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�,...__._.�__—__. ____ �� . . _ _� . <br /> � . <br /> . <br />� <br /> Deec� ��.eco rc�. . <br /> FR01I <br />� FILED FOR RF.CORD and entered on Numerical Index this......._,.._ � .............................. <br /> �I Union Paeifie Railway Company , ....... aay <br />' �+ To of..........__..__.(IG;E'�.-_._. .. ....A.D.18 � at_.._..._.��.......o'clo k and_ ��_.. - �minntes__�.M. <br /> i <br /> �� <br /> f� � � � � <br /> � � � / ; <br /> , ,.......,...... ......... <br /> ..... .. ... ............ ...._ ......... ....................................... <br /> ........... <br /> !s _ :�/,�l/'�,(....%�..1'-'✓..,`�.,........ ..........._ y , _ <br />' �� . Count Glerl.. <br /> , <br /> ;� <br /> �I B , <br /> ,� �......... .. .. ................................................................ ./_�� ............ ................. <br /> ii _.._..._ _ ___ ___ ___..___._.......-- .._._.._ ................_......_..........._........._._............. Deputy. <br /> �; <br /> �� THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. <br /> �! II1�7.�OhT DZVISIOI�T.—��TEBRASI�A. Deecl No.....�..�2..�.��.. <br /> 'i <br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COiliPANY, which is a Corporation formed and esieting by the consolidation of the <br /> �; KANSAB YACIFIO I�AILWAY CUNIYANY�the 1)L�'NVER P.tiCIF1C iZAII.WAY AND TTLICC}xAPH CO:VIPANY� nnd the UNION PAQIFIO RAILEOAD COMPANY� under t}l0 corporats name and 8ty18 Of the <br /> !� UNION PACIFIC RAIL�i'�Y COSIPANY, by anthority of�un�ct of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the conetruction of a railroad and telegra,ph line from the Missouri Biver to the Pacific � <br /> Ocean,and to secure to the Government the use of the sa�me for postal, military an3 other purposes,"approved Jaly 1, 18G2, and acts amendatory thereoF, which t�aid Company has sneceeded to and <br /> ;i become seizeci und posseased of all the real estate a�ud property of the said constitnent companies, whetner real,personal or miaed, and, among other things,of all the land granted to said Uxlox I <br />� i� PACIFIO KAILROAD CO�PANY by bh0 afOTC9aid aCt9 O,y�f.Congress, i�id of the construction of its mad,irot conveyed$way by said Company at the dute of ench consolidation(to wit, January 24, 1880), <br />, I� in consideration of the snm of � �,�/� "�/ � ,a� � <br />,. _._.... .. --__ ._�-!�'�L.._.�`�✓IiG�'✓_L��.iG�E�L.......��✓i G�_..... s✓�-��..."✓�' ......��lr.�..� -_. ..... _.. . .......... ............... ..............................Dollars, <br /> v <br /> ..... ............ ........ ....... <br /> � ,� ' �- ^/ <br />� to it paid, the receipt of which ie hereby acknovaledged, doth hereby GxexT, BARanix, SsLL ANn CoxQi�Y, n to .._ .__ . ���........ . ...... .. .. ........... <br /> Z <br /> �, � �/ � �� ; . <br /> ;1 ....... . ...... _.... . .... _...... ... . ............. .............................oftheCountyof.......................,-l/c`..:%✓.✓....�.... ..............inthe St teof.........................��'�_�f�../�.✓.t.�.:'✓.�.............................._........ <br /> t! <br /> ; the following described lteal Estate,situate, lying andbeing in the County of Hall $nd in the State of Nebrask�,and described as fo21ow4,to wit:...................................................................................................... <br /> n <br />. � <br /> � <br /> � , . .................... ................ ..... ... <br /> _. __ . _ _ - ,.... _... <br /> _..---�--- ------. ...... <br /> ................................. ... <br /> � � � � � �- y� �r <br /> ,_. _ _.... .. , <br /> , ...,... .... ,..........�............................................... <br /> I� __. _.__ /..:�i-�.. /��✓t/K'��'v �iG-.�� .U� ../���/1-Q-...../'/./G:�� �.GL/!l',.1..G,�Ir..G_.Gti�:GP.I.Lr.... .�y'(�.-���2U��/ <br /> � ___ � .....� .. . ....-•................................................................................................... <br /> � � � � �� <br />, �. <br /> v <br /> �� ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> ..... �- --.... _ ...._.__.._ _...__ -.... _.. ..... .._ . . ....... .............. .............................................. ........... .. <br /> — -.. ...... ........................................................................... ....................................................... <br /> �i <br /> ...... .................................................... <br />, ,j --�---�-- ------ ---- - - --- -- -- -- ------ -- ---- -- -- -- --- -- --------•- ----------�--- ---�-��-�-- -�--�----�-�---�------��-- --�------�-��-�--�-...