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<br /> TOGBTfiSR WI'i'H ull thc improvcmcn4y naw on c�rcaflcr crcctcA on Itic property, an�al9 c.tiscnecnts, appuncnunccs, and
<br /> fixtures now on c�rcattcr a part of thc property.All rcvlacemcn¢s nnd additians shaU ulso bc covcred by lhis Security Inswmcnt.
<br /> , All of tltc[nrc�aing is mfesrcd m in t�is Sccurity Instniment na thc"Property."
<br /> ,,� I3QRROWBR COVF.NANTS Uwt Borrawcr is lawfully scisccl of U►c cstato hcreby canvoycd and has th�right ta grant and .
<br /> convcy thc Property and thst thc Propcny is uncncumbcrcd, cxccpt far cncumCrances of record. Borrowcr warran�� and will
<br /> ,;:..,� dctetzd gea}ct�lly Ihc dtic to thc Properiy t�airst all clalms smd tlr:m�►�ds,subjcct to any cncumbrnnccs af rccord.
<br /> •""''I TI-!I9 S�CUR17'Y 1NS7RUN�IVT combincs uniform cnvennnl.g for nauonul u�c und nan-uniform covenan4i wah I�mnui
<br /> 1 vtvialions by jurlsdicdon to constitute a unifortn security instrumant�ovcrin�rcal propeny.
<br /> � UNIFORIVI COVBNAN';S.Borrowcr and I..cndcr covcnnnt imA u�;rec us follows: . :
<br /> 1.Payment ot Princ[pal wnd lnterat;Frtpayment and L�te Cfinrgc�s. Borrowcr shall prompdy pay when duc �hc :���'
<br /> principal of and tntcrost an tha debt evidenced by Ihc Notc and nny prepnymcnt and latc churBcs duc under thc Note. ���
<br /> . •�:_,:.
<br /> Z.Funds frir TYxe9 aad Ir�suramee. S�bjeclt to pppliCabla la�v or to a wriucn wtuver by L.render, Barrowcr shall puy to ;,;;'
<br /> Lendcr on the d�y mnndily paymcnts arc duc undcr the Note,until thc Notc is puid in full,a sum ("Funds•") Cor. (a)ycarly wxcs �'�•;�:
<br /> , �, and assassmcnts wh�ch may aunin prioriry ovcr this Socuriry Inswmant:�s n licn on�►c Propcny; (b)ycarly Icaschald paymcnG+ ';�::
<br /> �;� or gro:ind rents on the Proputy.if ony;(c)yearly hau�d or property insurance prr,�niums;(d)ycarly flaod insurance prem►ums,d _::�
<br /> ';: :��y; (o)yc�rly mortgagc insur.u�cc prcr�iiur�ts, if miy;aad(�a�y s►�ms payablc by Barrow;,r.a Lcnder,in�ccord�ncc tlith�hc .�`:°;�;
<br /> �: provisi�►s of pare,greph 8. in Geu of ihe payment of mongage insurance premiums. These items are called "Escraw Items." �%r`,
<br /> '� Lender m�y,at eny tlme,colk;ct and hold Fu�sds in an�tnount not ro exceed the maximum amount a lender[or a fedcralty rclaa;ci ;�="�'Y_
<br /> - mortpge loan may require for Borepwer's escrow occount under the federal Real Fstate SeWement Procedures Act of 1974;is •-'
<br /> amended from tune w time,l2 U.S.C.Section 2601 et sey. ("RESPA'),unless another law thal applies w the Funds se�,a ic,scr , -
<br /> +��, �u�� If so� L,e,�sder may,at any timc, wllect and hotd Funds in un amount not to excecd thc lcsser amount. l.cndcr may -_=
<br /> c,uimat�e t�h�arnount of Fiueds duc on the basLs Af currer►t data and i�asonnblc cstimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or
<br /> otherwisa u�acxo�dance with applicab�law.
