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� ,_,.-... �.c��'..5}.. • <br /> ..a�� . � . 1 ,:�•� ' �. , . . . <br /> , . �y <br /> f ; , i .�._..._�. <br /> .. . .� ..qZi . . � . .... . _ . . . .�....-"__ �,`�'. <br /> . . . . �.•�.... <br /> _ ��Mj�1^'YM�1' , F''a. - . . . • . . e. .. . . . `.Lv. - .. -..�..._.r. -. <br /> " fY" ,. Y���. .. . . _. � . , . . . , . . .� . .. , ' _. .. . _ . ."_..i <br /> r�� .i�.:i"� ---��vst � - <br /> u ��_r, ' <br /> � _ � <br /> .t�' � . �.�� . .. .. � ---_ <br /> , . <br />. ...... ,�}. .� . .. .„��.,� _. ,. .-.. .. ... � <br /> ... � <br /> . <br /> , . , v� �.�. <br /> ; �, � .,r � , �.'., ;��'t-vc::4rw'S.���.ltr' �e.,�a.h,ky �. .--- <br /> .. <br /> . • " .... ...____ �-- <br /> � ' as.M�Lx'A.a1uMf�6lrn+wi�r1�.:W..a,.r.;�;�t-�h;�ya�4�J'. ^- ' _ ...._. ..... .__.._ .. . ... <br /> _..� ..v... . ...,--- <br /> � . , .. -�.'�IrG-^; <br /> . . ...' ' ' '"""_'_ _ ". . ..._—".. �a. <br /> ._. ._ . ., ... . . .. <br /> �__ :..._ ... ...__ . .. . g?� �����.., <br /> f l7.Trnusfer af thc Property_or a lic�lciicfal Inter�st in Horrowcr.If:dl ur,my p:►rt of thc Properry or any intcrest in it Y <br /> �� is tiold or transfcrrcd lur if u bcncUria► inicrest in Borrrnvcr is sald or tran::fcrrcd und snrrowcr is not u nutural �ersnn)�vithout k . <br /> • Lcndcr'y prior writtcn co�titicnt. Lcndcr may. at its uptiun. rcquirc immcdiiuc paynunt in full uf ��II sum� scc�ired by this , <br /> � Security lmtrumeni.Hawcver, thic opti�m�h.ill not be excrci�ed by I.ender if cxcrrise is pruhihitcd by fccicral I�w us of dic date �',„ : <br /> of this Scrurity Inrirmncm. <br /> ,..�.. If'l.cnder exercitirs�his�,ption,l.c:nder shall grvc Ho��ower nuticc uf a�ccicrutiun. Tttc n��tirc�hall pnwidr.a period of not = <br /> - Ics,th:m 30 duys fran thc datc thc noticc iti dclivcrc4i �ir muilcd �vithin �vhirh Borruwcr must puy all sums sccurcd by this <br /> - �� s,r Security Instrumcnt.lf Dorruwcr fuils tu pay thcsc sums prior to thc cKpiration of thi+period, Lcndcr may in�akc any remedies :.": <br /> - ,;��. pcnnittcJ by this 5ccuriry lnstrumcnt��ithout furthcr noticc or dcmand�m Borrmvcr. <br /> 1R, liur:ift:rr's Etl�h! to Retn�tate. If @orrowcr mcets certuin condition�. Borrower shall hu�e thc right to �u��e <br /> r - <br /> enf'orcement ot'this Securiry Insttument diwcontinued at any time prior to the e:irlier of: (al 5 days (or such othcr peri�d ac ;,,� <br /> applicablc I�+W ��t:+y �p�cify f�ir rein�[utement) before sale of the Property pursuant ta uny power of s;ilc contnined in this �IY <br /> Securiry In�trument:or(bl entry af a judgment enforcing this Securiry Instrumcnt. Those candi�ions nre thut�orcower: (a) p�ys ��v <br /> Lender ull sums which theai would be due under this Security Inst�i C%�nnds�hncurr�•d n�nforc ne1 this�Secunt�Inst ment� <br /> s y. ����- <br /> cures any default of any ut:�er cavenn.nts or agreements; (c) pay p� - <br /> <�• including. but not limited to. rcasnnitAile ntto�neys' fees; and (d)takes such action as I..ender may reasonably rcqmre to assure ���_ <br /> d�at the licn��f this Security Instrument,[.�:nder's rights in the Property und Sorro�vcr's obligation to pay dic sums securcd by �;,,„ <br /> this Securiry Instrument slzaU continue unchanged. Upon reinswtement by Borrower, this Securiry Instniment and the [�.�,_= <br /> � , obligationt secured liereby sh�ll remain fully effective as �f no acceleration had occurrcxl. However, this right to reinstate shull __ <br /> ., iwt ap�ly in thc casc of acccie'rnlion undcr paragrsph l7. �- <br /> �� 19. Snle of Note; CRean�ye of l.oan Service�. Thc Note or a partial intemsc in tl�e Note (togcthcr wit4� this Security -�—A__ <br /> Instrument)may bc�old one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in thc:entity(known o;,,.: <br /> as the"l..oan Scrvicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note a�id this Security Imtmment. There also mny be one <br />- . ., or more changes of the I.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is u change of the Lnan Servicer, Borrower will be ��,-y_ <br /> ' � given written notice of thc chan$e in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will strite the nnme und - <br /> address of the new Luan Servicer and the uddress to which puyments should be masie. The notice wiU also contain any other �;�� <br /> '�� informution required by applicable law. __ <br />�;:; . 20. Hazarduuw Substances. Horrowcr shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any -- <br />�.� .� ° Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Hottower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anydiing affectine the � <br /> ;;.;; ° •; Propeny that is in violation of any Gnvironmental La�v. