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i. r r <br /> . ... .. ��.j. <br /> �. .�+� . � . � . ... . . �aP <br /> ,.1+{1�, .. ' �. �.+�y�.rc,A'+�..�. '. <br /> ��Y. . . �. .� ` - .t�_ " y: .. <br /> .. .��1'N�I'R . . ' � ' � .� .. ' „ .. . � "1VL�� . ......."l�Tial� <br /> . . <br /> �,. ��,/� -' ... . ' .. ._. . <br /> �� . . .."'_..... ........ . . <br /> :'!!�/JAF�,, . . . .. - .y. .�Ne 7�l�i.r - �T�.°� <br /> �. .. ..... . . ' ' ;Ir1r^�.'.r.s;�.,._' <br /> .s7�A`t�'a�'i,�y'�r <br /> ..T <br /> 97— 1�24�.� ; - <br /> ..=:r <br /> Vi <br /> . : ;�, ; <br /> i f i+':���tJ�f:�� � <br /> � � �'.��'%;�"•=__'=�.�._. <br /> � �d�!�v:,_' <br /> ;r.. �., <br /> ��as>_ <br /> . .✓'_, �'- -- <br /> ' ).�:'4i',r,��;��•�r- - -r._,.-r <br /> ..'ct�,4'h:".ti;:_:._;,:-: - . <br /> . . 5.�h6�ard or Propaty xtnira�ara. Bormwet shall 6xcp the iu�►rovumaruc naw osiattug ox 6art�aficu� arectcd on We '.'::n,. ,.',f; � r:° <br /> � n:..�"_.: <br /> _ ,�.; Fcoperty ineured ag�ai�st]oss Uy flta,t�azardx 9uchidod wlthin thu tsrm"oxtonclal cworago° at�d ar�othar k�u�rda, lncluding j1'�i�,. . ,..'-'��:�_ <br /> ;� � floaclg o�r fluoding, for w:�loh l.cadex re uuos insurnnce.'Ibie insuranco xhal!Ga mu3niaitted in the uawunts aml for tho pericxk •, :.:� : .. 't=�E_-,�. <br /> �S 4 �.,� , �I,�'. <br /> : ' t3�at I,acWer rcquices.Tha inanrancc ranlor psovidtng die iasuraaco shall bo ahoscn by Batro�var eubJr.ol to l.ontler's�Pgmval ;r�:;(`;,.W_,�'��''. <br /> which c�a:l iu�t be vnreasomabIy�vlthheld. If I�onower fidle w mainsoin cover�o describal nbove� T�ndar mqy, ot T.e�dor's ::':»_7':�'-°�' <br /> �:.,:�•: , <br /> opttoa,qbtain covecege to ptotecc L�enclot's rlgltte in the FrapertY ln accarfl"mr'alth guaFyopl�'l. ; <br /> �j`•.� All iostusaca poli{:irs and[et�ewtis ahsll be�oceptabla to[�ot►�ler eud ah�ll irx��uda a etandnrd murtgagr clauso. I.c�dar i <br />- nhall havc the rlght to hold tha policiea und teacwals.If Lendez roqutro�,Bornowar aheU gmmpfly�iva to Londar alt rooelpls of '� ' <br />" paid Drcaniums a�xl rm:�ve1 notices.In tho event of losx,Borrower ehall givo pmmpc notlna to tho inatmnce aarciur and G:ndar. ��`� ' '�; <br /> Lcnder niKy maku proof of los�1f txrt atado 1�rouR►uY bY 13oriower. <br /> unlos�L.andor and Dormwer othonvisa ag�r�e iu writiag, insaranoe praa�Qb et�11 bo�ripllad to rasromflan arr rcpnie oP the t � <br /> Propercy:cln�naged, it the n:etora�tion ur repair ie economicnlly fearible and Lendus's sanud ry 1u nat lasautied.[f tlw cssWiation ar �j - <br /> . ropair ia not u;ononilcally fcasible or Lenda'a eecuricy would ba lca��d,tho inntrnnco pmcoyJ�eh�ll Fro mnfltxt to itw e�tt� = <br /> socurcd by thie Sxurlty laatnuaes►t. whcttxt or nut tlwu cLic, with �ny oxoau p�cid N 13�rtuw�x. If Bom�wot eb�ndaor t6a :,,.ti <br /> Propaty�or doa nol e+n�nvcr wlthin 30 dqys a uotiw fmm l.eudcr Qiat tlu imt�ucnuco Grnibt hn1 ofTurod to�etUu It cloitn,tLcn .;`� <br /> l.ender q3ay oollcct qha inouranco pmoue�Ls. T�t�Ae�may uK: tLo procaods ta tnp�ir ar no�totro tlt� Pm�sorty or co pKy e�ttn� �' s_ <br /> .