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<br /> WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: .30,!50
<br /> Wells Fargo Bank, National Association
<br /> Attn: Collateral Processing - Rep 111
<br /> 730 2nd Avenue South, Suits 1000
<br /> Minneapellf, MN 55479 fj2R BECORDIR'S USE ONLY
<br /> 1 1111111111111111111111
<br /> 200129964002700480
<br /> THIS MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST dated October 6, 2010, is made and executed between Plaza
<br /> Square Development L.L.C., a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, whose address is 3356 W Old Highway 30,
<br /> Grand Island, NE 68803 ("Trustor") and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, whose address is Grand
<br /> Island - Main, 304 W. 3rd Street, Grand Island, NE 68801 ("Lender").
<br /> DEED OF TRUST. Lender and Trustor have entered into a Deed of Trust dated November 21, 2001 (the "Deed of Trust") which has been
<br /> recorded in Hall County, State of Nebraska, as follows;
<br /> Original Mortgage in the amount of $500,000.00 filed on November 26, 2001, as Instrument #0200112083 in the Office of the
<br /> Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska as may have been modified from time to time..
<br /> REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION. The Deed of Trust covers the following described real property located In Hall County, State of Nebraska:
<br /> The South Halt of the Northeast Quarter (S1/2NE114) and a part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section Twenty-four (24), in
<br /> Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described in Corporation
<br /> Special Warranty Deed recorded as Document No. 0200111358. See Exhibit "An
<br /> The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 3356 W Highway 30, Grand Island, NE 68803. The Real Property tax
<br /> identification number is 400150530.
<br /> MODIFICATION. Lender and Trustor hereby modify the Deed of Trust as follows:
<br /> The Deed of Trust is hereby modified to reflect that it secures that certain promissory note dated October 06, 2010 (the "2010
<br /> Replacement Note") made by the Grantor in the face amount of $195,808.87 payable to the Lender, and having a maturity date of
<br /> October 20, 2014. The 2010 Replacement Note replaces, but shall not be deemed payment or satisfaction of, the "Note" as defined
<br /> in the Deed of Trust. All references in the Deed of Trust to the "Note" shall henceforth be deemed to be references to the 2010
<br /> Replacement Note.
<br /> The REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION section of the Deed of Trust is hereby modified by amending and restating In its entirety the
<br /> description of the Real Property covered by the Deed of Trust, which shall on and after the date hereof be doomed to be the REAL
<br /> PROPERTY legal description set forth in the Deed of Trust..
<br /> CONTINUING VALIDITY. Except as expressly modified above, the terms of the original Deed of Trust shall remain unchanged and in full
<br /> force and effect. Consent by Lender to this Modification does not waive Lender's right to require strict performance of the Deed of Trust
<br /> as changed above nor obligate Lender to make any future modifications. Nothing in this Modification shall constitute a satisfaction of the
<br /> promissory note or other credit agreement secured by the Deed of Trust (the "Note"). It is the intention of Lender to retain as liable all
<br /> parties to the Deed of Trust and all parties, makers and endorsers to the Note, including accommodation parties, unless a party is expressly
<br /> released by Lender in writing. Any maker or endorser, including accommodation makers, shall not be released by virtue of this
<br /> Modification. If any person who signed the original Deed of Trust does not sign this Modification, then all persons signing below
<br /> acknowledge that this Modification is given conditionally, based on the representation to Lender that the non-signing person consents to
<br /> the changes and provisions of this Modification or otherwise will not be released by it. This waiver applies not only to any initial extension
<br /> or modification, but also to all such subsequent actions.
<br /> FACSIMILE AND COUNTERPART. This document may be signed in any number of separate copies, each of which shall be effective as an
<br /> original, but all of which taken together shall constitute a single document. An electronic transmission or other facsimile of this document
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