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<br /> � '1'HIS I�1XNd7/A,I�l�Jt�TI'MLl;IS/b'i73 itf��to�tw�o on tliir� 31t;t dt�y uf M�x'r:h . .-,:--
<br /> 1',�f7 �aad (e Woo�pamL:d iuto and cd�ull Ao Jisamoal to amaid wd nu�lu�nent A�u Mo�l;�;�o, Ucod oP -
<br />_,. � 'lYust ar Securlty Daed(tht�"3ei:tiudty Inut�.urient'�of t�o e�►mn dai,�+givar by tliu�wdorolaned(tLu"]�ore�ow�dr")to —
<br /> , � eacitr� Bocrowor's Fl�cad/AdJiwtnl�l�IBah�Dloro(itr�"Noto°)to s WNG�I:ACIE�II�QR'I'(:A,G►'��t�►MP�NY
<br />- . • (tho"Lend�r")oC thu eatno�lutu ond aovotitlg thcs properiy detracibed In tbn 8oaurit.,y 1nt�tttwn:nt nud lue;ued at:
<br />�. 3Z3 WESI' 8TH SI1t[�ET
<br /> ,;•.• GRAIVD LSLANY),I� �860] .
<br />'— � (I'mPe�y AdAR�nl
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<br />;,���.,,,�L...: 7'HE IMOTk Ri£�N4�t�.S FOI� r4 CHAHQE IN THE BOiiROWFI�'fi I�iXGD IM�L�l�lEBT
<br /> , 63ATE AND TU AA1 AD.iU5TA61� INTE"R�ST RATE. Tli(: 1N6�TE LIRMI'�'S 'A'HE
<br /> `�..,n . ::'`.�; �1MOUN►T THtz gt�Ii�iOWtli'S ADJiI�TABI.� RATE CAN C1�INt�i�'� A'T A41iY gltY�
<br />_- . .,,••h1`Y:�i
<br /> :;•�'..,:� ,,. . , TIME AlYb TFFi{?IYli4lCtINU11A IiATE THE BQRROIN�R MU3T PAY.
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<br />_„--`=�:k AD'�tI'IONAL CE'AWLTU�N.i`S.Iu addltioo to Iho coveaona aad abmeomantn muda in Ihe Sacirriyq L�etruattrnt,
<br />-_�`�'�mi:..
<br />-�:�.-:Y_'�i,+?t 4' Botmwer wd Londer fuithor anvuuaut and ag�o aa foflowa:
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<br />=_-��-";���.,. A. ADjiJbTAHI.L g@AlI�II,NlD 1l�O�E'1'I�Y pAYMENT CHAN�GS -
<br /> ___°:�;:,;::-' '[lie Note pravidcjs far�i ialitul fUtad iutaort rato of 11.75Q 9b.'Ihe Noto oluo providoa for
<br /> - ry=-���';i �, a clsangn�u tho It�tEnl f3�cc+d mta to iui audjautpblo intereet rah�,a9 fallows:
<br />=�:wit.,.����i ._.
<br /> .._,�.,;�,,,,�i1' � 1. AllJ�STAHC.l�A�LI�Lb"T AATE AMD MONTHLY PA'Y11�NT CN�kN�.f��
<br />_- -'°'"'�''��, (n)Ctt�nga 1'Ftd�v
<br /> x-"-_����.te� T6o initi�il filsod Enttizoyt rntu wUl ahaugu m,un naljuamblu inwrnst rntu on tho tinrt duy of l��r,'� ,
<br /> ---°°°- --- � , anct un Wo i9rot dq}r oP Wu mantfi evcry bth inonth dferr�tttnr. Racl� d�iro on �vlxic�m tho adjuatnblo
<br /> �""�"' �ry.°�' int�ra�t ratu cm�Jd olton�e tt�anllud a°Chnn�;c Aaro."
<br />- ��.•.,,��n�•� �
<br /> - .�� .���'c, (b)'d'Iw iz�lca:
<br /> •''''9 . � Begitwtng wl.ttt Iiia fimt C6nngo Datn,tho intoreut rate w311 ba bavud oa un bidos:. T1ao °Inde�t°is tho avoraga =__
<br /> __' nf the Londw intarbetili ni'fio�nd ratm fbr aix maaW dallnr dcposit9 in ttso i.vwivu u�culspt b,u�ad vn quotadcu�v at ___
<br /> t�va mnjor ixinlr�("'�.7J8[kZ`�, n� cat f�nrth in tino"Monoy Rntw" accHon of Tftu i�rdll SEnce�,Iournal, or if Fl�e -
<br /> ' �� Mnnuy Rutee e�ecUnn aea�exv to bn publt�ihal or b..�comcr+ uuavnii:�lu for twy rewnu, tl�an uu ect fvrth in a �::
<br /> cou�pau�ubb pub(iwitiun s��luoted 6y tl�o lcndor. 'fho moxt reount Indox figum c�vnilnblo na �f t6e dato 4S daya ir;�`
<br /> - ,_,_ ,� boforo ca.cl�Ch�o Daw i�cnllud din"Cur�rnt Index.° �--
<br /> �?4
<br /> . (C�CB�OI�il�O�Of��l:lp�i'S
<br /> - �� -' Bofnm each C:hnuga Bnto,tha Lendur aill calanluto��r new lntoroet rHc�hy nddbi� 51x and Orw
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<br /> noi�e�0.1259G}.Suhj«;t to tho(imiw�snticd iu 5ectlon 1(d)on tho foUutivu�Q pn�u, Ihi��muudod iwtottnt will bu the �
<br /> „ �� uAw intnmst rnfo until I.ba noxt Chnngo Dulu.
<br /> FbcedfAq!uatable R�ta Rtdor-LI6ur
<br /> �.3 ', .
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