� recured tiy Ud�Soc►vlty(new�ncnt,wiwtLer or ra�thsu due.Tho 3U�y{�e��inA wUl be,r;�i wLnt��hu aattnn t�ghrmi. �i r <br /> �� Uulr�s I.a�14r wid Ii�mmvor atLenviso �rco In wrlttng, any u��pllcatluv oY ptuo:alc ta p�invip�l eball nut uxtcnd or <br />. . pnstpouv.�he dua dAtc of tho monthly paymonu cnfatttd to in parap�n{►lte 1 tmd Z or c�mgo tho umuum��t�ho peymont�. it <br /> ucider p:dagr.iph 21 the I�n�perty is aceyulrod by l.onder, �omnver'a righl to au��In�unuoo pollolas ur.d proceucly cenullit�from <br />_ � dun�go�o the]fiapetty ptlor to tho ocxlulsltlon xhall pue co[�endcr to thv cat�wf:of l2to wme do�uroA by tWm$aluity @�tnitnaat f�,: <br /> =.�.•„ . . : imm«Ilately prlor to Ihe acqula[tlai. =F`- <br /> - i.Oucuputcy�Pc�va�tloa�Mst�lcnnuco aud Ih�otection ot tttu PmnrlRy;Bui9ro�vde I.non Applic��cltuidv. <br /> �,�_r,"�".. Borrowta�lvJl o�upy.ostablieh,wd uw the Pco�rty a�BorcoRVds p�mdpul r�idcascn witb�al�cty d�yya aiior ttta cucutiou of <br /> s.:��e�:...;x this Juudry Inatrumcat aud ahall continuc to ocCUpy We Propnrty as Danow•�x'8 painalpal rc�kl�oa fnr at luWSt onn ycar�r <br /> " �?. :n thc 4ito oi occ�p�Y�unlcss Lmdnr dhurwiso ogroea in wtWug,w4f�r,h c�nc�ut�u+ll not be unrca+�nattly witbhcki.or wila+n <br />'`•� � extenuatins circvmet��cc� oxist which are beyondl Bomower'e oonttal, Uamowar �Fwll not desttey, dnnuga ur InoQafr tho <br />�'-..,.�,� ,. <br /> . Pt+opecty:allow tho Property t,i dctcciorate,or co�it weato on W�Ptape�ty.Horrowr,r thnll bs Iu dntLnit if any[oxfvttutv -----------.- -- <br />_-��z. ;�: ''��;' ectlon or.proocodiag,whother cJvi!ar criminal,is bcgun that in[.cnJcs'a g+�ad faith Juclgmcut ouuld nault W foffniture of tHa <br /> � s� Praperty br othcnvieo mr.udalty tmpair the llea cre�tod by�his Eccasily Insttumrmt mr 4andnr's soo�ty Ini�o�t.Bouawar may <br />;�_;:;��_°_`... cure eucL;u dckault�ad re3mtate,ea ptovidod in parxgmp�l.i IB. by a�u�ing YLe aattun or prnoeedL�6 to bo dLjmLnod with u niling -- - <br /> '.. 1 r."` thac,ia Lcnder's goad faith detorminaticm,proc�t�drs fotfaltwn of Ih9 Boriaw�r'e lnt�t in thD Ntaporty or o�or matuizl �.--._ <br /> • _L.. . ltn�alrmebt of the llen cratacl by thie Secaniry latttwmnt vr Loaslea'e�uriry Inwrost.Hatrow�er shnli alr�ba in deFault if -- — — <br />-;'�:�.:, � Bonower,duting rt►c loan appllcadom ptoces�.gave matotletly�fnlus or ln�urcc�1n�ormstion or etawnunts to Lendar(or fn�led -- —' ---� <br /> ro prov9dn Lcader wlth eny•matarlal intotmadon}1n conacction with tho In�n ovJduaa�cl by ttio IJato.fu�:ludityt,but not liuiItcxt �--�--�-----� <br /> . � t o. r e p r e s 4.7+t n t i o n s.�c e m i n g B o r r o w e r's o a�p a n r.y o f t i i a P m p c r ry a s a p r i n�p a f K m l d w n o c. [f t h l e S c r a�r i t y f i u t n u n r�u i e o n a — -�.