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l� <br /> ��j�j� ��j����� � G <br />, <br /> � —. _._ _- — ----- <br /> FROM � <br /> , � a.�vJ <br /> .......... Filed for record the................................................�..�7........................................................................................daz� of <br /> .. .:.......................... ... . ....... .. ... .................... . � � � � a <br /> .. .....�......� <br /> ....................�.........................----�----...----�-----18.�.........., at...............�.............-�-� -....................................o elock................JtT <br /> _...................................................................TO.................................................................. �--� -......................�.'....................-�-�- -............ ........-- •--.......---- ...-- --...... <br /> � ..... ---- -•--�--- <br /> .....:......................................... County Clerk. <br /> ........................ .. .�....... ... . .... ...����-f.ri: <br /> .......................................................................................................�---....-Deputy......... <br /> ____- -----.______�__�—_____ r_._...____�__._ <br /> --..__ .. ____._._ —._..__.__�.___� — <br /> �wr�c� w�,.ti�.�wt— <br /> ' F°RM3739. '�'HE UNION PA�I IC RAILWA COMPANY. <br /> UNION DIVISION--"��'�R e�r e, (n,�.v� p�iy..{q <br /> i a��.�v�o.._..1.8��.._.�................. .��.,a�.....................................__............_ <br /> �rra� �ZZ ��l"en �� ��e�e ��1"r�e�en��: <br /> j That the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, which is a Cor,�oraliorz forrnecl arad e.xistin�s by tice cor�solidation of the Kansas Pacifie RaiLway Companr�, <br /> the Denver Paeifie Razlwa� and TeZe�'raph Compc�r�y, and tlae U�zior� Paeifie Rrzil,roacl Compan�, under the eorporate reame and st�Le of th.e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANV, bJ authoritz� of ccn act of Con�'ress, erztitled, ".l.�n act to aicl in the const,r°uction of a railroad and teLe�raph line from the <br /> ,Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the samn, for Posta,l, ✓1Tili�arr�, and other purposes," approved JuLy <br /> 1, 186�, and acts amerzdatorz� tlzereof, which said Companz� h�zs szacceeded to anc� become seized and possesser� of alL the real estate and property of <br /> the said Cofzstituent Cvmpanies, whether reaL, personal, or mixed, and, arnof2s other thin�'s, of aLl tlze LarLd �'ranted to said Uniorc Pacific RaiLroad <br /> Companr� by the aforesaid acts of Consress, in aid of the eonstT° ctiorz of zts road, not conL•eyed awaz�b� said CompAa�+ny at the date of such consolidati�orc <br /> ' Cto,wi Ja�4a�°z� �/f 1880,) in consideratiorc of the sum of-.-.-�............. .....i.w..�.o�.�an.n.....r.�...i�'.... o,.�te,... .----�1." -�--,�d..4��+�•�--�---- _�._. ....... ."' !�!��l�C. <br /> , �'^.-�.�,�,t�►. l�O. � ,. `� ��........ ..... <br /> i -."-^--!"--�.....�s�L�.--��-----..N1N�rr.4�1�.0�.�._..._ - --�--��--�.....................� .......:... .. .-- �-..............._... _.................. Aob�s, to-�t , the recei,vt of whiehYis hereby acknc�vled�'ed, <br /> ' doth hereb� GR.f1Nl�; B�1.RG�1LN; S�LL, .,4.N'D CDNVEY; unto�°.�.���.tz�.r,�- <br /> ; .. . . . . .. .......--��................................. .....�----�--�-�-�---------�-�--------................................--��-�--��-�--------� <br /> , .............�------......_ <br /> '� �-�----�-------�.........................................----------...._.._........_..._....................._.......--......---..........o�-t�;c�6' _...........- - .._............-- - --............ z,�x�� ----...........----�-�----...---........................_---....---�-�-�-�-------- <br /> �u�#' - ' �'f'- <br /> ; the folLowin�' described Real Estate, sit_7�ate, Zz�ires nd ins in the Countr� of.........._..........�,1�r,�iQ�.... .._..................................and in the,Sta of Nebraska, and <br /> ; deseribed as follows, to-wit:.......-�----��----.:.---..C�ir�-......�v......