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<br /> r�, princlpa!amount oi the Indebtedneaa�ecured by thla Deed of Tryat,not Including�sums advancod to protecl lhe sscurlty of Ihls De�d oi
<br /> ' ��� 7ruet,oxceed Uio odginel principal pmount atutod hor�sln,ar 3 °(�� ,whlchaver Is preat9r. _
<br /> 9�,1�1lsc�ll��om��Pvovialons. p:__:
<br /> � (a)�orrowvr No4 R�Isaad.Extenalon oi Ihe time 4or payment or moditicatlan ni emoNzatlon of lhe aum9 ecicured by thls =
<br /> l�e�d of Truet granted by l.ender to eny succese�r In Intere9t oi Borrowor shall�+vt operate to release,In any manner,tho Ilablll- _
<br /> � ty oi the origlna! Be�rower end Borrower'a a�tcceseoro In Intereet. Lender ehall nat[ie required to commence proceadinga �;
<br /> egalnat euch eucc�ssor ar refuse to extend Ume Por payment or othervvlsA modify emortizetlon oi the eums s�ured by thls ���'
<br />;,..,�, �,� � Oead M Yruat by reaaon of eny deman4a made by the orlginul Borrowor and Borrowors suaceasore in Intorest. :R°
<br /> f . ((�)Lend�r'a Pow�v�.Wlthwt Atfecting tita Ilebillty oi ony othor pereon Ilable fot lhe payman4 at eny obilgatbn hArela men• �r,
<br /> t;an;�3,ard c:lihout atf�cUnq lh�I!cn ot chcr��oi ihl�[]asd of Ttus4 upon eny paAlon o}tho Praporty nol then ar therototoro �:-.
<br /> releass�as secudty for the!ull emcwnt oi ell unpald obilgetlnne,Londer may,irom tlme to time end wilhout notke(i)refease :�
<br />' r�'•Z��r.� , any pe:aon eo Ilable,(Iq extend the maturity or a!ter any of the tarma of ec�y euch obll�ations,(iiq gront clher Indulgencea, (Iv) _
<br /> � �' rolease or reconvey,or ceu�to be reteased or reconveyed et eny tima at Lenders aptlan any Rarcel,portlon or ell of tho _-
<br />:r� : Property,(v)take or release any other or additbrtel eecu�(ty tor any o411gatbn hereln mentbned,ar(vl)make compositlors or ==
<br /> �^---^� other arrangoments w(th debtaro In releNan thereto. _
<br /> _ y�;� (cj Fo��rancs by I.�nd�r No!�Wafvor.Any(orbearence by Lende�In exercising eny rigM er remedy hereunder,or oth- —
<br /> erwise aif�rdsd by e�pgticable law,ahall not be a walver at or preclude the exerclsa of eny such ri�ht or remedy.The procure-
<br /> ment oi i�surance or the payment ot taxes or other llens or charpes by Lander shafi not be a waiver or Lenders d9ht to aocoler- '=
<br /> : �� ate tha rt�atu�ity of thc+Indebtedness secured by this l7eed oi Trust °
<br /> (d)Succ�sson srtd Asslp�ns Bound;Jolnt end 8�v�nl Liabttt6y;Captloru.The wvenants end Agreements hereln con-
<br /> ' , �,:�, tetned ehall btnd,and the rights hereunder shail Irsure to, the respectlYe successore and asstgns of Lender end Trus:ur.NI �
<br /> , covenents and agreoments of Trustor shall be jolnt end severel.Tho captions and headings of the par�graphs oi thls Deed oi _
<br />_��;g��;�� 7NSt era for convenlence oN/end ase not to be used to Interpret or deflne the provtslons horeot _
<br /> - ;�,;,, (e)R�qtNSt fo�Plotic�s.The parties horeby request that e copy ot any ratk:e oT defauit hereunder end e cop�I ol a�y ndlce
<br /> ai sata hereundar be moiled to each party to thls Dead of Tnist et the address set fo�h ebr�vd in the manner prescsibed by
<br /> ' �.-+���•�• p�pitcable law.Except for ar►y other no4Fce required under applicabte taw to bo given In another manner,any notice providad for _
<br />'.ti'_::r.�"i?4 in lh(s Deed ot Trust shall be g(ven by maiiing such notlr.d by cer�fi�sd rt�all addrossed to the other partles,at the address set
<br /> 4orth abava.Any noUee provided for in this Deed oi Tn�st shall be etfective upon matUng tn the manner dostgnaled herein.Ii
<br /> 1_�_;,_,�^, TNStor Is rtwro than one per�o+�.natice sent to the eddress set torth above shall be noUce ta all such persons.
<br />:'_,�s_�r, (}�insp�ction.Lender may make or cauae to be made resaonable e�tTiea upon ersd Inspectlons ot the Propedy, provided _
<br /> thst Lender shall give Trustor�oUce prlflr ts eny such inspactlan epecifying reasonable cause theretor rotated to Lender's Inter-
<br />_':;�� As ost in the Property.
<br />��'��� � (g)R�coaveyancs.Upon psyme�nt of ell sums secured by this O¢�ed oi Trust,Lender sha0�puest Trustee to reconvey tho
<br /> J�•sG
<br />-:=:n..,.�� Property and shall surrender this Deed of Trust end a!I notes e�ldencing indebtadness sacured by this Oeed of Tmst to
<br /> -�_==-"= TNStee.T�ustee shal!reconvey the Property,withaut wa�enty end without chargo to the persor►or persons tegaily entitlod
<br />' ;A_�,�,R�;���� fhereto.Tnislor shall pay all costs of racordation,ti any.
<br /> �;`4�(� (h)P�rooreal Prop�rty; S�eurity Ayn�m�nt Aa eddidonal secudty for the payment ol the N9te, Trustor hereby granta
<br />;_�`'��.,� l.ender under the Nebraska Uniforre�Commercial Code a security IMerest in eii Nxtures,equfpment,end other persanal proparly
<br />-�:�x;�I USAtl!fl COIII1BCtW�1 VVfth R19 R381 BS1Hl8 Or Iti�ptovorrtewri�{uus�4nu'u�moie'i,oiid i.�Y 82�'�..�:.w�.^.l�3�L�r..°.^.`�..'� !0 y°_^�°'�..�
<br /> =�,,,w�, the rea�l estate sacured hereby.l'his InsVument shall be consUued as e Security Agreemen!ander�saW Cade,and tlto Lender
<br /> �r±.� shal!hav�a all tt�e rights and remedies o�e secured parly under said Code in addiCwn to the rights and remadies created ue�dar
<br /> �"'""��� end acc�.orded the Lender pursuant to this Oeed of Trush provWed that Lender's r�hts and remedfes under this p�reg�ph shail
<br /> =
<br />