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<br />' •• THIS QEEO OF TRUST,Is m�de es of lho,_�St day ot A�ri 1 ,19 97 ,by and�moap ^ `
<br /> ' wif_ ��Y
<br /> - the Trustor,�c�tt R Pa�lcpn�nd WP,p,�v K Pa�1 sen, h�sban�and_ -
<br />�=•:,"�,::;..�: , °
<br />.,�'�:fi,y; �, whosa malling eddi�esa is�,�1,��S9,�h �1�,��en Aven�e. Crand Isl and. NE 6�in'Trusto�',whothbr ono or more),
<br /> i:.tt �.' _ ^
<br />:t_.,�:�1.,•, lhaTrustee �1yQ P09r1$„��ank. a Nnhraclra Cornoration �_
<br /> r ._f,;,..{.. .
<br />�� whose matling addrvss Is P 0 Box 15Q7 Grand I sl and. NE fi8802-J.507 (hereln•Trustee'),and -
<br />��Y� �,�';: ,;
<br /> �,r�.:
<br />_ :?:�'4:+n th088�B}�CIB(�/�,J:ivp Pn'ilbt:'s- RBNL� a AlnhracNa r�r�nrartnn --- _
<br /> if�'�.�.. ,n r
<br />�_�,,�, t�s ��.� whosemailingaddressls � O Rnu 1�[17� Grand lslan �NF 6880_-1_507 _ (hereln'Lender).
<br /> _,�,y.;.
<br />,tl'�]_".:9�
<br />'"=��i:,kf. FOR VALUABLE CON511��RATION,Including Lender's extenslon of credit Identified hereln to Sr.ot7 R- Paui cPn and
<br />.�"�-;`.e.,Z a, a �i fo
<br />-����^����� ��d���'���"�u�� (herein'8orrower;whother one or more)and the W�t herein created,the recelpt
<br />-��--�:= ni .y�hirh I.c hRrPhy ackna+�hr�nr��ca,Trustor hsroby Irrevocobiy grants,tronsfers, conveys end asstgns to Trustee, IN TRUST,WITH -
<br /> �°���`—,��'! POWER OF SALE,for the Ce.r�c.9t and securit�of Lender,under and suhJoct ro the terms and conditlons hersetnafter se4 tarth,the real
<br /> _::�,���; propertyaescn�edastai�3: Lot Nine (9), Ross Heights Second Subdivision, in the City of
<br />�°^���'S� Grand Island. 1•1�19 Caunty� Nebraska.
<br />��'��'�"� Lot SevEn (�) and Part of Lot S9x (S). Block One (1), Claussen Countryview
<br /> z�?:� Addition to th� Ci�� of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br />°�r��:,
<br />�"'�_-__- __ Togethor with ell buiiJlirgs,ls�rovemanta,fixtures,streets,aileya,pacoageways,eASements,rights,�Ivitoges and appuRenances
<br /> .--_��;;�_� located the�cr in an�rrtse portafning thereto,and the rents, issues end profits,reversbns and rornain�ers thereof,end such per-
<br /> sonal proper�1�r is attrnchad tu the Improvements so as to constitute a flt�ture,inctuding,but not Ifmited to,heattng and cooling equi�r-
<br /> -____-- ment;and togmtlior with 13:4 Itcvr�,o�tead or madtal IntArosts,it any,which interosts are hereby released and waived;all oi whlch,indud-
<br /> "'a'"'''��' ing repiecemants and adctitit�rs 47eereto,is hereby declared to be a paR of the real estete secured by the lien ot lhls Deed oi Trust ertd
<br /> ---__ e11 oP the foregaing haing refierrad Eo here(n as tho'Property°.
<br /> Thls Deod ot Trt�ot aRoli ser,r�re(a)the payment ot tho pdncipol sum end Interest ev(denced by a promissory note or credii agre�e-
<br /> inent datad An� t c�,7 _ ,hpviny a maturity date oi M�y L�_ 1 Q97 _,
<br />---�_-�=`��= in Ihe ortginal prtrtcipal amount oi S �iti�nno_nn ,_ , and any end all moditicaUons, extensbns end renewais
<br />�� thereof or thoreW end eny end a11 future edvancss and reaclvances to Borrowor(or eny ot them N more than one)hsre+mder pursuant
<br /> ls��i to one or more promissory notes or credit agreements(hacoln c�alled'Noto`);(b)the �ayment of oiher sums edvanced by Lender to _.
<br />,,,�,,,,,,,�,,,.,„�� pr�tect tha security ot the Note;(c)the pedortnance ot all covenants and agraements oi Trostor set forih hereln;end(d)ail prese�t and
<br /> future indebtedieess end obtlgations of Sorrower(or any of tfiem tf more th�n one)to Lender whether direct,(ndirect,ebsoiute or conUn-
<br /> --- ---- gent end wl�et#�er arising by note,guaranry,overdraft or otheiwise.The Noto,this Deed of Trust end any and all other clocuments that
<br /> securo the tVote or otherwiso�xecuted In connection therewith, Including wifhout timitatlon guerantees, secu�ity egreements end
<br />� pss�C nments olleases and ra�ts,shall be reterred to here(n as the'Loan Instrumsnts'.
