<br /> . „
<br /> ��, . .,
<br /> • ,.��, ,, ,. .
<br /> . �11r�... , . _ .. - .. � ' , ..� .��Zt'�'�1}Y� � '
<br /> .. 4,� 11'. . � � ..�. . . _.,.�w.. n.� . . . " .. . . ... .. . . ._.....__�_.l.��.r � .'W..
<br /> .3_=�� �"' . .. . . � ___
<br /> '�� ��:��''
<br /> :,_ „ � 97-° ������ �..r:.�-..
<br /> • • 7.Pro2ectlon oi�ender'� RIph3� in the Property. i� eorrowa. hue �o ps�omn tn• ca �n en aa.�+�s�e
<br /> .-�:_:
<br /> , contahcd M thta Sacurityr tnatnimant, or lhaa le a ipe�prxwdln0 th�t m�y �Ipr+M�cuity afS�ot Lwtd�a riyhU fn th�Prope�ty(ivat�n
<br /> . c�proce,d!np In bankrupt�y, p;obete, far Condsmn�tlan or forNkut� ar to�nforca kws or requlalbne),lh6n Landar may do nnd�ey for
<br /> � whetwer fs n�c�aeuy to prot�ot the v��u� 01 th� PropMiy �nd L.An�4 riphl� In tho Propsrty. �������on'nbH ntto ey'e�faes �nd
<br /> any sumf t�cund by q Ik� whloh hr�prlorNy ovw 1hb fscurity inttrumar�t, op{���o h oou�h��LoO�d�'not htw to do eo.
<br /> onte�inp on th�Property to m�k�npairt. ARhouph Londw mny tak��ctbn undK thb pnrnAraF ��
<br /> � /�ny unounts dlaEun�d by L�nda uncNr lhlo parepr�ph 7 shtR C�ccm� addkbn�l d�b4 of Bo�rowa racursd bY lhb S�curky
<br /> �! IntVUmont. UniMf aortowK �nd L�ndK �prM to oll►K tKmy of p�ymenl, Ihit� amountt sh�N b�v fntK�st kom th� data of
<br /> d�ebun�rnsnt st tho Nat�nto�nd ehaN b�pay�bM,wNh ht�ral, upon notte�kom UndK to BorrowK r�qu�stinp paY+r�^�•
<br /> ;; ' 6. NflOIt�8�9 O1�M11'ilflf�6. 14 L�rtc'wr rx��L:A rau:�� 6�2urGnC� e� n COn!!�!t�n o1 makh9 lha lo�n seCUred CY thh
<br /> � SecurNy Insbum�nt, Bortowu sh�ll pay th� pnmWm� rpuirtd to rt�inl�h th� mort�pe haunnco h N1�ct. If, tor any roaaon, lhc ,
<br /> mortp�po htursnc�aov�p�r�Qulni9 by i�rtd�r hPSSf or cuit�u lo be In Nlect,Borroww shtl pay tho pnmlum� nquind to obt�h
<br /> ' Rfl
<br /> ;' „bo,..r•^'�';� aov�r`pr substantt��ly �qulvabr►t to ths moRQ�ps hwranca prwbusy h Nhat, et � cost eubst�nt4yr aquNaMot to th� coat to
<br /> � ., .'�*.� BorrovcW of ths mortp�ps he�nnc� prwlausy in Nbct, kan an akemai� mortp�p� h�ur�r �AProvQE by landa. If eubatanti�Ny
<br /> ~. � pub�knt mortyap�lnsunr�c� cawn0� I� not aafkAk,Bortov+K th!M pey to Lentkr e!!ch month a aum equQl to onariwlRh of tta
<br /> ye+!ry mort�g� haurance pr�nlum t»fnq p�ld by BoROwer wh�n th�hauranc�„o�uwrsW bA��o e�paY+�� may no bnge►be .
