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<br /> 1 16,i3o;ro�rz��s Copy. Soreowcr shaU be�ivcn onc conformcd co(�y of the Noie end of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> ' I 17.Tr�onsfer ot the Propertp or A Benetk�l Intcrest in Dorrower. lf all or ony purt of tha Property or nny intcrost in it is
<br /> { sold or transfcrrcd(or if a beneficial int�rest in Borrowcr is sold or unnsfcrccd end Bonowca is not a natural person} withaut
<br /> L�raide.r's prior written consent,i.ender may.at its op1io�n.require immediate pnyment in fuU af nll suma securcd by ihis Security
<br /> • '' Inswment, However,this option shall not bc excrcised by Lcnder if cxercise�s proh►bited by fcdcral law as of thc date of this , ,
<br /> ' � Scxurity Instnuncn�
<br /> If Lcttder excrcises this option.L.cnder shall give Borrowcr no6ca of accelcradun.'Ihe noace shull providc upcnod of not less
<br /> � than 30 days fe�m the dute the notice is delivered or mnil�d within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Securiry � . . •
<br /> � Instrumen�lf Borrower feils to pay thesc sums prior to the eapiration of this pedad.Lcndcr mtty invoke any remcdics permittad •
<br /> by this Securiry Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> ! 18.Dorrower's�tigdt So Reinstate. If Borm�wer meets certain conditions, Borrower shull havc thc right to hnve '.«:. ,
<br /> enforcement of this Security Ins�ument discontinued at any trme prior to die earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as _:���,L.;Y;
<br /> appllcabla law may specify for reinst�temeni)before sale of the Pioperty pursuunt to any power of sale contained in this Securiry , °�,,-,.� -
<br /> Insuument;or(b)entry of a judgment entorcing thts Secutity InswinenG'I�ose conditions are that Borrower.(a)pays Lender all „ ',��{,_._�_t�,.•=-_
<br /> s u ms which then would be due under this Securlty Instrument and�ha Note as if no acceleradon hed occumr:l;(b)eums any . �•�-_---
<br /> defeidt of any other covcnants or agreements;(c)pays ell expenses inc�uTed in enforcing this Security Instrument,including,but . . �_�-W ____
<br /> not limited tn,reasonable auorrtays'fees;und(d)�akes such action ns Lender maX reasoaably require to assure that the lien of this „ _����_
<br /> � Securisy Insuument, Lender's nghts in the Property and Bnnov�+er's oblig�hon to pay the sums sec�red by this Secu�ty ,. . c_,—_��
<br /> Inswment shtill continue unchanged. Upon reinststement by Borrower, this Securi ry Instrument and the obGgations socum�
<br /> herelry shall remain fuUy e ffecdve as i f no acce lerauon h a d occiur e d.H o w e v e r,t h i s r i g 6 t t o r e i n s t u t e s h a ll n o t a p p l y i n t h e c a s e o f • .����`'�
<br /> accelerapon iuedsr paragzaph 17. '" '- -
<br /> a
<br /> 19.S�le of No4e;Change ot Loxn Servicer. 'Ilie Note or u purtial incerest in th� Note (together with this Securiry
<br /> Insuument)may be sold one or more times witliout prior nodce to Bocrower.A sale may result in a chnnge in the entity (knawn ., --
<br /> "v as the"Loan Servicer")thal collects monthlyp�yments due under the Note and this Secunry InsmicnenG'Iliere also may be one ar ,
<br /> more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated w a sale of the Note. If ihere is a chanBe of the Loan Servicer,Borrowe,r will be •�: � _
<br /> � • giaen writEen nodce of the change in uccordance with paragraFh 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the nama and ; '�,
<br /> addmss of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should ba mAde.'Itic notice will also contain any other '" ''�
<br /> ` informauon required by applicable law. l:: '.
<br /> _ __ :,� �,ua�o.���,y�nhctanr�a R�rmwer shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage. or release of any __; ti � •
<br /> 3�-�dous Substances on or in ttca Property.Bozrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else w do,anything effecting the Prop�rty ,; ��
<br /> tLflZ�s in violatien mf an�r Tnvironmental Law.The�receding cwa sentcnces shall not apply to tha presence,use,or storago o�t the
<br /> Pro�rry of sza�s�2�Lanudes of Hazardous Substances that are generally pecc��nized to be appropnate to nonnsil residential usxs ��
<br /> and to maintenance of die Property. � '
<br /> Bo�rower shall prompdy give Lender written nadce of any investig��on, claim, demand, lawsuit or olher acdon by any •'
<br /> govemmental or regulnUOry agency or privata party involving the Property and any Hoancttous Substance or Environmentnl La�v "?' '
<br /> of which Bomower has xwal knowledge.If Borrower learns,or is notified by any goveaaisnental or regulatnry autlwriry,t�At any
<br />' removal or other remediadon of any Ha�ardous Substansfss effectinng the T'roperiy is necessary,Bonawer shall promptly tt�ke ull ' ,
<br /> ,i';t� nacessary remedial acdons in accordance with Environmentnl Law.