� .. .. . . .............��.--g�-........�.....I..J�'�AC_ - -�� a.�. .�- . -+.tRy-�---- .. l� �-.K..... _ <br /> ; <br /> ', ....1^.r...... ...........�,rc�r...,.....�'�^�t"„�........ .......Q�.�G................................ r�..� ........................ ...... ...1«,......�,.�o.....A.a..�:t,e....,�'.....�.....��. ..c�L,�„r,�.�....`'.!.�......r�..c��,.t�C....._ <br /> . , <br /> , � <br /> ; ...rr��... �.at.............�.•t.we..... .`. ... ..;......��,ti„�..�,c:a,.�rs......ti.,�.....�.......... ............._. . .....C��-�..�ar-,�.......�?.wt�.---........Q.�-�c......�►�..........................................:................... <br /> ..........................�.................�....................................................................................:..............._... .........._.._.......................... ............................_......................................�........................................................................................................---...... <br /> � <br /> ....:...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................��---..... <br /> ............................................................................................................................ ..................... ............................................................... ................. ............................................................................................................................................................ <br /> � ........................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> .......................................... � ...._........ .........._............_....._..............................................................................._..........................................._............................................................_......................-�-----.....................---................._....................--�--........... <br /> 1 a �• r . . ar,.��,.� n <br /> vT-feeveve re eTr e� e i�%-�6�2�f�b���+�a-�r.s^.�--e � � � <br /> __._ a&59�8 a�' <br /> ........--- <br /> of the 6th Princi�al .M�eridian, contair�ins, accordin�% tn. the UnitecL States survey thereof...........................................................:........................................___ <br /> ----------•--__....----------------------� <br /> ---------------------------------�------�-----------�--------------------...__.�.11cres, more or Zess, bein�' the same premises contracted to be sold to.... ---..........-��-�---�--............ .........---.......------....-----....-----�----�--....-�----��-------........ <br /> by Contract JIl'o....-�-�-- -��--�---��-----��-------�----...-----��---��-----��-- ..... � . datecl....... . ................ ..............-�--�--...-----�----�----...---......---� �----.... <br /> -�..... ........ ......... - �-�-�--..................................---.........-�----- ---��----��-----��-�--�---�---- <br /> RTSERV'INC�, HOW'�+VER, to the said UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMP.4NY, alL thab portion ancL hereby conveyed,(if anz� such tleere be) which <br /> lies withira lines drawn paralLeL wit�z,and....................................................laundred feet or� e d.istant from the eenter line of its road as now conatructec�, <br /> and an��sreater width wherz r�eeessar� permanentLJ to ineLude � u s, embaizlcmeiats, and ditches, aizd other works necessary to secure and <br /> proteet its mairL line. <br /> This conveyanee is also upon the e ' ' at the said�'rantee herein,..........................._....:................._...._heirs, administrators and assi�%ns shall ereet and <br /> maintain a lawful fenee at portion of the premises herebr� corovez�ecL, ad.joinins the road of said Comparcz�,(if any such the�e be,) ared the <br /> road of sai ny upon a line....................................................hundred feet distant from the eenter line of sueh roacl, an,d parallel, therewith, in c�lL eases <br /> TO H�VE �4ND TO HOLD the said 7�remises with aLl the rishts and ap,�urtenances thereunto beLorasins unto the said�rantee �..........