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use,or - <br /> ;"' ' •�',""y storagc on the Property of small quur►tities of Hazardous Substanccs that are generally recognized Co bc appropriate to narmal <br />'�,>=:� residential uses and to maintfln�ncc of the Property. <br /> s.F.'._` ``, n 1. u ;. .,�..f rndQT written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or othcr action by xny <br /> __...�y„{e�.,.`t3�.� � UVIIVVYti Jit�t� �..vii:��J D!'� - <br />_-;��;:;,,.:. • :Ft ' govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Propeny and any Hazardous as�i�.izu�ce����.Lirnmeec�!IM� <br /> ---- "�'.�'�� of which Barrower has acival knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is nunficd by any govemmen�tal or regulatory authority,that <br /> �,c;� ! <br />��,m�r���,��,.,� any removnl or other remediatiou of any Haxardous Substunce affecting the Property�s necessar;+. �lorrrnr'er shnll��romptly t e <br /><�S�L.G�,.�^ all necessary remcdial actions in nccordance with Emironmental <br />`�'�' '� As used in this parngraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are tho�e substances defined as toxic ar hu.arc�ous substnnces by <br /> ~��'��T��? Envi�onn�ental and thc foUnwing substances gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleun� products, toxic <br />—°- �.. <br />�'�1,. pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents. materi;ils cantaining asbestos or formaldehyde,and rndioactive mntorials. As used�n <br />=='��� this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" mca��s tederal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wherc the Pi�upe�ty is located thut <br />�;"��:�i;_� relate to health, snfety or environmental protection. <br />�--��'�� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.�iorrower and Lender further covenant and agrce as follows: <br />�I;�rct�F��w <br /> =-=:�t,..:� 21.Acceleratton;Remedies.L4nder shall give�na�SicP to Borro�vei•�prior to acceleration followinp Borro�s17 bret►� <br /> —""�� of any covenant or agreement in thts �aurity Gms�rum�ent (but not r[or to acceteratiun under araRrAp <br /> -- �.-- <br /> -�'�v'� applicable law provides otherwise).The notire shull spocify: (u)the default;(b) the action required to cuce the detuult; <br />_�=—:s�`�?'�e (c)a date, rtot Iess than 30 days from the date the notice Is given to Borrower, by which the defuutt mu�1 M:cured;and <br />�°=.��::_�-�� (d) that failure ro cure the defaul!on or before the date speciT�ed notl e I�all further infora�Bortne etr of the right ta <br /> ___ ----- -�°� r.ecurnd by this Security Instrument und sale of the Property <br />� Y� minstate after ecceleratinn mid the rfgi�t to bring a wurt�actlon to asscat ihe non-extsteace of e default or any other <br /> _ _�„��.� defense of�orrower to ��elerntton and sale. If the default is not cured �n or before the date spec�fled Iro the notice, <br /> ,—_,�.,, Lender,at its option, mov require imznedluQe pnyment In full m8 all sums secured by this Security Instrument without <br /> =�.,�--'.���m�"�� further den�and and may invakc the power of sale and any other remedies pe�mitted by z1i�ncludiW� butdno¢��5S d <br /> ?S�iY�J:.�;� <br /> ',;.;=xt.;;, entitled to coltect aU expens�incurred in pursuMg the remedtes provideii in this puragrap Q+ <br /> �'t�_ to,reusonable attorneys' �ees and costs ot title evtdcncc. <br />,��,.,�-� —�= If the power of sa�e is invoked, Trustee shall recard a notice of def�ull in euch caunty in whieB any pnrt of the <br />`��,„•�y,� pro rty is tocated and shall muil copies of such notice in the manner prescrl'bed by applicabte luw tu Borrower und to <br /> ---_—:�,`•;.�,� the other persons prescribed by applicnble law.After the time required by app�icable law,Trustee shull�ive pul►lic rotice <br /> ;,°=��:::=;�r of sale tn the pecsons and in the manner prescribed by npplics►b9e law.Trustee, wtthout demnnd on Borrower,shnll sell <br />--��>;���. the Property at publlc auciion 4o thc highest blddcr at the time und pluce und undex the tcr+ns d�ignntcd in thc nottcc ot <br /> -=....e�., .•' <br /> -�:w••. . s,;• sale In onc or more paTCels and in any arder Trustee detenn[nes.Trustee may postpone salc of all or any purcel a[t c <br />=`''?�::.:':'i=R=`� Property by publtc nunoaa�cement nt the time und place of:►ny prevtously scheduled sule. Lender or it� designee mny <br />�=y_i�.:• ,�,�,�r}�� . <br /> ,.. purchuse tho ih�operty aC�any sale. <br /> , ;�'•1;�`�:;,: <br />__ �r. • �,h�.�t��•�•!�• __. <br />�l{:� ' •��' Form3028 9/90 <br />-- � •-. ��3 Pn90 6 0l G <br /> . .�.� <br /> -...�..�.a; �' <br /> --�--.- --._�`--i-�1 —` _ _,r,w�a..c„�,�. . ---- ��'..s,,,....a ;�•a�-.a"..l,�m�t• <br /> , ' � • c6i7'iifElibn�F7:t:.YaG'.°?,�e:R`�n.':':'i-.'-.�:, �. "=«�i� ......i�iy:...�r...��- ��. � . . . <br /> � �� .. .. .. °. . .. .. <br /> ' .. .' 'i . .� . - .., � <br /> � . � . . . . � i'.. . . . � . � . <br /> ' <br /> _ <br />