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.... .. (1'- : .. <br /> >�' <br /> ,� � . � <br /> �1. 4 . / .. . ,�'���r'.. . <br /> .. 1.�M . " � .� .. . ' . _ rti��/��� .w. <br /> . (. <br />.� -' ' . .. .r��t`I�r. . . !. " .. '� � I r ♦�•'.�f M j,�'�';r�_— <br /> ■ �. <br /> ...� ' . -._ , <br /> ... . � <br /> � . . .. .. - ' �._ :..'._'--. <br /> r / <br /> - ' .. . � . _.._..��-`.._�.�...�_i�''��/vf' � . .. <br /> . ._. ..... .._ . ..�_.�.___..._. ��R f1�1 y�l� lx�.J�n <br /> II �y <br /> pay�nen�5 may no longcr bc thc opuou of L.cndcr,if moctgagc insuruncc covcra�c(in dic�nuunt and for thc p+:nud � <br /> that l.crtdcr rcyuUes)providcd by nn insuscr approvcd by Lcndcr ag�in bccomcs a��mliiDlc��nd is ohtainui.F3cirrowcr sP�nil puy�f►r <br /> prcniums rcquircd to mainta�n mortgagc insurw�cc in cf[cct, or to providc a Ir,ss r�:,ervc, unul th� rcyu�rr�������t iur niuri�;a�;r <br /> insuranco c:ids in occorduncc with ony writtcn agrccmcnt betwcen Borrowcr and l.:.ndnr ur aPpbcublc lativ. <br /> 9.fl�tsp.tttua. Lcndcr or �ts;►�ent mny mtikc rutsonablc cntrics upon und inap�:cuuns of thc Properry. Lcndcr �hnll givr <br /> Bortowcr aodcc at thc dmc of ar prior to nn inspccqan spccitying rcauonablc causc for tiic�nspccuon. <br /> 10.Condeneawtbn. 'R�e ptaceeds of nny Awtud or cluim for damages. direct or conscquenuul, m connec:uim w�th uny <br /> ;,;r,,a•� condemnalion ar oth�r taking of uny pai't of the Pcoperty,or tor conveyance in lieu of condemnaaon,ure herehy assigncd and <br /> . ••••� shatl bc paid to l.cndcr. <br /> ' in t1�e event of a rotal taking of the Praperty,the proceeds shall be applied to tt�e sums secured by this Security instrument. <br /> wncQicr or not then due,��ith any exccss paid tn Borrower.In the event of a p�al taleinQ of the Propeny in whict► the fnir mnrket <br /> value of the Property immediately bcfore thc taking Is equal to Qr baeat�r U�an tbr.amaunt of�he sums sccurcd by Q�is Su:urity <br /> , Instrtun¢nt immediately before the talcing, unlcss Bonower and Lender othonvir�e aaree in writin�� the sums �ecured by this 1v+ <br /> �ecurity Inswment sha11 be reduced by the nmount of the proceecis mulapGec�by die followin� fracuon: (a} the total lmoum�f ; <br /> ihe sums secured in►mediatoly bcfore the taking, divided by @) dte fair mnrMet vuluc af thc Properry immcdintcly hcforc thc , <br /> ' talcing.pny balance shr�i be paid a Idorrawer.In the evcnt of a ppnial tulu�na af Uic Propecty in which the[air market vxluc of the ,•-r <br /> �.n propeity immedlately beforc the taking is less than thc amount of tfie sumn secured immediately before ttic W:ing, unless .�� <br /> �. Borrow�and l.cnder otherwise a�gce in w�iting or unlcss aP711icable!a�cdicnvir�c pmVides,thc procceds shall b�appficd to ihc <br /> 0 sums sccured by lhis Sxurity Insuusnent whethcr or not the sums aze Ihen duc. ,L. ,_. <br /> � If d�e Propertyr is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lendur tc�Bo�aower tlu►t thc condcmnor offcrs ta maF:e an _: <br /> •...�: <br /> • � award a�ple a claim for damages.�oaower fniLs w resportd[a L�ndar within 30 days af[cr thc dete thc nonce is given.L,endcr �_ <br /> - i' is authoria.ed to collect and ap�ly the proceeds,at its option.cith�r W�r�ssnrratian or repnir of the Propercy or�o the sums secured -�-T <br /> n�i`. by Uti�Security Instzwnent,whethcz oe nat then duc. �,�.:�` <br /> Unkss Lender and Borrower otherwise Agrec in writing,any uPp<icaucrn of proceecis to principal sh�ll not extend or postpone <br /> �' the due date of thc monihly payments rcfcrred to in ParaB�Phs 1 and 7,ar chnnac the amount of such paymcn�s. <br /> 11.Borrowcr Not Rekased{F'or6earaace By Lender Not u Vf+uivcr. Extension of thc umc for paymcnt �r modif icaticm =__ <br /> of amucti�ation of the sums secured by this Security Inswment�rantc�d by Lender to any successor m imeros�ul Hurruwcr�h,ill <br /> •+� not opc�ate to nkasc thc liabiliry of the original Borrower or Ba�rrowar's successors in inu:rest. Lci►dcr shall not bc rcquircd to _y <br /> wmmer�e p�occ�cain8s�a+,�,��+,y ,�;,;,;,;�r as s2c:�:or r�f�.sA�.s�aYrr..nd tirne far nayment or o�herwise madify amonttation ol d: <br /> a.._ <br /> the stunc secured by this Sacuriry