<br /> Eghibit A:
<br /> Legal Description
<br /> Parcel l:A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter(NE1/4),a part of the Northwest Quarter
<br /> (NW 1/4),a part of the Southwest Quarter(SW 1/4),and a part of the Southeast Quarter(SEl/4)of Section Eighteen
<br /> (18),Township Eleven(11),North,Range Ten(10)West of the 6th P.M.,Hall County,Nebraska, and more
<br /> particularly described as follows:First to ascertain the point of beginning, start at the northeast corner of said
<br /> Northeast Quat-ter(NE 1/4);thence running westerly,along and upon the north line of said Northeast Quarter
<br /> (NEl/4),a distance of Two Hundred Seventy Five and Forty Eight Hundredths(275.48)feet to the ACTUAI,point
<br /> of beginning;said point also being on the approxixnate center of the Alda Road right of way,and also being the
<br /> northwest corner of a parcel refened to as"TRACT NO.37C" on a survey dated January 30,2007,by Lee D.
<br /> Wagner,L.S.No.557;thence deflecting left 61°22'23" and running southwesterly, along and upon said
<br /> approximate center of the Aida Road right of way, and also being along and upon a northwest line of said"TRACT
<br /> NO.37C",a distance of Four Hundred Sixry Two and Fifly Three Hundredths(462.53)feet to a corner of said
<br /> 'TRACT NO. 37C';thence deflecting left 28°36'S9" and running southerly along and upon said approximate center
<br /> of the Alda Road right of�vay, and also being and along and upon the west line of said"TRACT NO.37C",a
<br /> distance of One Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety One and Fifty Seven Hundredths(1,891.57}feet;fliexice deflecting
<br /> right 89°55'09" and nulning westerly,a distance of One Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Fight and Four
<br /> Hundredths(1,988.04)feet;thence deflecting left 90°00'00"and running southerly,a distance of One Thousand
<br /> One Hundred Thiriy One and Two Hundredths(1,131.02)feet;thence deflecting right 89°30'47"and running
<br /> westerly,a distance of One Hundred Ninety Seven and Si�t:y Four Hundredths(197.64)feet,thence deflecting left
<br /> 44°34' 14"and running southwesterly,a distance of Six Hundred Sixty One Forty One Hundredths(661.41)feet;
<br /> thence deflecting right 44°27'49" and running westerly,a distance of Four Hundred Eleven and Sixty One
<br /> Hundredths(411.61)feet;thence deflecting right 45°32'41" and running northwesterly, a distance of One
<br /> Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Five and Twenty Seven Hundredths(1,275.27)feet;thence deflecting right 45°00'
<br /> 43" and running northerly,a distance of Two Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Five and twenty Three Hundredths
<br /> (2,37523)feet;thence deflecting right 60°00'OS" and running northeasterly, a distance of Nine Hundred Ninety
<br /> One and Ninety Eight Hundredths(991.98)feet;thence deflecting right 29° 14'S2" and running easterly,a distance
<br /> of Three Hundred Eight and Seventy Two Hundredths(308.72)feet;thence deflecting left 91°25'06"and running
<br /> northerly,a distance of One Hundred Twenty Nine and Two Tenths(12920)fee#to a point on the north line of said
<br /> Northwest Quarter(NW 1/4);thence deflecting right 92° 16'22" and n,nning easterly, along and upon the north line
<br /> of said Northwest Quarter(N VJ1/4),a distance of SiY Hundred Fifty Eight and Ninety Five Hundredths(658.95)feet
<br /> to the northwest corner of sabd Northeast Quarter(NE1/4);thence deflecting right 00°00' 14° and running easterly,
<br /> along and upon the north line of said Northeast Quarter(NE1/4),a distance of Two Thousand Tl�ree Hundred
<br /> Seventy One and Eighty Nine Hundredths(2,371.89)feet to the point of beginning
<br /> AND
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter(NE1/4),a part of the Northwest Quarter(NWl/4),a part
<br /> ofthe Southwest Quarter(SWl/4),and a part ofthe Southeast Quarter(SE1/4)of Section Thirteen(13),Township
<br /> Eleven(11)North,Range Eleven(11)West of the 6th P.M.,Hall County,Nebraska,and more particularly described
<br /> as follows:
<br /> First to ascertain the point of beginning,start at the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter(NEl/4);thence
<br /> running westerly,along and upon the north line of said Northeast Quarter(NE 1/4),a distance of One Thousand Five
<br /> Hundred Thirty Nine and Forty Five Hundredths(1,539.45)feet;thence deflecting left 90°27'21" and running
<br /> southerly,a distance of Eight Hundred Sixty Seven and Sixty Eight Hundredths(867.68)feet to the ACTUAL point
<br /> of beginning;thence continuing southerly, along and upon the previously described eourse,a distance Six Hundred
<br /> Thirty Two and Thirty Two Hundredths(63232)feet;thence deflecting left 90°00'00" and running easterly, a
<br /> distance of Six Hundred(600.0)feet;thence deflecting right 90°00'00" and running southerly, a distance of One
<br /> Thousand(1000.0)feet;thence deflecting right 9�°00'00"and n,nning westerly, a distance of Six Hundred(600.0)
<br /> feet;thence deflecting left 90°00'00" and runiiing southerly,a distance of Nine Hundred Forty Eight and Five
<br /> Hundredths(948.05)feet;thence deflecting right 89°39'33" and rutming westerly,a distance of One Hundred
<br /> Ninety SiY and Si�ty Five Hundredths(196.65)feet;thence deflecting left 44°34' 14"and running southwesterly, a
<br />