---•........................ <br />, ...............�-----�------•--..........------�--...-•--._...---....--�•--�-��---------°•--�--�-----.. <br /> (� , <br /> , <br /> •--------------------------�--�--- -�-�---------- -_.---�-- ...- --�-� ._...---...------- I <br /> � <br /> ,� ........................................................v,.�........._.,............................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................. ._..................... . .......................................................... <br /> r.. ..... . <br /> .... <br /> ;� �,�� � � � , � � "�"� <br /> r; of Section No............ ... ..�!✓_....✓. :d..�!_-.'�..✓u?�.�Z Townal�ip No.............. ....��.......�1��..................North�pf Range No...........��ct��l�r.........�//.....•,:�r.f,l..�4;.of the 6th Izrineipsl ' <br /> � Meridian, containing according to ��he United States suraec thereof....................... .............................. /'�.. .,� � <br /> . .......V ti ✓'�✓........ .:J.�..� .......................................................................................................Acrea, more or <br /> �I � � / ' <br /> ii less, being the same premises contracted to be sold to........... �L.L�.��� �L�,l��,�.��l... ContTac�'�'No.,�.....L�L�.�.. ...(..,..."..................... ........... <br /> , `� , d <br /> � � l <br /> ... <br /> d�ted ..................................................:........................ ..... ....... ........ .......�.Cl/�.✓�ir........� .`�...y. .��Q.�........................... i <br /> I ........................................................................................................................................................ <br /> � <br />�. y _..............._...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,.............................,.......................... ��� <br /> ,o <br /> j _._. ........_ . . .. ....... _. ....._.. . .......... ........... ................................ ... ........ ............ .... .. . .. � .......................... ......... . ... ... ..............................,. <br /> i i. II To Have snd to Hold the�aid premises with all the rights and appnrtenances therennto belon�ing nnto the said grantee,,,,,,,,.i�,�,f,�.,.__,..._heirs and assigne forever,and the eaid grantor <br /> � doth hereby covenant with tbe said grantee, tbat at tbe making of this instrument it ie well aeiaad of the s�jd premises as of a goud and indefe�sible eatate in fee, �nd ha�th good right to sell and eon- <br /> j� veq the same, and that it will�V�a�tnrT and D�FENn the title to said premises unto the s:�id�rantee,..._��,....,....l�eirs a�nd asaigns forever againat the lawful claims of ali peraona whomsoever. <br /> /�J J � <br /> �� Excepting, However,all t�xes and assessments levied upon said premises since .............. /!�� �__ ,,, �� ...,..,,.and exeept against any elaima or incum- <br /> L Ct,�L-ri.�2__-Z �� • <br /> ��� � �,% <br />, �I branceAivn wx Rsns,�sa d�UxioxhPnc�io RaIIZxonn�CO�rnxY did on th :cteenth�ril A�.�is67,���... ......m . %?✓'�- ..4ucrr�r8,heirs or assigns or any of them <br /> � execute and deliver to Cyrus H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,and John Dnff,oi the City of Bos <br /> ton,a certain Mortgage lleed of that date,wherein said Company conveve�to the id Cyrus H.McCormick and John Duff,as 1'rnstees,tor the nses attd purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands�here�nbefore �! <br /> � described; Axn WxESFAS,the said Cyrus H.McCormick did on the twenty-eiglith day oP June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Truatee under�said mortgage deed,whiuh ' <br /> resignation was on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1s73,accepted by the Uxiox PaciFic RniLROnn CoMpnxY by its Board oP Directors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in tha City of Boston and Btate of�lrlassa- �I <br /> � chusetts; Axn'WaNxFas,on the fifteenth day of October,A,ll.iS73, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the 3ta�te o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff,as successor to said�Cyrus H. <br /> MeCormick,which nominatiou was,on the same day,�pprove.d by the Board of Directors of the