Insuument by reason of any domnnd madu by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors �,.. <br /> � in interest Any forbearance by Lender in eaercising any ri�ht ar remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exorcis�of uny __ <br /> " • right or remedy. <br /> � lt.Successors and Assiaav Bound;Joint pnd Several L6ubility; Cv-signers. The covenants and agrecrnents c:i this <br /> Securiey Lesuument shall bind and ber.efit the suceessors and assiBnn mf Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisin�s of <br /> __ ,,•, �, ,, paragraph 17. Horrowcr's covenaxaas and ageements shall 6e jnint and sc�veral. Any Borrower who co•signs this Security <br /> � ' InsWment but does not execuu th$Note: (a) is co-signing thi�Se�iuity Insmiment only ta mortgage,grant and conr��y thut <br /> .:�.r. .,:'.-�+ Borrowu's interest in d►e ProE�eitY under the tecros of this Secucnt9 L�cicramant;(b) i�not peisonally obligated to pay rirz sums <br />_.- • � � � secu�+ed by ihis 5ecurity Instnunent;aad(c)agees ihai Lendec and any atltar Borrower mny agree w cxtend,madify,forbear or <br /> ,.:.,- ' <br /> `•�°��' molce any accammodations with regaid to the tcrms of this Seciuin�Gisuument or thc Notc without that Bonowcr's conscn�. <br /> ---'�-"�` 13.I.ewn C6arg�es. If th�a�oan securecl by this Se,curiry Insaumant is subject to u luw which se�s m��cimum loxn chargcs, <br /> . �•�.��.'�� � <br /> and that L�w is finaUy inte,�preted so that the interest or ather la�►n chargas collected or tr�@e collected in connection�v9th tl�e loan <br />^_-"��;�-"_,_�'•1 Qx����up,���,��;(a)any such loan charge s�tall Ue teduced by d�o amount necessary to reduce the chur�;�w die <br /> r�� <br /> '��:-;�r{� • pennitlecl limit;and(b)a�y sttms alrcady collected from Dorrawsr which oxeeeded permiued Gmits wiil be refunded to Aorrower. ,, <br /> .�.�-�,,,.. <br />�••�,�.;;�y Lender may chnose to make this refund by reducing �he prineiptil owcd undar the Note or by making a dir�ect payment to � <br /> Bomnwer. Uf a refund reduces principal,the reducqon will be t�+aatad a�a pa�tial prePaYment without any prepaymont charge __ <br /> �'---�ti,��r,�•' �u►der the Note. _- <br /> � ?•"'{`� 14.Notiees. Any notice to Borro�vcr provided for in 1hi��cscurnty Instcr�ment shall be given by dclivering it or by mwlling it <br /> ���-.el��i�,. �_. .._ <br /> '-°�;�;j�;,�i- by first class mail unless aPplicaSEe Inw+re9uires use of another mathod. Th�nauce shnll be directed co che Property or �_i <br /> '_'--x:;=�� eny othet address Boirower designates by notice to L.ender.Any nntice to L.ender shull be given by first class mail tn Lcnder'x �. <br /> ai�:_�a-�`i,y:���.,w � IY_'- <br /> �YY��M <br /> ,R;�" r-•�:•--� � � atWress stated herein or any other address L.ender designates b.y nc�rice to Burro�ver. Any notice provul�,d for m thi� . ccunty ,�1- <br /> _ _t•fl�,n;r - <br /> .- r.,. . Instnunent shall be decmcd to have becn given to Borrowcr or Le:n der w han Uiven as p ro v i d c d i n t h i s p ar a g r a p h. '� <br /> ;..�.i�'::;:,�,-.... t` . -- <br /> {,�.,�� ;. _ . � 15.Governing LAw;Severobility. 'I7�is Security Instniment shull t�e �ovcrncd by federal law and thc luw of thc _ <br />': , _ jurisdic�on in which the Property is 1ocated• In the event that any provisicrn ar clause of this Se4:urity lnswment ur�he Nuu; _ <br /> •�• . �� . conflicis with applicable 1aw, such conflict shall not affect other pmvisinna mf this Security Instrument or the Note whieh can be `'_ <br /> . given effect�vithout e9��conflicdng provision.To this end d�e provisinns of¢his 5ecurity Instrument and the Note ara Qecl�red to <br /> ,�".. . � be sever.tble. <br /> .ly'� ° � <br /> . � Fonn SD78 9�90 � <br />" a. Pay��o�8 imuau. <br /> �•8R(N�Iox�z�.o� I _ <br /> " . . -� t : <br /> , f <br /> -•-i <br /> i• • . <br /> --:_-_._-_"_ _ _ __ _ _-_ _-_ <br />, _-. __-.-_�_ .. _ ...-�---..-___...____,-._�� _' _�..._�..t-��.�^-r+� «_ .—'_"' . __-'_____ ;;' <br /> . , , 'f <br /> . , � S <br /> . „ " . . . . . .. ' 'i. <br /> - . � . <br /> T • . <br /> ".� <br />.. . .- . .. ,.. . _ . _ ._ . . . .. . . . � . __ �-__"._... ... __.. _.: __. _ ...� <br /> . . . ._.____. .- <br /> .. - - _ ..'� � _ __. _ <br />