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<br /> � I which Borrower must pay all sums sdcured by th19 Se�curity Instrument- If Borruwer faiis ta q�y these sums ; ,
<br /> prlor to the expiratton of this perfod, Lencler may invoke any r�medies pormitted by this Sscurity
<br /> • Inst�ument�nrithout further notice or demand on Horrower.
<br /> 16. Borrov�cr'�RighY to i�cin,tata. If BorroU�or meot°. c3rte�n conditions, Borrower shail have ! '
<br /> :. F the right to have enPorcamer�t of this Sacu►ity Instrument discon4irw�d at eny time prior to the earlier of: •
<br /> � (a)five l51 days(or such other period as applicable law may spacity�a�reinstatement)before sale of the
<br /> ,�*,';�"' � Propert�pursuant to anY power of sale contei�ed in this Security Irte�trumeRt;or(b) entry of�judgment
<br /> • �''�' enforcing this Security Instrumont. Those condltions are that 6orrnwer: (a)pay Lerxler atl sums which
<br /> then wouW bo dum under this Security lnstnsment nnci the Note had n�acceleration occurred; (b)cure any
<br /> - default of any other covenants or ap►eements, Ic) pay all experuoa incurrad in enforcing this Security �-
<br /> Inst►ument, includin�, but not limited to, reasonabie attorneys' fee�; and (d)take such action as Lender •'>r�°�
<br /> may reasonably requlre to assure that the lion of this Sacurity Instruc��en�, Londor's rights in tho Property r;,�_
<br /> , and Borrower's obiigation to pay the sums secured by this Secur84y Inr�trument shall continue unchanged. • -
<br /> Upon reinstatemeni by 53�+'o��r,�w S�urity Instrument and th�a obPiaatio�s secure�d her�by shall rRmain ��'=g
<br /> � fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However,tiyf�ri�tet to reinstata shall not apply in the ;,r�
<br /> y �`
<br /> case of acceleration under paragraphs 16 or 17. - -
<br /> �+��v
<br /> �� N17. Acceleration; Remedies. LendAr shall n�ive noticc� to BoPrower prior to acceleration ��`T`-
<br /> � ,�pi_��.
<br /> following Borrower's breach of any cove�ant or agreement in th�z Seaurity Instrument (but not prior to ��•=-
<br /> accelera4ion under parapraph 15 unless applicable law providas oth�rl. The notice sh�C9 specify: (a)tfie ,�`:r�='
<br /> ..�:_..-
<br /> defa�lt;lb)tfie action required to cura the defautt; (c)a date. not le.►r�than thirty 13Ui days f�om the date �
<br /> .� the notice is given to Borrower,by which the default must be cur�d;and I�i)that failura to �ure the default ' '�":�-
<br /> on or before tfie date sqecified in the notice may resuit tn acceteaatian�af the sums secured by this Security �:`:;•-
<br /> .. Instrument and sate of the Property. The notice shall further Mform F3o7rowor of the right 4o rainstate after �`_�-�
<br /> �' accelera4ion and the right to bring a court action to assert 8he no�a•existence uf a dofault or any other [ �--
<br /> t` defense of Borrower to acceleration and sala. If Lt�e default is not cared on or bofore the date specifted =
<br /> .� in 4he notice,Lender at their option may require immediate paynieM in full of all sums secured by this _
<br /> SRr��rity In�atrument without furifier demand and mav invoke thQ p�wer of sale and any other remedies __
<br /> , permitted by applicable law. Lendor shall be entitled to colloct all axpenses incurred in pursuing the
<br /> remedies pr�vidad in this paragraph i�ncluding, but not limited Yp, roasonabfo attornsys'fQ¢s and costs of
<br /> ' title evidence.
