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<br /> ACKPdO�d'JLE�dEMER1T `�
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<br /> ;���"`�� TI1E UNDERSItiNED TRUuTOR hereby acknowledges and understarxis that (al t�e security
<br /> � --•�'d"'''� documont bel�w to h�executad fs a 7rust Deed and not a mortgage, (b1 tha power of salo provided for in '.
<br /> tho Tn�t Oeed p�ovides substantially different rights and obtigations to tha Trustor than a mortgage in 4he ' �"
<br /> � event of a def�ult or bre�ch of obligadon. Tho Trustor further represen�s and agroes that this certification '
<br /> ,. . has b�r�raad and executed in corwiectfon with,but prior to,tha Trus4ors exacution of the following Trust _:-`r''��
<br /> Deed. �';:•--
<br /> I Y-
<br /> DATE� D�I� .� . 1997.
<br />; �. �� ;:."-
<br /> .,C/.� �? �.���- .---
<br /> �' � GARY L.IN ESS r�'.`�_
<br /> , �. �'.=,..
<br /> M�r� : BTATE OF NEBRASKA ► �.�__
<br /> . ! SS.
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL 1 �`�
<br /> . ` �
<br /> ' � The foregoing was acknowledged before me on tha�c9ay of����, 1997, by�GARY L. _
<br /> . INNESS, a single person,to��is voluntary ac4 and dear7.
<br /> °.i;, /--�1
<br /> � 'i�liiR1L NOTAA'f•St���o�NtEt�S11 .� (�� F.
<br />-?T... .. •I� _
<br />-�C�
<br /> oFaoa�N���ai� r�o�ary Pub��c
<br /> ' MY�mm.6p.
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<br />=z'��'h�- - � '�iRl1ST�EED
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<br />� " '•-•=nr THIS DEED OF TRUST is n�ade on thts.��day of�r,' � .1997. The Trustor is Gary
<br /> �''''"�'"?�` L.Inness,a Stngle person, ("Dorrower"1. The Trustee is.Dohn R.Brownell, Attornoy at Law, ("TrusYee"l.
<br /> -::;_;�;�w:,.� „
<br />:"'^`�'�'�`• ' The Beneficiary is the Hall County Housing Authority, 911 Baumann Drive, (iranti Island, NE 68803
<br /> r�r:.�r,
<br /> ��, ("Lender"1. Bnrrower owos Lender the pr(ncipal sum of Nineteen Thousand One Hundrod Twenty-Soven -_--
<br />�'-_.r!�=._. Dollars and Fifty CenRS 1919,127.60). This debt is evidenced by Borrower's note dated the same date as 5`�'-
<br /> '' tfiis Security Ir�tnxnen2l"Note"1,which provides for a fixed p�yment five (6)years from the date heraof.
<br /> -��;°"��;;�`�''���� Th:Sacurity Irisirurt�ent secu�as to Londer. (a) the rep�yment of tP�e debt evidenced by the Note,with =-
<br /> "�r�3{��'. intere�t,and all renewals,extensions and modiflcations;(bl the payment of all other sums,with tnterest,
<br /> --� .R,:.:-
<br />-'":"�:::` adva�tced under paragraph 7 to protect the security of this Security I�utrument;and(c)the peKorm�nce
<br /> _�,_..�
<br /> �.. of Borrower's covenants and agreements. For this p�arpase,Borrower irrevocably grants and amnveys to _ -
<br /> y;��i• Trustae, in trust,with power of sale,tha 4ollowing doscrlbed property: c_,
<br />_ Q:.•_ �
<br /> _-.•A �
<br />-��.es�:s�ar -
<br /> " �"��r:.(_ The South Six¢y-fVine and Ono Tenth IS 69.1)feet of Lot Fqur (41, Block �
<br />}"�� 4�'�'�� � Elaven 111),in Claussen Courmy Addition to the Clty of�rand Island,Hall ---
<br /> ":�;,.:',rr�•S� �,;;:
<br />�+<}t�'i,,:;�.;. Cai+r�2y,Nebraska. pt�•�::
<br />"x5r .�. x���..
<br />�,. _:..� -
<br /> � � The mailing acldress of the Borrower is 1013 Sou�h Plum,Grand Island,Nebraska,68801. =
<br />_ . �-
<br /> • TOGETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on th9 property, and aU -_ -
<br /> '• easemonts, rights,appurtenances, r�nts,and fixtures horeafter a part of the property. AU re�l�cements ,�-
<br /> � �� arxl additions shall also bo covered by this Socurity Instrumen4. All of tho foregoing is referrv2�to in this ��x'=
<br />� . .,,''i,� Security Instrument as tho"Property'.
<br /> •<,;,_
<br />_ . i
<br /> BORROWER COVENAPVlTS that Bortower is Iawfu0ly soised of the estato heraby conveyed and has
<br /> � .. � the ri ht to rant and conve the Pro e ���"•''
<br /> 9 9 Y p rty and that the Property is unencumberod, except for :;:;��
<br /> ~'� encumtxancos of reco�d. Borrower warrants and will dofend anerall 4ho titlo to the Pro e ,�`�`��`
<br /> ,• � 9 V P �h+against all
<br />- ..�e e...�.�..,._..a_ _..w:_ ._.._.._ _�
<br /> ' -�------•---•• ----- --� __
<br />--°-- ,..o..�.............o..,...
<br /> .-._.. . -...-----' I�V✓�wY� lV Pt�1 pItVY11t�./�Q��4Q�1 VI IQIiVI{l• ..
<br /> � COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covonant and agrde as follows:
<br /> 1. Payment of Principal and Interest;f'�epayment and Lata Chargos. 8orrowor shall pramptiy
<br />" pay whan duo tho principal of the dobt ovidenced by the I�o4e and any propayment and lato charges due
<br /> � , i under the Note.
<br /> 1
<br /> �- ��
<br /> I !_
<br />