<br />'""°"�'� Trustor covanants end agroes with Lender�s followa:
<br />��� 1. P�yr�no�'t af Ind�sbtednes�.AII Indobtedness secured hereby shall be pald when due.
<br /> � �"'�' 2. Tipo.Trustor fs lhe owner of the Property,has the�IDht and authadty to convey the Property,and warrants that tho Ilen creat-
<br />-`-�,�m:"�" •�
<br /> �_��;,;.�,;y ed horeby Is e flret and prior Ilen on the Property,except for Ilens and encumbrancas set forth by Trustor In v�riting and detivered to
<br />_'`�-���'4`.�'�., +' Lmndor before�xecution of this Doad of 7rust,and the execuUon and dellvery oi this Deerl oi Trust doas not viotate any contract or
<br /> -"�'�-`�- , ; ' othnr obligation to which Trustor.Is subject.
<br /> �'r-;��:•�''��}" 3.Taxea,Asseasmente.To pay before deli�quency all taxus,special ossessments and e8 other charges against the Properry =
<br /> �J�1
<br /> - . �°:�%: .� �' now or herefltdur Iovied. _
<br /> - "• i�c����;1r . -
<br /> ?`='�`��;:��!�•+• .• 4.Inaur�nco.To kc+ep the Property Inaursd appinst damage by flro,hazards Included w(thin the tertn oxtended covorage',and
<br /> - � a,Y,�v - _
<br /> ^ .a;�{�`�'�' �� suoh other hazards es Lender m�y requlre,In ert►aunt�and with compenies ecceptable to Lender, naminp Lend�r as an eddiQonal =
<br /> ��''``' ' '�•'`• � named Insured,with loss payabte to the Lender.in qso of Iass under such poficles,the Lender ls authorizod to adjust,collect and �
<br />- ` .�� ' � compromise,eil ctaims thereunder end shaU have the optlan of applylnp ei!or part of lhe Insuronce proceeds(i)to any indebtedness _
<br /> ..".�.:� ' secured hereby and tn such oMer as Londer may dotermine,pf)to the Trustor ta be used tor the repair or rostoretion of the Property or
<br />-- ��aY�t� e'� (iiil for eny other purpose o►ob;ect satisiectory to Lender without offacting thn Iion of this baed oT Trust for the full emount sacured
<br /> '`-��"''�-�3'` hnrd�v Cwfrv�o a�v�h n�vmnn}cvnr f.v�{r nlnrv Anv annllr�tlnna n�n�MAn�IC fff i(ff1Ah�A[ifIFlAS AFIAII fl[1t AY�Ofld Of DDS�DDfl9 H18 A119 fI8t9
<br /> .. •._,'.____ - .._._-+__'_'___�.�_�..._..._._. �_..r.___""•_��"'___"' "�""'_''_ . _'_.' _ .
<br /> � � oi eny payments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunde�.
<br /> , °^�''=' "�' 5.E�crovi.Upon wr(rien demand by Lendar,T►ustor shall pay to Lendor, In s�ch manner es Lender may designate,su�clent -
<br />— • � - sums!o enable Lendur to pay as they become due ono or more ot the foilowing: (i)ali texes,as,essments and other charges against
<br /> �_-
<br /> the Property, (ii)the premlums on tho property fnsurence requlrsd herounder,and (III)the premlums on sny ma�tgage Insurance
<br /> - � requlred by Lendee.
<br /> � ': 6. AAalutenance, Repalre and Compllance wlth Laws. Trustor shall k�ep the Propsrty in g�od oondlrion and ropair; shell
<br /> � . promptly repalr,or mplaca any improvoment whlch may bo damaged or desVoyed;shall nof commit or portn(t any waste or deteriora-
<br /> � �• Ufln oi tha Proparty;shall not remove,demollsh or substantlally altor any of ihe fmprovements on the!'rogerty;shall not commit,suffer
<br /> ,. „ or pormtt any ect to be done In or upon the Proporty in violatlon of any law,ordlnance,or regulaUon;and shall pay and prompUy dis-
<br /> = charge at Trustor's cost end exponse all Ilons,encumbrances and charges lovied,Imposed or accessed egalnst tfie Proporty or any
<br /> Qart theroof.
<br /> • ,� T. Eminent Domain.Lender Is hereby asslgned all oompensation, awards,damagos and oihor paymant�or roltef(hereinaRer
<br /> r+ocHS►n+n+wnwvraw�aa sroe
<br /> � � O t9Ee H.tm.�uw a amrac.r�vti ma san��nssocu'rn Uxm Neau,.. .
<br /> _.. ___.___.__- R .
<br /> - �
<br />._,
<br /> - : • , .
<br />