<br /> ;,k'��:s As used in ihis paragraph 20, "Halardous Substances" are�hose substences defined as toaic or fi�vardous substanoes by
<br /> "`� •• Envimnmsntal Law and the fopowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other tlammuble or toxic p�sroleum �roducts, wxic
<br /> pesbcides and herbicides,voladla solvents. mste�rials contau�ing asbestos or formnldehyde,and redioacave matenals.As uaod in -
<br /> t��s pmagraph 20,"Environmentel Law"means federal laws and la�vs of the jurisdicbon where the Pcoperty is locuted thAt relrito
<br /> to heal�h.safety or envia�rur+ental protection. �,�
<br /> � . ��
<br /> !��;� � NON-UN�'ORM COVENAN'I'S.Flomnwer ond Lender furtl�er covc�nnt and agree as follows: `_'-_
<br /> %r•r� Zl.Aecelerat3on;Remedies.I.ertder shall give notice to BorrnwPr prior to accelerAtion following Borrower's brasc8 of = ---
<br /> '� any wvenant or agreement in thfs Seturity Insbrument (but aot prior to ncs��erotion under p�graph 17 unl�s __
<br /> pp�r�cable I�w provkles ott�ersv;se).The notice shall specify: (o)tbe detQUl¢;(b)tge acHon requfred to curc the de!'ault;(c) ""'-
<br /> �� ,,;;,�_ a date,aot kxc than 30 days Ytom the date ihe notice t�given to Borrower,by whkh the default must be curt,d;and(d_Z _:��,•�.�.
<br /> '.;,.;�,; th�t tailure to cure the detanit on or betore the date spectfled in the aotke may result in acce�ern�ion of tde sumo secun..� ;�?!���:�w�:
<br /> ....,. �. �...
<br /> ',>� by thb Security IInstrumet�3 und enk of the Property.The notfce shall further intortn Borrower t►f We rlgGt to reint:tute � `-�`-=
<br /> R � aner accekration and We rigiht to br(ng a �ourt actioa�m assert the non-existmc�of a detault or any oYS�,r ddentx af +��;���:;_w w
<br /> Borrower to t�ceekration and aak.Yt the det�ult is not xared on or before the dn4x spec(fied in thc notia,Lrnder,at ito ': ;';�s��•��
<br /> ,,:..aar.�_ - -•
<br /> option,may require tmmediate payusent in full of all sums seeured by this Security Inslrument without furthcr demand .rr•, A•-?�,�aee�:
<br /> and may invoice¢At power ot sak pnd a�y other remedks per�itt�aA my applleable law.Lender shaU be entitlod to onUact �� �- '• -��•�
<br /> rovided in this aam p h Z1,iacludin ,but no!I(mited to�reasoauble "�'M '`'�•
<br /> -.�: uU expenses incurred tn pursufng the remedi�s p P S�' P 8 � .. --
<br /> ' attoraeys'fee.s aed costs of�itk evidence. � ;�'%'�, .�
<br /> •.4,_ It the power ot sak t� invoked, Tnutee ahsttl recard a notice ot default in each county in which any pars ot the �. ..
<br /> '•_:`,� Property iv bcat2d and e6all muil topies of such notice in t6e maenra�prescribed by applicable law to BorroNCr nnd to t�e ' '
<br /> � . other persons�u�RSCribed by 9pplicabie law.ARer the time required �y appGcable law,Trusrts�e sR�aU give pubUc notioe ot
<br /> � ' sak to the per&���and in thc mnnner prescri6ed by applirs�ble I�w.7Yustec,withont dema�d on Borrower,shuU se11 the
<br /> Property at publIc auction to tlse hfgheat bfdder at tt�e Nme and pluce aad under tS�t terma designated in tAe�ntfre af sile
<br /> Form 80£0 9/D0 ,
<br /> __ - ERSNE)cosi2�.o� Pap�6ot t mmoi�: ' --
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