<br /> :i acc�pt� us� �nd n4in tMs� psYma�ts u � bsa �s�rw fn Aw ol mortp� Iros rovid�d by :
<br /> In the amount ond tor tho p�bd th�t Lender rer�u )P �°',
<br /> rp�ind. st lh� optbn of L�ndM,N moAy� fnsuronc��awnpe ( --`R-
<br /> . m hsur�r apProwd by Landet 1�pllin b�corMS av�iflbM and fa obtalMd. BoROw�r shaN hsunutca Mds h �C ordunce withhany -
<br /> moRp�pn On�uranc� h �►Nat, or to proYid�� bs� nsMre. unty the rec�ulrrrtwnt la mextWpo '
<br /> writt��pNrt�t botwMn BorrowK and l.�nd�r a aPPMCabM kw.
<br /> �.' �. In�pectlon. L�ndx w k1 �t rtwy mvc� r'�uon�bM rnUMs upon md h=p�ctl�r►� o! th�Property. Lundor stultl qh'd _;'�
<br /> BorrowK noNc�tl th�t�of a prior to�n hsp�tbn�pscM/M0 nao^+bb cauH tor ths irtspectbn. p.
<br /> 10. Condemr9aUon, rn� aroc�ed, ot �ny �war� or carr� tar a:rr=c�. d�t or cans.c�,encni. h oonnoatbn wn» nn�
<br /> � ,� condMnnatton or otdM tlkiny of�ny part ot th�Prqpaty�ot ICr eonwyanc�t+ Wu o}conder�inat�o.�,rua hs.�eby n3aip�od ancl stulll bi „.;r;.,�
<br /> ptld to I�nd�t. "` ,_
<br /> In th�w�nt of 4 total takiny of th� Propa+ty� th�proc�eds shafl be �Aplbed to tha sums 6oCUred by this S9cudly lnstn�rrusJl. �,.,y
<br /> wh�tMt or not tMn dw� wRh �ny �oaC�ss ��d tG BarorvK. In th� �v1nt ol a puti�l tdcinp of the Propt�rty h whiah th0 i�tr mn�rrd; _
<br />. �. vtlue oi tha Proparty Immedktey batoro lha taki�p b �qutl to ar pre�ter than lh� omount of the sums secured by thtn S�e�J� - _
<br /> ��strum�nt tnrtwdiuy.y bolon tM tekiny, unf�ss BoROwK �nd L�ndK oth�vris�tprw In wr�tinfl. �he sums c�curod by thta S+►���� � .�'W
<br /> IneWm�nt shaN b� nduced by th� unount o} the prx�ads rtw�pll�d by the lolbwiny hactlon: (�1 th� toul omount o! ttao eumn �-'�,,:
<br /> socur�l imm�df�teN batora thv qking� dhrid�d by (b)tM tair marlcK wlu� of 41N PropKty MnrrNdl�tNY bdoro tt►�taklnQ.Any bN�ncr� �_
<br /> � N whiah th�hY m�ck�t va�0 of th� Proporry �m�cA'uGtt� -
<br /> „ shaN b� paid ta Borrov+K. In tM�wnt pt a partltt t�khp o}lh�PropMty
<br /> Mtcn tha Gk4iy 4 Ms�than th� ar►wunt of th�autn� acurW Ymwdf�tay bNon th�tilciny�unMss �3orrower�nd ►.�ndrx oSt,�►nr�sm ---
<br /> '� �qnn In wrkinp a unl�as �pplic,�bM 1�w olMiwiw pravld��� the proaedt shaN W appYad to th� aums acund by lhla S�x1�j --
<br /> IOitNm�nt wfNitNr or noE ini oun�'s i�:��w:.
<br /> It ths Property Is+b�ndnn�d by Bortowo►,or If.aMr notb� by L�nder to Borrowor that tM cond�rtr'or ofNrs to rtWcs�n awars��:'
<br /> s�ttM a ckhi for d�ms�s. BortowK��t�,��t rastoratbn o raptY o1 th�Propaty o»toothn a s cac�ured bY hta&1cY�r•�
<br /> � to coMct�nd sppy th�proc�sda
<br /> instrum�nt.wh�ther w not th�n dw. uhny not extend or PostpaRO tto
<br /> ' � Unlsss Lendx artd Bortower oiherwiss aqrse In wrkiny� Ny rAP�tbn of proceads to prheptl
<br /> dw d�ts of tM moTthiy payrtKnts rokrnd to In WnOnPhs t �nd 2 0►chanp� tM amount of such paymw�ts.