�..�. <br />�'� � � s , ----•.. . <br /> heirs and assisans forever, and the said�'rantor doth hereb9 eovenant with the s�zid �'rar�tee, thcct a� the makir�s of this instrument it is well seized <br />�', of-tl�e said premises as of a�'ooar and indefeasible estate i fee, and hath�'ood ri�ht to sell a�zd conve9 the same, and thc�t it wilL W:fIRR,�1N1'ar�d <br />� defend the title to said pre7nises unto the said�'rantee,......�....................h.�i�rs and assi�'ns foreve?�asaainst the lccwfuL claims o�a�rsons whomsoeve�°. <br />' E.X'CEPTING, HOW'EVER, aT,L taxes and assessments levied upor�';�SCCid premises sinee_./..�..:k!:�:..3.L....�:.�..._ ._..�wr�..`..`•..:..a`„�.sl ' � <br /> I c7�.ss.iiZ � , �'h, ��satd--�-�----.....-•---�--�--........-•--•-----�-;-•....................... ........... ._ ...----�--<-......-�j.r.----- o suecessors, <br />� h�a-�e�r-s,►��'ns o ��C..�..-- •-••---- --.. . .-----°'."<'='� --•---�-_.r.�..:�c�c--`�=---- • ---� -�...... ..... ....l�:P--.......��..--------.....---•-------------- <br /> �- -- <br /> , � f"'�rTewz�a... ...- --�----------- r"��------�-- � � --- <br /> AND WHEREA5�8ald UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY flid�on the siateentt�day of April, A.D. 1867,execute an ive o Cyras Ii. cCormick,of the City of New York,:�nd John Dnff, of <br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortgage Deed of that date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of:............ ...... . .. ......................................Connty,in the�tate of Nebraeka, wherein said <br />, Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John Duft,as'rrustees,for the uses tind purposes therein inentioued,a�mong others the lands hereinbefore described; ANn WHE¢EAS,the said Cyrus H. � <br /> McCormick did on ihe twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trusiee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth <br />� day of October, A.D. 1873,nccepted by the Uxiox PacrFic RnitxoaD COMPANY,by its Board of Directnrs,tit a meeting thereof held on tha�t day in the City of Boston and State of Maseaehusetts; <br /> Axn WaEir,EAS,on tHe Sfteenth day of October, A.D. ]873, Frederick L. Ames,of Laston,in the State of Massachusetts,was duly nominated Uy the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as snecessor to said <br /> Cyrns H.McCormick,which uomination was,on the same ciay, approved hy tl�e BOAPCI Of DICOCtOTB Of Eh0 831CI UNION PACIFIC HAILROAD COMPANY; Axn WxFRE�s,by sueh nomination and approval <br /> said I'rederick L.Amea did,upon his acceptance thereof, thereatter become vested with the same estatea,powers, rights,aud interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilitiea,as if l�e had <br /> been one of the original Trustees nained in and executing,enid Mortgaoe Deed; Axn WfiESEAS,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Soston,veat the sa�me in such new Trustee jointty with hiru,the sa�id John Duff; Axn Wa�[�Eas,the said John Duff did,on the foarteenth day of February, <br /> A,D. 18?7, by a�proper instrument oi writing to that effect,resign hie place ae Trustee undor eaid Mortnage Deed,which resigoation was,on the fourteenth daq of February, A.D. 1877, accepted by the <br /> U:viox PnciFio Rn�r.xonn CoMPnxY,by the Executive Committee of its ]3oard of Dir.ctors, a�t a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Bostou, and State of Massachusetts; Axn Waas,�AS, <br /> no nomination of a successor to fill the vacancy.caused by the resignation of said John Duff, having been made, the s:�id Frederick L. An�es became,avd now ie,the sole Trustee; ANn WaE$�AS, the <br /> said UxioN Y CoMrANY,with the co t of t ustees for the time being, er o• n ed, has sold tand conveyed, as above set forth, the Iteal Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> uvto tbe sfli� o an in consideration of'the sun���� r, in hand paid by the said�'�� v c i s�id sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Compavy in his <br /> capacity as Trustee,or to said John Duff and said Frederi L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Gyrus H.McCormick and sa�id John Duff, Trustees,for the uses and purposes in said blortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �pur �ltrt'efvt(e, Knaw al/ Men by these Presenis, that I, the said Fre�Zericic L �,n.