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<br /> UNIFORM CUVEN6INTS. Borrower and Lender covenAnt end n�rr3o aa fallowa: " ��`�''.
<br /> ' f. YS`�i�:.. L
<br /> r��
<br /> � 1, P�yment of Prlralpel and(n4er+aat.l3orrower ehall prnmptly�ay whc�n duo tho princlps�l�nd i ninresl Ir�debtednesa
<br /> evidenced by tt�e Note and late charflea as provldod In the Noto. ,_
<br /> 2. Funda terT�xes s��d Insunncs. SubjQCt ta oppllcablo Ipw or o wrllt�n wralvmr by l.�incln�,Ejorrmv�rnlhell pay to Lendor
<br /> on the day monthty paymente o4 prinr,lpal and Interest arv payabla unctnr tho Noto,untll tr��o Nnto In pat�1 In(ull,a sum(horeln
<br /> , � "Funds")equal to one•twelfth of the yea�ty taxes and asse��m�ntc�(irTClucling condornlnl4im�nd pinnnnd unit development _
<br /> asseasments,if any)which may attaln priarity over this Deed of Tru�t,and gmund ronts on tF�o PTnpnrty,ii s�ny.plus one-twelfth .,
<br /> oi yearly premium Ins4allments for hezard Insurance,plus one•ttvelfth af yearly premlum In9tnll�nante fn�mortge�e Insurance, _
<br /> If c�ny,all as reasonably estimated Initially and trom time to timo by Lend�►r ar�tho ba�is of assesamnntnan�ll�llls end reasonebl9
<br /> estimates thereoi.Borrawer shall not be obugated to make auch paymentu Qf Funds to Londer to lhA axtar�t tlir�t Borrovror malcos •
<br /> such payments to the holder of a prior martgage or deed of tru�t ii aucrh hatdpr Is sn institutit�nal landt�r. •�
<br /> � , If Borrower pays Funds to Lender,the Funds shall be held in an in�titutlon the deposits or accaunt�of vtirhich aro insured
<br /> oP guarantaed by s Federal or state agency(including Lender if Lendtir is such an lnsti4u4ion).l.�►nslar�ha�l epply tha Funds
<br /> to pay said 4axes,assessments,insurance premiums and ground rentu.LendHr may nat charAv tor n� hnl�iing an�applying , . :
<br /> ;.,;i'r the Funds,analyzing said account or verifying and compiling said asseasmenip and bfils,un!as�Lpnrinr pny�Borrov,ar interest . .��.,�.
<br /> - on the Funds and applicable law paro�its Lender4cn�nAk�such a chargcl.�arrawe�and Loncimr may agr�-c+in writing at tho time !•.1;��.�7;��,;_ :
<br /> ;'�;�.,r.;:'';" o#axecaa�ion of thfa Deed ot ltust tha?intarest on the Funds ahali be poid tcr�orrower,and unl�is,!��uah apr�emant Is made or �";,:f;:;,�-_._�
<br /> � applicab9e law requires such interest to bepaid,Lender shaU not be rrequlrr�d to pay E3orrowar any intor�ot or earninys on 4Ne .� �';''�:_-
<br /> Funda. Lender shall give to Borrower,without charge,an annusl accountinp af the Fu�ds sha�vfn�cr�+rJits and debits to the ,��,;____-_
<br /> • � Funds and the pu,pose for which each debit to the Funda was msde.Trr�Funds are plodflmd flfl��I:iilianfli necurity for the sums � ��
<br /> •. secured by ihia Deeti of TFuat. � ''��;''-_�
<br /> i}ttse amount ot the F��nda heid by Lendor,together with the futurr�m�nthlv inst�liments o!Runrls��yable prlor to the due _
<br /> dates of taxea, aesesomente,Ineurance premiuma and ground �entn,ehall oxcesd th�amvdint rot�uirod to pey esld�taxea, ... �•
<br /> assessment�v,Inaurance premluma and g��ound rents as they fall due,ettoh�:ana&ehall t►e,st Fbaranror'�a��tbn,ofther p�omptly �� '.;�-_��
<br /> " ; repald to BorroweP or cr�dlted to Borroweron monthty Ustallmon4o ot t�und.i.If tho timoWnt o�tha i�uns�i�he�d by Lender ehall "'' ��
<br /> � � not be�uHiclent to pey taxea,aeaeaamenta,Inaurance premlume�nd gmune�rr�nte es they f�►I tiu�,FMrrc�.ver shall pay to londer .����_��---�
<br /> any errtount neceasary to make up the deliclency In one or maro payma�itu An Londer mQy roqulro. ``ti'""�,
<br /> � Upon payment In full�9 ell eume eeCUred by thte Deed of 1Yust,LHrid��r ehell promptiy rottin�to Elarrower any Funtfs held •i:�
<br /> • �
<br /> �, by Lender.If under pategraph 17 hereo}the P�operty is sold or the Pro{r�rty ts otharrulso ecqoi,rod by L.oml�ar,Lender shall ap�ly, ���
<br /> no later than Immedlately prlor to the eale of tfie Property or Ita acqufnitlan by Londor,any FuTd91►�o1cP t�y Lender st the tfmo
<br /> � of applicatlon as a credlt against the aurne secured by this Deed of'17u�t. •
<br /> � 3. Applicatlon of Payments.Unless applicable law provides otn�►wi�o,all paymonts roceivod by�_ender under the Note
<br /> and naraaranhs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender iirst In p�yment o1 amounts p�yabla�to l.oncler by Borrower under
<br /> T paragraph 2 hereof,then to interest payable on the Note,and thon tn the principal of the Noto. -
<br /> ��.. 4. P�lor Mertgages and Doeda ot 7tust;Chargas;�!'na.Borrcrwer shall porform elE o1 Eiorrowor'+s obligations urtder any
<br /> • mortgage,deed of trust or other secu�iry agreement wfth a Ilon which�at�priorfty aver tht�Doed o4 7tutr�.Including Bor�ower's
<br /> � f� covenants to make paymente when due.6orrower shall pay or cause ta 6o paid all taxos,assossmsntsand ot�er charges,fines
<br /> k` end impositians attributable to the Propertywhich may attain a prlority avsr thia Doed of Trun,Fnd'I�asot►t�td payments o�ground
<br /> � rents,ii any. i
<br /> 5. Hezard Insurance.Borrower shall koep the improvementa�aw exl�tinc�or heroaf4ar oroatmd ton the Propetty insured
<br /> agafnst loss by ffre,hazards included withln the term"extended co���raga",and such othor hazards�s Lender may reqa�ire —
<br /> and in such amounts and br such periods as Lender may require.