<br /> • 11. Bo�ower Not Reles�ed: Forbeuance By Lendcr Not a Wsivar. Extansia+ or ths c�,�e �o► aaym�n� a
<br /> • �,;,„�4 modNicatbn of�mortlation of ths sums sacu»d by thb S�curNy Instrum�nt pnnt�d by Undsr to �ny rtafocessor h h!v»st o1 Bosrnuw
<br /> shaN not opente to nMass ttN W�bYityy of th�orfpina�B�rro�+wr ar Borrow✓s auccessore In htaros� Londar shell not bd roq�utrod to
<br /> ;t, c���proc�dhps�painst�ny suaaaor In ht�nst a rMus�to�od�nd trrN fo►Palmant or olh��vis�madly amort�ttbn o�tLa
<br /> '; • � : �F' sum� s�cund by thb Secvrity InaUument by n4son of �ny 6«n�ad rtud� by the orlpind Borrow�+r a Baro�nn's succa,taorII h
<br /> .="-'s�.,•;�-.: htNytt. My MtbMronC� by LendK h�tCitirp any dpht or t�MdY thar not b�4 watuK of or PnCkldo th��afrCtse o!any ri0ht Or
<br />-:r.'�"'e;ti•;F.!��l .
<br />�~':���.'':^;:; �2. Sueces�ora end Asstona Bound; Jolnt and Sever�l Ll�bltlty; Co-stpnera rne covm.nm .���d
<br /> __.�.��:�:;.�!r �
<br />_r;',�-'�,�'y�Y�ti��':` �prN�r►sr.ri o? thl9 Security insWment shrA bfnd u►d baa�fR tM auaysso+a and assipns ot l.�nda'Nd BoROwar, aubjoct to th� �
<br /> ptovklons o!p�roprsPA 17.Bortowers Cown�ttte and�MnMfts shal be jofnt and 6�aL My Bo+TOwer wh0 coCt�d��nwy that
<br />-- °� ,,.� Inswm�nt but do�a not aacub tM Notr. (a) is caslpnin0 this S�curity Inshumrnt ony to mcat0�ps, 0�4
<br /> �°:'t:._'fi`i':•!-
<br /> , �;,{�t�•_:�-- 8orroww9 Intor6st(n tha Property under the tams of lhis S�curBy InsWm�nC, (b)fs not p�so��a���W�d�Pfa��s��n e anp
<br /> =a �-+�`�` �� by thts Security Ins6umen� �nd (a) �pross thtt L�nd�r �nd any othK Barow�r rt�sY �
<br /> ''�Y�.�f:.'i`.; .
<br /> y'����+:',�•;: accommaaations wkh repard to tams ot this Security Instrum�nt a th�Mot�wkhout that Bortoww�Qoossnt•
<br /> ������?`�[ 13. i.van Charqes. If th� ban ae�cund by thls Securk� tnsUUmmt is eubject to a itw wAnh sets mnxNrKim bnn ctwr�S,
<br />_ �,������,' �nd that i�w is finaNy htaproted so that tha htKest or oth�r lou� Clw+�s Colkcted or to be Co1la:tsd In ConnnCtiun wRh ttw ban
<br />_°°..r��+- '
<br /> ;;t�.�.,..•;:;, � �cc«d th�pertnitted Wnks�then� (a)�ny auch ban chenp�s chN be nducM by th��mount necossery to nduc� thu c�tutye to tM
<br /> ° '�; a`.:":, At�d Am!t; �d(b)any sums aMstdy cofeated from Borrow�r which exc�sd�d PMnilt�d knks wW W rotundeel us'�oirowx. LendK
<br /> �.;:�:�;:;:;�. � _-
<br />- ;• :��`,: mey ahooss to mdce th0.s rNund by rsducfrtp th� prhr.lpal ow�d undu fh� Noh or by mdchfl a dlrect p�1n^e+>> to BoMOwK. If a -
<br /> � • "`�` refund reduces P►���6 ths reduction arW be tneted�s a W►Na�preWY�t wUhout anY PnWY�4 chtrpo under the Note. _
<br /> � 14. I�OUClf. Any notic�to Borrow�r providW tor h thb 6«.wrxy In�Wm�nt ehtp W piva� by deNver�g W M by m�Nhp k by `�...
