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<br /> , �' I�EED OF TRUST
<br /> .,�..
<br /> '� THIS DEED OF T�UST, iW m�d� a� of th� 3 day of!� ��L ,1J97, by �.�.:;;.,�
<br /> ' and among JAMES D. F�ILEY and SF4�IF�ON J. RILE1f, husbanc9�n�wif4,whether one ���
<br /> or more persons ('Trusto�"), whasm mailinc� address is �069 Sautf� McGuirQ Ro�d, �__
<br /> Wood River, Nabraska 68883, BRACD MONCRIEF,Attom�►y at Lav+o, ('Trust�a"), wh�sc� �'"�
<br /> � � maillng address is P.O. Box 18a, Hastings, N�br�sk� 6�902-0188 and JANQE3 D. =
<br /> .. RILEY, JR. and KAREN RILEY, husband and wifa, whether one or moc� par��n� _"-
<br /> � ( Beneficiary'), whose mailing addrass is 1014 West 11"' Street, Grand Island, -
<br /> N�braska fi880�. �...;�_:_.
<br /> FOR VALUA�LE CON�l��RATION, Trustor ir:rr�vacably transf�rs,canveys and r�'��;�.Y.:
<br /> Y�,.. .� a,ssigns to Tn�stee, IN TRUST,WITH POWER C�F SAL�,for the b�nefit and seaunty of —;';�
<br /> ��.`:;� El�neficiary, u�tder and subject to the tertns and condbti�ns of tMs Deed of Trust, the ',
<br /> mal property, located in the Cvunty of Hall State of f�ebraska, and described as follow5 �; ��°
<br />- (iY�e"Propert�"): �';;.-
<br /> :� •• .,
<br /> _:,;,�:F.��� ' A tract of land comprising a pa�t of the Southeast Qua�ter(SE'/.)of Sectian One �,t�.�
<br /> -.:;_:���" (1), Township Ten (10) North. Range Twelve (12)West of the 6"' P.M.� in Hall ��w-
<br /> tt:.r.:
<br /> � � County, f�ebraska, more part�cuEs�rty� described as follaws: Seginning at the ,�-__
<br />__}.���"``,- - SOULT7W@5� COfftef Oi` 3aiu' :'vi.i��iva�: �aoit°� (M��/-� L�f gairl Car3inr� Ar�A (1�; ��, :
<br /> ,,.iN.^ ' therace north along the west line of said Sout�east Quarter (S�'/.�, assumed �,_;
<br /> •�.,, ,o� ,, . bQaring of Due North,a distance of 2,641.6Ei fQet to the northwest co�ner of said �
<br />����-� �-��� Southeast(�uarter SE'/. , thenoe S 89° 56' 46" E along the North line of said
<br /> :����:�t•x1�r
<br />_,,;.,,;.•�, Southeast Qe�a�ter�SE'/+ , a distanoe of 2,593.43 feet to the west �+ght of way
<br /> --�s-��«� line of Highti�r��+ No. 11; thon�e S 00° 01' 08" E alon� said right of way Iine, a
<br />_--`'' r'_,fYTr —_
<br /> �-x� distanoe of 557.9 feet; theno� S 89° 58' 52"V�d along �aid right of way line, a
<br />-n_�.-,.:-�� distance of 20.Q feet; thenoe S QO° 01' 08" E along sald nght of way line, a
<br /> -.•-Y,M•��� clistanoe of 771.00 feet; th�noe N 89° 58' 52" E along said right of way line, a .;
<br /> ___-�-.�� distance of 2Q.0 feet; thono� S QO° 01' 08" � along said r�ght of way line, a --
<br /> _� distanoe of 417.0 feet; thflnee S 38° 41' 00" W, a distanoe of 3U3.86 feet;
<br />�^�� � thenoe S 00° 01' OS" E, a di�tance of 360.02 feet; thenoe N 89° 54' 14"W, a _-
<br /> �-:� . dist�noe of 59.7 feet; thenoe S 00° 0 2' 5 9" W, a dis tance of 299.68 feet to the __
<br /> -° south line of said Sectton One(1);thenc,� N 89° 55' 06"V1�along the south lin�
<br /> ----'°�' of said Section One(1),a dist�noe of 2,344.53 f�tt to th�e point ef beginning. _
<br /> - =u:,
<br />�y�?�`'"��I Ttra East Half of the Northwest Qua�ter (E'/NW/.) of Section ThirtyTinio (32), _,-
<br />=-�'�� Town�hip Eleven (11) Norih� Range T�nr�lve (12), West of the 6�' P.M.. Hall -
<br /> -�� .�:,�.ro
<br /> -�::�;:�;:;.,;__'� CountY, Nebraska, except a certain tract therefrom as �corded in Qu'itClaim �
<br /> __ - oeed in Bo�k 150,Page 386. __
<br /> -----�;, _-
<br /> �'�-.� �
<br /> ___„�,,,_ ; a#re West Haff of the t�a�dhwest Quaetc�r(U�P'/�NW'/{), except.212 acr+es, more or
<br /> _-�,.;;`� less, conveyed to Hall County and recerded in �eed Book 150, Pags 3�4, all in � _
<br /> --��Y� � u�wo�,cFS S�ction Tlai�•Two(32),Township Eloven (11) North, Ran�e Twewa(12),Wes4 =_
<br /> �.;. .��., .
<br /> �-�;-�-- ofthe 6"'P.'�,�•, Hall County, Nebr�ska. -___
<br /> � -. , �. SEIL£R.PARKER -_
<br /> – ' &MONCRIEF.P.C. -__..
<br /> .�:. •..
<br /> d•.'��.;'�.-
<br /> - � 726 Fi�ST SIDS DLVD. �������
<br /> i•�,'.d?�c,.
<br /> ` r P.O.BOX 18s ?i�''�°'
<br /> •� ffAST4JGS.N669902
<br /> ' (<0�)463•3I25 ''
<br /> � `�:�, ���
<br /> �����
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<br /> .y��.;"r,�= ---- -- -- •at;s,,,wx.$;l:�»,`.^-'�`",�.. �� „� . . � - c� � ., y.. �
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