said Uxzox PnCiNZC Rnir.xoan CoMraxY; ANV Wx�RFws,by such nomination and approval said Frederick L.Amea did, <br /> I� upon his acceptance thereoP,thereafter Uecome vested with the =ame estates,powers,rights and interests,and cliar�ed with tlie same duties and responsibilities,as if he had been one of the ori�inal Trustees named in and � <br /> i executing,said Mortgage.Deed; Axn WxF2��as,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day oE October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the same � <br /> � in such uew Trustee �omtly with him, the said John Duff; Axn Wx.Fx�as, tlle said John Duff did, on the fourteenth day of February, A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument oP writing to that effect, re- <br /> sign his piace as Tru�tee under said Mortga�ge Deed, wtzich resignation was, oa the fout�teenth day of February, A. D, ]s77, accepted by the UNION PAC[FIC �AILAOAD ('iOMPANY� by the EXP.CUt1Y8 <br /> ! Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that dap in the City of Boston,and 8tate oY Massachusetts• Axn Wr[FxEns,on t}�e second day of July,1889 the Union'Prust Company of New York,was J <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,rrederick 1,.Ames,as successor to said John lluff,which nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of Juiy7 1889;approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Direetors of the ? <br />�,,"' jI said Uxiox PaciFic RaiLwaY ComrnxY; and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a�deed on the thirteenth day of July,1s89,vestuig m the said Umon'Crnst Company of New York,the estates, powers, rights and in- <br /> ! terests created by said Mortga�e Deed jointly with the said Frederick L.Ames; Axn WaEREns,the said Union Trust Company of New York si�nified its aeceptance of said trust, by signing said deed;Axn WsFSEns, � <br /> 3< i� the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the flfteenth day oY July,iSS�,by a proper uistrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Moi�tgage Deed,which resignation was,on the sixteenth da,y oC `, <br /> �� July,1889, the Uxzox PnciFZC RaiLw��Y COMPANY,by the Executive Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meetmg thereof,held on that day in the City of Boston, and State of Massachusetts; Axii <br /> z� WxExEas,no nommation of a snccessor,to fill the vacancy,caused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said Unfon Trust Company ot New York became and now ix the sole Truatee under <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867. <br /> �j AND wHERF.A9�The said Uxiox PaczFic lteir.xonn Con2r.�xY did,on the eighteenth day oE December,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the Uxiox T$usm CoazraxY oF N�w Yonx a Mortga�e Deed j <br /> a wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore deseribed; Axn WHEREA9� the saad Uxiox <br />, PACxFic Rnzr.waY ComrnxY,with the consent of the Union Trust Company of�1 ew Yor�,sole Trustee under the Mortga�ge Deed of the sicteenth day of April,A.D. 1867, and Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the <br /> eighteenth day oP December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbeYore described,unto the said grantee,.for and m consideration o1 the sum aforesaid, to the Union YaCific Railway <br /> Company in hand paid by the said grantee,which said sum af money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company oE New York,in its capacity as Trustee,#or the nses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of <br /> the sixteenth day oP April,1867,and oP the eighteenth day of December, 1873. � <br /> ' Now Therefore, d�NOw nr.L MEN BY TAESE PBE9ENT8�Tll&t the e&id UNION T&UST COMPAATY OF NEW YOEg,Trastee in the aforesmid Mortgage Deeds,in consideration of the aforesaid <br /> II premisea and the ptiyment as aforesaid of said aum,so paid by said Itaiiway Company tA said Trust Comp�ny for the uses and pnrposes aforesaid,doea hereby R�nsiaE,R�L�AS�and forever QUiT-CLAi� � <br />-` (� unto the said _.. . _,.... � ,/ � � � <br />� ,: _.... _ .__. __....__... __. _.... _....�,��,iCrti"✓�.....,....�!..�/'c.� .._....._ ...... ...... ..... ... ..................... ............. � <br /> ..... ........ ........ .... . .. .. <br /> ( the Real Est�te deseribed afo��esaid, to be helci by tt�e said grnntee tree and exemQt from all liens, ineumbrances and eharges ot said Mortgage Deeds, of the aixteenth day of April, 1867, and of the <br /> eigliteemh day of December, 1873, but suhject, how r, 1 tl�e reservationa and ronditions hereinbefore contained. <br /> 'VCE OF WAY COMPANY, l�ath <br /> i � »IN PRESE. In Witness Whereot, the grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC BAII. <br /> ` � � � �� '' caused these presente tn be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be signed by its President ': �; <br /> I ��� �°� �� I �� attested by its Secretary, and conntersigned by ita I.and Commiasioner and its Auditor, and : o ° <br /> .._ _ � .`��-�'['L�"'�.'.... .__......._.. . . / ' . z� <br /> /` said Uxiox T$veT CoMrnxY oF Nsw Yo$g, Trustee, ttnder the said Mortgage Deeds, •� � <br /> f /x' �, ° �� `� of the siateenth da of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth da�y of December,���73 hath � . � <br />:, ����? ��j�� ���,�-� � cattsed these presents�o be seal�d�vitJi its cor�p/orate seal, and to pe si n d by i`E�`�'resident,��7�-��.a. � � <br /> i <br />� /�. � r,,..Q��r�.o%o��,rUy��L`���v�wt�ic�L >-�, l -�icu�.�f C,�.-r� �✓z�� �.r.0 1r°vc�+.EG cy°�n � � <br /> � � th19 i0 � o �%�/ �+zA�.� <br />� <br /> , r .... ..... ..�/,.11ff' ... . . ............. 9 ...........� ,�r�'f,E�+..^..��. .fi.�,.....................A.�D. 18..�4..-r'/....... �a <br /> � � <br />, : <br />� Attest:.... � .....Secretar .. � E� � <br /> ��� `�������"���- �� THE UNION PAC FIC RAILWAY COMPANY, A �. <br />� IN PRESENCE OF � �� ' �/�,� �� w � � <br /> � <br /> , � , � � �� � <br />,. � `� n � v �' 1 B�_• � �, � � <br />� � (�i� � •----. . �... ,:�.c��G..l./'f.Jl. �.,�............................... .. ..President. � � <br /> � .... .. W � � <br /> �� � i , ,� <br /> .........�.C. ..✓ �.,.... ..��f��^'' � '�` ' � � <br />' —,., ������ ��-� ���� ��`�� w�' �'j UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTET, F c <br /> , � ��^✓� � '_/ . �'` L"� � , �� <br />, ' ; ; �f� z C� . <br /> I _........--- ..r. . .. . �����L ..... . ..... .. .�- B �-----............ � . <br /> Y ,��iL�...�.�_.��.._.. ... . _.. U�,-President. � ; ` <br /> � � � <br />�; STA`rE OF 1�IASSACHUS � <br /> - ss. <br />- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. y; � �.- , <br />�� � Be it Remembered, Thtut on this..............�.�/�"'�/'i/✓�..�„�1���.......�a of........ ��� �1�. � '�' <br /> �, • ... Y ..... ..................................................A. D. 18 ��before me, a <br /> t: <br /> ��� ICota�ry Public,in and for said County, appeared tl�UNIO�T YACIFIC �RAILWA COMB�NY, by C. F. Adams, ita President, wbo is per <br /> sonally known to me to be the identical peraon li hose name ie subseribed to the fore�omg instrument as said Yresident and then and there <br /> ` acknowledged tbe egecution and sealing of said Instrument to be his volantary act and deed, and the volunt�ry act and deed of said Company. <br /> In witness Mhereof� I have hereunto set m hand and official seal this �-- � <br />,� i' , Y ..........,��,.Ti.'.t��.��--day of...... �. . <br />� � ' A. D. 18?J ,at tbe City of Boston,in said County and State. � �����'�"�'����������"°"' °""'�°'��""'° <br />� t' <br /> t G� � `> : ' <br />� � I STATE O'F NEW YORI�, .. � � ��''� � �� <br /> _ _....Notary Public. <br /> _ <br /> I SS. <br /> � COUNTY OF NEW YORK. r <br />•,., <br />. B� it RenRembered, That on this . .:; :.,�-_...:..:- ot-------. , ' __......A. D. 189�J , before me, a Notary Public,in and <br />�- for said County, appeared the UNION UST COMPANY OI+ NEW Y RB, b�,,,,,,, , :'_c�(�j�'„!�l/,�.j�.(fG'� ' . , its Yresident, who <br /> ' _�,� ........... I . <br />� �� � is personally known to me to be tLe identical person whose name ia subsCribed to t�foregoin� inatiume as said Yresident, an�then and there <br />� ��� ^ � acknowledged tbe execntion and sea�ling of said inetrument to be hie voluntary act and deed and the volun 'y act an�deed of said C�mpany. <br />�` ;` ,/ _, � , In witeeas Mhereof, I have berennto set my hand anci official seal this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...... ,,,_......._..,da,y of_,,,.._.__._.��� , � - <br /> . ............................ <br /> �� ,lL ..._.... ............ .-�--�- <br />� ���� A. D. 18 y0, ,at the City of New York,in said County and State. <br />�� � ���. � � <br />� --............................:..................... ..... .... ...... . . .. . . . . ............................Notary Ptiblic. <br />�_ - ' dG� <br />