�e,�s� rem�;� Trustee in thP aforesaid .Mort�a�se Deed, irz <br /> consideratiora of the af'oresaid, premises anc� payment as aforesaid of said sur� s��o pa�d'� said Conzparcy to said trust fund, ie the <br /> remainin�' Trustee, for the uses and pur�oses aforesaid, do herebz�RE.MISE, REL�SE, and forever QUIT-CL�ILAT un o,the said�a����..�....... <br /> �-----------------�--...........----�------------�-�----�-----�------...---------�--�-----------��-------�---------....--------------------�----�-----�--.the Real �+state described aforesaid, to be held by ' e free and ex pt from <br /> c�ZL Ziens, irocumbrafzces, and.ehar�ses of said .Mort�a�e D=ed,but subjeeb, however, to aLd t,1�e reservations arid conditions hereinbefore cor�t ' er,l. <br /> �ij �itng��t �h�rea�; The said �'rantor, the UNION PAGIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath � : � <br /> IN PRESEtiCE OF : a <br /> eaused these presents to be sealecl with its corporate seaL, ancl to be si�ned bz� its ': � : � <br /> /L�ya7'resident and 2reasurer, and countersi�ned by its Lanc� Commissioscer and its � <br /> , ./�zoditor,ar�d t�he said .P�i�ederiek L.Jlmes, Z�ustee, has hereunto set his hand this �: � <br /> : ; <br /> �--���� �._.............. .-- ..----- ..---.i�.�`�---- . -��---��----�--��-----..............----da�J �f---.......��..--�----.............---------•----._..f1.D.!�._. ° <br /> , � : ; <br /> _..........•••..............•°'-•------°-•-••----------.............--°----°................... ` i � <br /> � ��I� ��-�-.President. � , . <br /> ................................................................................................................... � � � <br /> /� ti <br /> �...�c�iz,�c�ti..................... Treasurer. ti : .; <br /> �-- �----��-� �................. <br /> �,/s a ` <br /> �/u-�-�---.vl.......-.--<<.'��`_�_.....�...__..%_�_/.--------••-•••................ Trustee. °v : : <br /> -------��--------- <br /> ----- <br /> �#ate of ,i1�a��a�hix�et#�, <br /> SS. � <br /> COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. �e it �#.emambere�, Tt�at on this........../.../..... ..r.. ......�-,vLj./,,,,.�,�.,........_�................dny o i.........r...�... . . .... A.D. 18......... <br /> u ,Y� 7�t u��::.�e............................ <br /> before me,a Notary Public iu and for said Countp,a�ppea�red the UNIOJT PACIFIC I�AILWAY COJZP_�N�Y� , hg . '. , ita„�resident, and its Trea�surer, who are personally <br /> known to me to be tl�e identical persons whose names are sub�cribed to the fore;oing instrumant as a�i�resident and Treasurer, a�nd then a�nd there acknowledged the execution and sealing of said <br /> Instrument to be tUeir voluntar,y act:�nd deed,and the voluntary act and deed of sai3 Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> � me to Le the Truetee deacribed in,and who executed the foregoivg Iustrument,and�cknowledaed before me that he executed the same as Trustee as aforesaid, �,nd for the uses and pnrposes therein set <br /> ', forth,aud tihat the execution thereof was his voluntary act aud deed. � _ <br /> �tt �itttess �h4�eo�'_I have hereunto set my l�and and official seai this........��................................................................................................................................... <br /> - v� ` <br /> ; day of..................................�..........................................................A.D. 18.P.. ....,a�t the City of ton,in said Count,y and State. <br /> I <br /> � -- ' <br /> � ------�-�------��- -�-_—�---------------- --- �-�-----��-�w�i�°....._......---.....----..Notary Publie. { <br /> -----.__- -_ _._____. __. �____�._____. <br /> , ._______.___�_�_____. �____�.__.. __�_�.__----_...__ .— . _.____._._. <br /> . <br /> i <br /> i <br />