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<br /> . :+� (i.ASSIGNMF:NT OF LF.ASES. Upon Leadcr's rcquest,Borrowcr shall assign ta Lcndcr all lcasc�of tha
<br /> . •- �t Properry and all sccurlry deposits mndc in connectton with lesscs of tho PropcRy.Upon tlac assignmcnt,Lendcr '�,'�
<br /> :a�� shall havo 1he right to modliy,cxtcnd or tcrmins.to thc exisdng Icascs and to axccuro ncw Icascs, in l.endcr's solu ;;'`-"
<br /> '"• ' discretion.As used In tt►is paragraph(i, 1hc worA "lcase"shall mcan "sublepso"if thc Secuxity Instrument is on a --
<br /> leasehold. '^
<br /> +� Borrower abs�lutcly and uncondl�onaUy ssslgns and transferc to Lender all the rents and ravenues("Rents")of the " '
<br /> ' �• Properiy,regardlcss of W whom the Rents of 1he Property s.ue payable.Borrower authodzes Lender or I.cnder's ��
<br /> ?, agents to collect the Rcnss,and agrecs th¢t each tenant of the Property shall pay thc Renis to Lender or L.ender's �:��
<br /> agents.However,Boraower shall receive the Reans untll(i)Lend�r has given Borrower notice of default pursuant to ��`==
<br /> � .� paragraph 21 off the Sccurity Instiuument nnd (ll)Lender hag given notice to the tenant(s)that the Rents ere w be ` -
<br /> :, paid to Lender or Lcnder's t;genG 'It�is assignment of Rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an
<br /> assignment for addie��nal security only. --
<br /> y�� If Lcnder givcs natice of breach W Borrower:(i)all Rents received by BoYrowcr shall be held by Borrawer as _-
<br /> ��C•' trustea for the benefie of Lend�r only,to be appllerl to the sums secured by tha SecurIty InsUurnent;(ii)I�ender shall
<br /> . p ;},,� be enUiv,Eed to coUect and receive all of the Rents of the Property; (iii)Borrower agrees¢�ha�t each tenant of the -
<br /> "` Pco �rS ' ' -
<br /> .;,� �.,, p, y shall pay nll Rent�due and unp�id w Lender or I.cndcr s agents upon Lender s�ritten demand w the �
<br /> tenan� (iv) unlass appUcable law provi@es otherwise,all Rents collecteA by Lender or Lender's agents shall he -
<br /> ' ��"' applied fust w�a c�sis of taking control oF and managing ihe Property end coll�ctiflg the Rents,including,but not ��,':,
<br />-�'�� ' . limitcd to,attoa�cys' fees,receiver's feea,premiusns on nceiver's bonds,repnir and mainterrance costs,insurance __
<br /> � � � premiur�s, ta�ce.g,as.sessme�its and �ther charges on the Propeny.ead then to the sums secured by the Security
<br /> ' ,.
<br /> :. �'�`••`•�'`� Insna�t�en�(v)Lender,Lender's agents or any judicially appointed roceiver shall be liable to account for only those
<br /> �-�.;',;.�it��';i±�''�,' ; Rents a�ct�ally recEived; and(vd)Lend�r shaU be endtled to i►ave a receiver�ppointed to take possession of and
<br /> --'���P:��:�`" � manage�e Progcray and collcxt the Rents and profits derived&om the Propcny without any showing as to the
<br /> ll
<br /> -:,::,����;�;��t��' inadeq�.�y of thc Psoperty as secur�ty. - -
<br /> �'.:3��`.1.�;���fi��.'�,� !i�ahe Rents of Iha Properay are not suificieat tn cover thQ costs of taking conuol �of and managing the -
<br />_ ''� ''�`•'��^ Proptsrdy 2nd of collecdng the Rcnts any funds exnendcd by I..ex�der for such g�uposes shtill bocane indebtedness uf
<br /> .....al''tl,.4y'r
<br />-_'-�"��''�'%•• ' Bocrower w Lender secured by the Security Inswment pursusu►t to Unifom►Covenaat 7.
<br /> _��::,�;�r�� ; Bom�wu represents end wairanta that Borrower has not eaecuted eny prior e.ssignment of�hu Rents and has
<br /> -=�"�9•i�� not and will not pafo�n eny act that would prevent Leridu irom exrrcising its�ights undcr this paragraph.
<br />-�.. :;�rz1_Y.'°"L Lendcr�or Lendar's age��ts or a judicially appoinud receiver�shall not be reguircd m entu upon,taice control
<br /> L�-h�..��.�
<br /> -_-�_-�� of or maintain tho Propcxty befo�a after giving notica of default to Borrower. Howover. Lenda,or Leader's
<br /> �--=�"a,� agcnts or a judicia(lY eppointed receivcr.may do so at any Hma whea a de€ault occurs.My applicadon of Rtnts
<br /> -���'"�r�.
<br />—_-«��° • shall not cure or weive any default or invalidate any othe,r dght oc remedy of Lender.'lliis assignment mf Rents of
<br /> �----�—�'�' tha I�ty shall tennlna:e whc�all tha sums secured by tho 3ocurity Instrument arc paid in finll.
<br /> _� -`;'r,'� I.CROSS-DEFAUL7f PROVISION. Bomnwu's default or breach under any noto or agroement i,�
<br /> -._�<;� which L�tdu t�a9 en interest shttll ba a bnach under the Security Instrument and Lendca may invoYe any of the
<br /> --_=R��� .. remecli�es�ecmitLed by the Security Instruumeat
<br />=
<br />