<br /> �' 'R�e Funds shall be held in.an institutnon whos�deposits are insurod by a fedcral agency. instrumentality,or enriry(including =
<br /> � I.ender,if[.ender is such an instiwsion)ar in any Feder.�l Home Loan Bank. Lendcr shall apply the Funds to pay ihe Escrow �:
<br /> Items.Lesr�ar ma not c c Aorrower for holdin and I in Ihe Funds,annuall analyzing the esc�ow aocount,or verif in �'
<br /> Y �B 8 aPP Y 8 Y y s �
<br /> _. �'�+ t"' .�___"._n_�_.` � la.s. ' n • bn c� w an ��+,-
<br /> u�c cBu�vr IiuTiS.i"uixa��.ancu�rara nv�auv.ca I�dw�.a►t',u Si:.FiuI�d;L'�:y'Sjsl:.",«b C..... �.^fl:L°i.,,s:�. !Q SIl3.......2Cl2 3 L�'...To_. ---
<br /> Howeved�Lender may require Borrawer to pay a one-timo charge for an independent real estate ta�c re�orting service us�d by = -
<br /> I�i in c;annoctian with this loa�s. un(ess applicabfe law provides otherwise.ilnless an a�reement is mad�or applicable law
<br /> requiires instrest w be paid.I.ender st�all not bc reyuired to pay Borrower any 6atenest or eamings on the Fvnds. Borrower and
<br /> � ." , Ltndcr m�,y agee in writing,howev�r,that intcrest shall be paid on the Funds.Lendet shttll 6ive to Botrowcr,withaut chazgc,nn
<br /> �nnual acca�unting of the FuoRis,showing credits sind debits to the Funds and the pu�pose for which each debit ta the Fund�:w;�., _
<br />-~ n�1Ue Funds aro pledged as addiuonal security for all sums secured by this Security[nstnimen� W
<br /> '� �'"�" � If tYae Funds h�ld by L.ende�ea�ceed ttoe amounu permiued to be heid by appGcable law,L.ender shall account to Borrower for ___
<br />-_,..,.,. _.,, the excess Funds in eawrrls�nce with the requirc;menu of applicablc law.If�he amount of thc Funds hcld by Lendcr at any umc is :_
<br />- �� not sufficiettt W pay Ihe�scrow?te�s when due,Lender may so noufy Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower snal➢pay -_
<br /> • to Len�r the amount nc;cessary tc� �aialce up the deficiency. Bomower shall make up the cJeficiency in no more than twclv� -
<br /> j;�;•:�.- -� �
<br />�„-ih;�;�'. ma�thlY I►�Ymeats.at Lendcr s sole d"+scretion. __
<br />-_� - • ' Upoa�payment in full of nll sums secured by this Securiry Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to BoROwcr any Funds _:..
<br />'=`�"''�`�'�' ' held by J,.erder.If.under parag�aph 21,Lender sha7!ocquire or sell the Property.Lender,�rior to the acc�uisition or sale af the ��.
<br />�A;:y;.�'.v�•..
<br />,�.4,,.,,,,,�;;� Froperty�shall apply any Funds held by Lertder at tho time of acquisidon or sale as a credit against the sums secured by this _
<br />�-;�,�r,,�„�;��� Security ituawnen� _--
<br />_��,�:� `^ 3.Applkation of Payments. LFs,less applic9ble law providas atherwise,all paymcnts reecived by l.cnder under para�raphs -=-
<br /> - �� � 1 ant�2 st�all be appli;,�l: fust, to any prcpayment charges due under the Not�;second, to amounts payable undcr paragraph Z: F�•----
<br />�;..-�7,:.- _ third,to intexest due;foirr�t7�,w princfpal due;and lass,w any late chargcs due u�dcr thc Note.
<br />��-�;;h=�. 4.Char�es;Lieos. Borrov►cr shall pay all taxes,iusessmcnL, charges, �ines and impositions attributable w thc Property _
<br /> _ =„��:^`= wh:�ta�rp auain priority over this Sscurity InsWment,and leasefinSd payments or ground r�.�racs,if any.HoROwer shall pay these =__,_
<br />�,:sM�' '• oblig,at�'�s in the manner provide,tl in paragraph 2,ar if not paid in that manner,Borrow�cr sRic�lt pay�hem on time direcdy to ihe "�
<br />�--;���-�� n awed ent 6orrower ah.�ill rom sl fumish to Lender aU notices of amaunis to bc a�d u�der this ara h If E;-'
<br />— P� PaYm P P Y P � P 8�P •
<br /> -_'_•ai;' [:,.�°°
<br />-F�'�•- ��. . .� Bomower malces these payrnents direcdy,Burmwe.r shall prompdy furnish to L.ender receipts evidencing tjae payments. ,•,
<br /> � '•�='"' Bormwer shall prompdy clischarge any Iien which has prioriry over this Security Instcument unless Bormwer. (a) agrees in ;"�:s:-
<br /> �'..,:.
<br />--� � �' writnng to the paymznt of die obligl�ian secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to L.ender;(b)contests in good faith the Iien '�-�7�
<br /> " � by, or defends against enforcemcr�� �of thc lien in, legal procoedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevcnt rhe
<br />� cnfosocmcnt of the ticn;car(c) sccu�s from Ihe holdcr of U�o licn an a�ceement satisfactory to Lcnder subordinating thc licn to -
<br />_ tl�5t�cutity Instrumc.�t 3f Lender dete�mines that u►y part of the Pr+operty is sub}+:�t to a Gen which mny atu+in pnonty over this �;;�
<br /> '= Sceurity Instrumer:t,Lendec may give Borrower a notice idenufymg the lien. Borrower shall savsfy the I�en or t�k�unr or morc •. ,_
<br /> f of Itne actions sct fortt�abovc within L�days of thc giving of no�cc.
<br /> Form 3028 9�90
<br /> s. •
<br /> , �•8A(NE)�oz,zl.a, Papo 2 0�o �����aro
<br /> __ Y.� .
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