<br /> along and upon said approximate center of the Alda Road right of way,which is also a west line of said"TRACT
<br /> NO.�7D", a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Thiriy One and Five Tenths(1,331.50)feet to a point of
<br /> curvature;thence running northwesterly,along and upon the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is 722.17 feet;
<br /> said curve also being the approximate center of the Alda Road right of way;which is also a west line of said
<br /> "TRACT NO. 37D", a distarnce of Five Hundred Sixty Two and Seventy Nine Hundredths(562.79)feet(long-chord
<br /> =548.66',long chord deflecting left 22° 19'31.5" from the previously described course)to a point of tangency;
<br /> thence deflecting left 22° 19'31.5"from the chord of the previously described curve,and running northwesterly
<br /> along and upon said approxumate center of the Alda Road right of way,which is also a west line of said'TRACT
<br /> NO.37D",a distance of One Hundred Thirty Seven and SiYty Three Hundredths(137.63)feet to a point of
<br /> curvature;thence running;northwesterly,along and upon the arc of a curve to the right whose radius is 737.9.i feet,
<br /> said curve also being the approximate center of the Alda Road right of way,which is also a west line of said
<br /> "TRACT NO.37D",a distance of Five Hundred Sixty Nine and Eighty Nine Hundredths(569.89)feet(long chord=
<br /> 555.83",long chord deflecting right 22°07'27"from the previously described course)to a point of tangency;thence
<br /> deflecting right 22°07'27" from the chord of the previously described curve,and nnnning northerly,along and upon
<br /> said approximate center of the Alda Road right of way,which is also a west line of said"TRACT NO.37D",a
<br /> distance of One Hundred and Seventy Seven Hundredths(100.77)feet;thence deflecting right 00°47' 14" and
<br /> runniiig northerly,along and upon said approximate center of Alda Road right of way,which is also a west line of
<br /> said"TRACT NO.37D",and also being along and upon the west line of a parcel referred to as'TRACT NO. 37C"
<br /> on a survey dated January 30,2007,by Lee D.Wagner,L.S.No. 557,a distance of Four Hundred Forty Seven and
<br /> Thirty Four Hundredths(44734)feet;thence deflecting left 90°04'S1" and running westerly,a distance of One
<br /> Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Eight and Four Hundredths(1,988.04)feet;thence deflecting left 90°00'00" and
<br /> running southerly, a distance One Thousand One Hundred Thirty One and Two Hundredths(1,131.02)feet;thence
<br /> deflecting right 89°30'47" and runi�ing westerly,a distance of One Hundred Ninety Seven and Sixty Four
<br /> Hundredths(197.64)feet;fhence deflecting left 44°34' 14"and running southwesterly,a distance of Six Hundred
<br /> Sia�iy One and Forty One Htandredths(661.41)feet;thence deflecting right 44°27'49"and running westerly,a
<br /> distance of Four Hundred Eleven and Sixty One Hundredths(411.61)feet;thence deflecting right 45°�2'41"and
<br /> running northwesterly,a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Five and Twenty Seven Hundredths
<br /> (1,275.27)feet;thence deflecting right 45°00'43"and running northerly,a distance of Two Thousand Three
<br /> Hundred Seventy Five and Twenty Three Hundredths(2,375.23)feet;thence deflecting right 60°00'OS" and
<br /> running northeasterly, a distance of Nine Hundred Ninety One and Ninety Eight Hundredths(991.98)feet;thence
<br /> deflecting right 29° 14'S2" and running easterly,a distance of Three Hundred Eight and Seventy Two Hundredths
<br /> (308.72)feet;thence deflectflng left 91°25'06" and running northerly,a distance of One Hundred Twenty Nine and
<br /> Two Tenths(129_20)feet to a point on the north line of said Northwest Quarter(NWl/4);thence deflecting left 87°
<br /> 43'3 8"and r�uu7ing westerly, along and upon the north line of said Northwest Quarter(NW 1/4),a distance of One
<br /> Thousand Nine Hundred Forly Five and Twenty Four Hundredths(1,945.24)feet t�the northwest corner of said
<br /> Northwest Quarter(NW 1/4);thence deflecting left 90°04' 19" and running southerly,along and upon the west line
<br /> of said Northwest Quarter(NW 1/4),a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty Five and Two Tenths
<br /> (2,645.20)feet to the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter(SW 1/4);thence deflecting left 00°00'34"and
<br /> running southerly,along andl upon the west line of said Southwest Quarter(SWl/4),a distance of Two Thousand
<br /> Six Hundred Forty Five and Twenty Six Hundredths(2,645.26)feet to the southwest corner of said Southwest
<br /> Quarter(SW 1/4);thence deflecting left 89°51'03"and running easterly,along and upon the south line of said
<br /> Southwest Quarter(SW 1/4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty Four and Nine Tenths(2,644.90)feet
<br /> to the southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter(SEl/4);thence deflecting right 00°OS'09"and running easterly,
<br /> along and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter(SEl/4),a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirty
<br /> Seven and Seventeen Hundredths(2,637.17)feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning; excepting therefrom a parcel
<br /> situated in a part of said Southeast Quarter(SBl/4),and being more particularly described as follows: First to
<br /> ascertain the point of beginning,start at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter(SE1/4);thence running
<br /> westerly, along and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter(SE1/4),a distance of Eight Hundred Thirty Three
<br /> and Fifteen Hundredths(833.15)feet;thence deflecting right 110°53" 11" and runiiing northeasterly,a distance of
<br /> Two Hundred Sixty Five and Thirty Six Hundredths(265.36)feet;to the ACTUAL point of beginning;thence
<br /> continuing northeasterly,along and upon the previously described course,a distance of One Hundred and Three
<br /> Tenths(100.30)feet;thence deflecting left 90°00'00" and running northwesterly, � distance of Two Hundred Thirly
<br /> Eight and Three Tenths(23830)feet;thence deflecting left 90°00'00"and rumiing southwesterly, a distance of
<br /> One Hundred and Three Tenths(100.30)feet;thence deflecting left 90°00'00" and running southeasterly,a
<br /> distance of Two Hundred Thu1:y Eight and Three Tenths(238.30)feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning
<br />