<br /> if the power of s�le is invoked,Trustee shall record a noflr.o of de�ul�in e�ch county in which any
<br /> . „ part of tfie Pfoperty is located and shall mail copies of such notico iro 4hs m��►ner prescribed by applicable
<br /> �- . law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by apnEicabeo law. Aftor tha t+me required by
<br /> applicable law, Trustee shall give public �otice of sate to the p�r:vns and in the manner p�escribed by
<br />��T . ' applicable law. 7rustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property At public auction to the
<br /> � � hlghest bidder at the time and place and under tho terms d¢stgnatod in the notice of sate in one or more
<br />-=��•,�� � ��• parcels and in any order T►ustee determines. Tnutee rnay po�w�m sate of all or any parcal of the I'rQporey
<br /> -�4�.�`��� � by public annou�r,ement at the time and place of any provioec�ly scheduled sa[d• Lender or Lender's
<br /> ;�r��-:�-:,� � designees may purchase ti�e Property at any sale.
<br />-.:..3..._..y, • � —
<br /> .___:r-f 'e j�. �
<br /> '_��r:=��n'�` ', Upon reaeipt of payment of the price bid,Trustee shatl daliver to thm purchaser Trustee's deed -
<br /> v-' - ; conveying the Pronerty. The recitals tn the Trustee's deed ahall tae prbJna f�cto evidence of the truth of the —___.
<br /> Y�"`_r`.:::. � .6 statemenis rr�ade therein. Trustee shall apply the proceedu of thQ sale in ths fallowing order: (al to all ----
<br /> �� `".�� � expanses o�the� sale, tnctuding, but not limited to, Trustoe's f�QS as permitto� by applicable law and �
<br />_='�``^"'' � reasonatrle attorneys' fees; ib)to all sums secured by this 5ecuP6iy instrument;arx'�c)any excess to the _
<br /> _������y,�.' � person or persons legally entitled to it. `_
<br /> - ''•`��"';`�� 18. Lencler in Possession. Upon accelerador� urt�t�r paragraph 1'� or abandonment of the =--
<br />:_• '�.,,' � ` Propercy,B.onde�(in person,by agent or by judicially appoiro22d �oceiver) shall b�e�titlad to enter upon, _
<br /> � take possassion of and manage the Property and to collect thQ eonts of tha Pro�trty including those past =_
<br /> `� ;� d�e. kny rents collected hy Lende� or the receiver shall be apFlied if�t to payrr�ent of the costs of r t�,;,:-_
<br /> �� <� '�� management of the PropaAy and collection of rents,including,buS not la���'..^.�to,re�giver's fees,premiums �{ `-
<br /> :`.•�?, ' '��� on receiver's bonds and reasonable attomeys' fees, and �th�ec�to Yirs sums s��ured by this Security � _
<br /> ' '�,':; Instrument. �J'y;
<br /> � .,, • ._-:
<br /> _ 79. Rscanveyance. Upon paymen8 mf all�ums socured by this Socurity Instrument, Lender _
<br /> �•{�', " shall request Trustee to reconvey the Property a�d shell surro��ader this Security Inst�ument and all notes .s„ss
<br /> evidencing debt secured by this Security Instrument to TrusYt�o. Trustae shall reconvey 4he Property ' ,,
<br /> ' �F without warranty artd withou4 charge to the porson or persons l�g�lly aMitlad tc,it. Such person or porsons �
<br />- .r"'�� '� shall pay any recordation costs.
<br />- •=_ -- _
<br /> -- --- - �
<br /> 20. Substituto Trustee. Lendor, at its option, may froxn time to tirno remove Trustee and
<br /> ' + appoint a succossor Trustes to any Trustee appointed hereundcr by an instrument recorded in ths county
<br /> � in which this Sacurity InsVument is recorded. Without convayance of tho Proporty,the succc3ssor Trustee
<br /> shalt succoed to atl the title,power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein and by applicable law.
<br /> . ' 21. RoquesY for Notices. Borrnwer requasts that copios of tha notices of default and sale bo
<br /> sent to Borrower's address which is the Pr�perty Address. "
<br /> ., 4
<br />- � �
<br />