<br /> �� The insurance carrler providing ihe insurance shail by chosen b1�Barrawer subJoct t�apprwal tg�Lender;provided,that —
<br /> ' . such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.All lnsurance polSaie�and ronowals thorv�rf sh�ll be In e torm Acceptable �'`'�
<br /> -� to Lender and shall include a sRandard mortgage clause In favor of and in a tarm accoptablo tm L.ond�nr. Lender shell have the
<br />- � �=* � rightto hold the policiea and ronoti�als therea�,subJect to the terma of,any mortgc�go,doad ottru:51 or ulliorsecuriry agreeme�� =-
<br /> •. with a fien whlch has priority over this Deed of Trust. a:_:'_
<br /> " �` In the event n}loss,Borrovrer shall g ive prompt no2lce 4o the Insurc�nce carrfer and Londor.Lend2�r may mako�roof of loss ___
<br /> , �
<br /> � - if not made promptly by Borrower. �°
<br />= If the Property is abandoned by 8orrower,or if Borrower fails to Pr��pond to Lendor wiEhfv►30 ds�s from the date notice is l�'__�„ �aLL•:
<br /> ' . mailed by Lender to Borro�ver that the Insurance carrfor offers to sc�ttl�a clafm tor incuranco bor�rt+tit�, Lender Is authorized �p;— -----__�
<br /> : � to collect and eppiy the fnsurance proceedsat Lender's optlon eftherto r�storation or ropalr of tho Pro�rx�ty orto tha suma secured =.__
<br /> _ � � by this Deed of Trust. "�'
<br />- 6. Presarvatlon end Maintenance otP�+operty;Leaseholds;Condominiums;F�➢ar+moti Ur+�t UevelopmenYs.Borrower ---'--`s`�---�
<br /> - � shall ke9p the Property in goori repalr and o9�all not commft waste or porniit Impalrmont or dotori,o�atien of the Property ar�tf �_--�j
<br /> ' shall comply with the provisions of any lease ff this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold. 19 thl�Q��F+�1 of Trust Is on a unit in a -
<br /> condominium or a planned unit development,Borrower shali perform all of Borrowor's oblir��tio�»under the declsration er ���s� . '�;
<br /> covenanta creating or governing the r,ondaminlum or planned un(t develupment,tho bylav,��nrJ r�s��ntlansof the condominium ' � �?.:
<br /> or planned unit develo ment,end constituent documents. �" ��"
<br /> 7. Protection of Lender's Securl�y,Ii Borrower fails to perform tl�a covenants and�gr�oemm�ts contained in this Deed .��' =�„�%?�;`���F�ti�
<br /> �.,.,,,
<br /> . of Trust,or ii any action or proceeding Is cammenced whfch materiall��affect�Lendor's intormst Gn tho Properry,then Lender, � .. '��'"�:=`�`.?"
<br /> ::>.t .
<br /> at Lander's option,upon notice to Borrower,may mako such appearanc�:�,disburse such surn,,Iru�iuding reasonable attorneys' _ __ , „
<br /> fees,and take such action as Is necessaryto protect Lender's interest.If Lend�r roqulrod raort��ge Insurance as a condition , ,.. . �
<br />_ , ofmakingtheloanse�uredbythisDeedofTrust,8orrowershallpaythepromlumeroquh•odtorrami��talnsuchinsuranceineffect . ,_ y,
<br /> until such tfine as the requirement Sor such Insurance terminates tn accordanco with Borrovr�r's�ar�l Lender's written agreement
<br /> or applfaabte law. . �� •�
<br /> __ Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7,wi4h Intarost thor�on, E�4 the Note rate,shall become � ��
<br />- – .. . _ .. . . .�- ------•-------
<br /> '
<br /> additlonal indebiedness of Borrower secured bythts Deetl ot rrust.unress r�arrowor ana�.v�+ovr��ree�v omu��nrr►��v�N�y���e���, `
<br /> � such amounta shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting pay�nont tt�a+eaot.Nothing contalned in thia ;
<br /> paragraph 7 shall require Lendsr to incur any expense or take any actlan heroun�or.
<br /> '. 8. Inspectlor�.Lender may make�rcause to bH made reasonable entrios upan and ins�aa�ctions of the Property,provfded
<br /> _ . that�.ender shall give Borrower notice prlor to any euch inspection spocl�ying roasonabtu cg,e.+se therefor reiat4d to Lender's . �
<br /> Interest in the Property. `�'
<br /> 9. Condemnntlon.The proceeds of any award or claim for damago�,direct or conser�caontial, in connoction with any . ,
<br /> � condemnation or other taking of the Property,or part theroof,or for conv�yance in Ifc�u of corMiamnatior�,are hereby assigned
<br /> and shall be paid 4o Lertdor,subJect to tl-oett�Pms ot any mortgage,deed of truet or othor�oa�riYy�greement with a Ilen whicP�
<br /> �' has prioriry over this Deed of Trust.
<br /> FnOE 2
<br /> �
<br /> I _ . . . _ _. ..
<br />