<br /> � first ci�sa map unfass appficable law reGufrs� uss of�nothK rnNhod. Ttw notbo chaM be directed to the Prca�s�ly Addrsss a eny ��'.'
<br /> ' � other address Borrow�er desipn�tos by notic� to Leader• MY notke to Lend�►shall be pHen by first ctaso matl 7o Lenders 4ddress .
<br /> ,..:;;; � statod hers'n or any other address Lender daslanatas by not�e to BarowK. My notica prov{ded for In thln ..�ecurfty IneVum�t sh�q i:_":
<br /> ' '`�'` ' be deametl!o havs beon pMen to Borcowe►or Lender whon qhren as provlded tn thh�purpnPh•
<br />�� � 15. Govarn{nq I..�w; �VCiabO�l�l. Yhis SeCUtity insVumMlt 6haH ba OG'temed by tederei 0w und the low o? Qhe :
<br /> � �urfadfotlon h wh�h tho Property b bcated. In tha�rsnt thtt �ny provisfon or cfouso tf this SecurRy Inutrumerot or the Note�onlActS
<br /> ,r.. '_
<br /> � wkh appifCabis i�w. suoh contiict shAll not afiect other provbbns of thb Socunty in�hument or th9 Noto whiah aan b� phron WWat
<br /> �,,."�.�•. .� wRhout 4he confNCthp provisbn. To thb end th�provisfons of thb 3ecurity InsWment and tho Nato aro d�nred to be severabE�.
<br /> .-_-_ -- ' W....��w�Alnts nnd n}fhlS�BCIdf�Y ItiStfUf116f1t.
<br /> ._._.-,-..__,-:-_—_-_ .
<br /> � 16. Borrowcra copy. tl0:rower anas o�oirw�m�vimti..•�.�. ....rs •••��-.----�- - - --
<br /> ?` " 17.Tr�nsier ot the Propertj►or � eeneticld Intereat In Borrower. U aN or 6ulY part of tha Rro�rty or any
<br /> 4nterost h R Fs sold or transP�nd (or M�b�nMicial ht�nst in Barower b sotd or Vanstarted and Borrower Is not a naturnl person)
<br /> NRhout Lend�s prior w�itten consent,Undar m+►Y.et ib option,roquln Ym�ed�nte paymant h tub ot a1 sum� securod by thls Securiry
<br /> Inswment. Howwer,this optbn shal not W eoc�l.od by Lender R exercise Es prohbked by fodertl law as ot the date of this Security
<br /> . • InswmenG
<br /> �}���exercises thfs optbn,lender shall phro Borrowor not�o ol accelvntbn.Tha noflce shaq prwfde a perfod of not less thsn ,
<br /> 30 days hom tM date tha notiCe b deHwnd or rrKiNd wR�ln whfch tha Borrow�r must pay aN sums secured by this Security
<br /> tnsWment.It Borrower fafis to pay lheso sums prbr to tha e�YCtbn ol thb pertod,Lender meY hvoke nny rernedfe�permRtOd by thfs
<br /> Security Instrument wRhout tuAher not��or demand on Bortower. Form aoze vroo
<br /> . �� Ff07D.�M0(?N!) Pep�0 ot 6 .
<br /> ' :
<br /> 4TE -
<br />