o ee s. <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-< <br /> �.�ILL AND DECREE h <br /> LAST ��IILL AND TESTAMENT, IN T�E NAb��' OF GOD, APdEN <br /> I, ?ailliam ?d. Rank, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do herevy make, r�ublish and <br /> declare this instrument to be my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking any and all former Wills <br /> by me made, in manner and form follo�aing, that is to say: <br /> 1. <br /> I direct my executor, hereinafter named, to pay all of my ,just debts including that of my <br /> last sickness and burial so soon as is reasonably c-onvenient after my demise. <br /> _ 2. <br /> I �;ive, devise and beaueath unto my beloved children, May Kahlor, Louisa patno, Loretta Lange <br /> and Oscar Ediaa.rd Rank, all of my property, both real and personal, equally, share and share alike, <br /> �to be theirs absolutely in fee sim�le title. <br /> 3• <br /> I hereby direct tna.t my beloved son, Oscar Ed��rard Ra,nk, be n�med as executor of this my <br /> Last Will and Testament , and tha.t he be allowed to serve �aithout �iving bnnd, and further reaue�t that <br /> he mploy as his a.ttorney Lloyd ?4. Kelly, of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> Sn ��itness whPreof I have hereunto set my hand this 24th dayo uf October, 1�44. <br /> Evelyn Hayes railliam ��T. Rank <br /> tness. <br /> estator. <br /> LlOyd ��. Kelly <br /> tneas. <br /> �� <br />