�,�..: <br /> Icasdiold, Bvmowcr�hhall oumply with all the provlsions af thv lea�sc. (i'Bnrm�vor a�c�cites fir_ titlo to Wo Ptupnrty, [hc '��,`�"��"' <br /> � �` leasehold�and tha fos rit3o ehall not rn,ergc ankBS Lajnder ng�s tv the mar�eff in wdWtg. '@""•°�`°""°i��""�'� <br /> � ��'., � <br /> �, . 7.proteslH>n ot Lrnder's Ed�hte ia tha Xropexty.It}larrov+er fails ro p�foan the covcmr.ata iwd+s�;teemcuts cantnined in �'� -:,,1�'., , <br /> ,,yr,.`' AJj{,�( . . <br /> < tf►is Security Inattumont,or lhem L�u legal proax�diog tbat may afgnificantly affo�L�dnr'a righta in tLu FroPosl3►(auch ae a r,r.:��y��'� � <br /> ' pmcceding iu bu�uptcy,pmbua, for 000domw�tion or forfoiture or to cxifom�lu�ve ur rognlnrinne),du;n tearlur tw�y do end .. '.1::_,,_t y';�:';,'•'':"� <br /> �.; �v,.. <br /> . pay for whatevrr is necu,s�uy to pnotect tln valua of the Fconerty aad Lendt�r'e rigtt�3.n the Propetty. J.�adur's nctione m�yr : �,..,,.,f�,... <br /> � Inolude paying uny swnv sccur«i by a lion wMch hoa pdority aver tlils Secudty [netmmcnt, apPou4ng in cnult, pnyin� '?' .:.°`•:�`�•,'. <br /> reaROa�blo nuorne��o'fuea nnd ontering oa tho Propecty tu maka np�lce. AlthongG Le�der may tako:iction under Wfa paragaph ; �"'`� �';�.. <br /> ,. 'l�L,nader dncs not havo to do so. ,�,, <br /> ---°--. __ �_ Anv amoonts dis6uracd hy Le.nder undcr �his parugraph 7 shell boc:on�udniitlonal debt of Sorroaar sccut�ecl liy ttiie ;-----_-° '� --°•_ <br /> _ _ _ -- - - <br /> ' Soc.vriry 2nr:tniment.Untess Borrowur nnd Lender ayce.-.eo cntaer terina of pay�t,tLese atnoimt� ahttll bo:u'intetLwt fram tbe ` ": -- <br /> .�� dnce nf disburscrosmt �t tha Noro rntc and ehall bc payablc, w{th intezrst, upon ctodoo fmm Lendat to Hurmwvt tequa¢ting <br /> puymcut. <br /> •''f'• 8.MortFag�Tc�sumne�If l.ender m.cpir�mortgagc i�unirnnce as a condiUon of m�lunl;t�e loan socured by thio Secui�ry <br /> , ,,�:�",: lnstrume:nt, Donv�rot nhall pay lhe pnrtaiums n�qnired to maintain lha mort�e ineumuor, in etiFecx. !f, for any tex�on,the ' <br /> ' � � mongagr.insuranoe cnveixbe rcquited by Ixndet lapses or cP.,as��s to be!n effucd,iRnrrower shall�ay tLe pnvmhims requiced w � • ' <br /> � ohtaln covvrago aubstarsdnlly cxNivalent to the mortgago insurena+previously in ctl5¢:t,at a coxt subatnntinlly oquivulari to tbo ' � ' <br /> cost co Borrowor ot the mort�,*aga insuranco provlously in effect, tmru tut altecrwt�a mnrtgage insurar approved by Lcnder. IF • ' <br /> eubfi�aotinlly cquivsilent mortgago lnamrance covetqge is not av:.iln'bic,Borrower s6�ll puy to [.t:ndcr c�ach munth n sum eyuul io <br /> ''� on�hveri�th of tho yculy mortgngu inxurnnco premlum bcing pvd by Bomower whci,thc lnnuance covcinge t�pscd�r ccased to , ,,, <br /> be in cttcct. L.ender wiil aticept,use und ret�in thcse payments an a loys resurve in liou uf mvrtguge lt�sur.utce. Lops rwcrvr. . <br /> �- �ortn 902D 8/80 <br /> . � ��6HINC1 I8/0]I.O� P�pr J ot D �/� � (� A InkI�U�___"__ ' 'v . <br /> /�� C 1�/ <br /> ! <br /> JJtlJ1�Yl1W I iJ��1 1Nu l Wdl�Fl:El a:GG:': '�I�itJ � -- <br /> l 5'J GT�'i)N _ _ [. _ - <br />