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<br /> � periods that Lcnd��r rcyuibc unrhus�n��bl���+�itht cicl If�Bc�rr�wcr fu Is[o muintuintcovet�gc dc c�ri�lxd ►b��c�Lender m:ye nc �
<br /> •` ;ipprnvul which shnll not
<br /> �,. „ N . L�ndAll in urance polic�scind�renu�vnl.�:shr�ll�he�uc4 ncub��h L�na��und�shull�iicluJ�:n tit ndarcl�n`ortgnge cltiu�e. LenJcr
<br /> :,..:�-��"� sh��ll huve the ri�ht to hold thc policies und renewnln. If Lcnder rcyuires,I3oRowcr shull prompUy givc to Lcnder aU receipts
<br /> �. • -+� oF paid premiums und rene�vul notices. In t����nUde� rom"'tf, by Barrowe��ll givc protnpt notice io the in+urunce carrirr and .{-
<br /> Lrndcr. I..cnder m+ry mukc proof of loss i(m t P P Y _
<br /> i Unless L�ndcr and Rorcower othenvi�c i+�;ree in writing.intiurance proceeds shull l,e upplicd to re�torution or repair o
<br /> the Property dumaged, if thc restorntinn or n�p�+ir is economicully feasible und Lenrlcr� security is not Ietisened. If'thc
<br /> �� restoration or repnir is not econamically fensiblc ur Lender'.s securiry would hc less�:ned, the insurunr.c prorceds shall be
<br /> � applisd m thc sums securcd by�h�i a��ti��not�unhwcr�within��3� days a noti cframV!_ndcr that thc�in,ur:inc��c�curricr has -
<br /> Burrawcr ab�mdons the PmpertY, �•
<br /> : r�� offcrr.d t�>settle a clt�im. ;hc�urcd b��thi 9GCUrit}�lii trumciu�wheth c or not lien d e uThch30 d:y peric d wll�begin w!:n �'.�_
<br /> :X the Property or to puy yun Y -
<br /> �3 the noticc is�iven. . -
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borro�n h�►h��`n�����„r fem:d tu�u6par:lg�hticl�und 2 or hange thepamount1of the p•ayment� If
<br /> , �'•;�.� postpone th�:duc datc of the mo Y p Y _
<br /> , •, : und�r pur�gcaph 21 the Property��.t�`„`��„�U1y��,�n�,hull purt�to Lender`lo�the exte�nrof the�u`me�ecuredrby thi Secutrity -
<br /> from dcim�iFc to thc Praperry pri 4 ---.
<br /> ' Intitruntcnt immc�iatcly prior tu thc acquiaitiun. _
<br /> ,�! (, (lecupanty, Preservntion, NZui�itenunce i�nd Protection uf tl�e Pr�►pertv: Borrower's Loan Application; -
<br /> -�,.� I,euseHnlds. Borrower shail�•ccupy.estab4n�tiha I cunt nuPt�oeiupy BthrrPr�,i�il�i p�1 cB�rro�v c'snprinc'pal reidenceyi'ar�at �'.-,
<br /> t hc exec u t i o n o f t h i s S�c u r i t y l n s t n+n u n t �'`;"':
<br /> .•-. �r 17� 1�
<br /> ��•�•', �;;�.,, ti� letiht one year after the dnte of nccupancy, unless L4nder ot herwiu agre es i n w r i t i n g, w h i c h e o n s e n t s h a l l not e t -_-
<br /> - . unRUSOnably withheld. �r�hcePr�x�n°u l l w�t h eu P r u pe r t yy t o dct r o teil orb cnnmitw uste on the i'rvne rt� B�r�er�shall .�1'��r
<br /> .' ��s� dustruy,dnnuigc or impiur P Y __
<br /> Be in defsult if any forfciu�f the�k'ro erpty or�o herwhet muter ullyrimpair the�l en�cre ted�by tha�Secunty f In t umentear °r�
<br /> ` `I� cauld resul� in forfcicurc P
<br /> "..,���;,_ • , Lender;sacurity interest. Borrower may curc:�u��n I�,�deT'�e od faith detern inat on,precludeh forfe tur uf the�F�orrower's ���
<br /> , �l. �r proceedtng to be aismi.�cu �+iiY�u�tt1.::c.h....:..-. _
<br /> int�rest in�to�cr shall .lsaebe nedefn lt�f Borro�werhduring tti 1elout� upplic tiontproce.s.tinguveumaten•ally fal.ti*or
<br /> intorest.
<br /> inuccur.ne informution or stutements to Lender(or failed to pmvide Lender with any muteriul mformation)in wnnection wit
<br />-;• the 1�►nn c�'a�r ii a nl rc`id nce.�If th�,15�u rry In�trumenta�[c�����+►��h�ld�[3rnrowcr hal o�»ply with all thc provisions
<br /> Fraparty � p p
<br /> of the lun�:c. If Borrowcr ncyuires fee tidc to the ProFx:��ty.thc Icaschold und the fcc titic shnll not mcrgc unless Lender agrees
<br />:�.�• t��thc m�r�;er in writinF.
<br /> � 7, l'ratectton nf Lcnder's Ri�hts i�� the Prop�rt� If Borrowcr failti to perfami the covcnimts and agreements
<br /> .., �V eontained in this Security Insuum�:nt. or thcrc is u (c•il rcx:ecding that nury sigmficantly ufFect Lender's rights in thc
<br />''� _ Pioperty lyuch a�a prnceeding in n�nkruptcy,probate.for condemnation or forfeitwr or to enforce laws or regulations),then
<br />=-;:,-- � Lcnder m►i;� do and p:ry f�r whatcver is necessi►ry to pr��tcct the value i�f'Qte Property and Lcnder's rights in thc Property.
<br /> �;;.'-`;;; `j4 � Lenders uctions miry include paying anY sums secured by a lien wh�ch hi��p�irn'iry over this 5ecuriry lnstrument,uppearing
<br />�'�'r�"''�'�*' in caun,p:rying rc�usonable attorncys'fecs and entcrin� on thc Prope�ty to muk�repairs. Although Lender may take uction
<br /> 'ti1.d_.__...
<br />- ^r�°��� '� under thit;par�gr.+ph 7.Lcnder does not ha�e to do so.
<br />�*:�1.�u . Any amounts disbur+cd by Lcnder under this paragraph 7 shnll become udditionul debt of Borrower sccurcd by this -
<br />;�.' �.'�,=' 5ecuriry Insttument. Unless Borrowcr and Lcnder agrce to othcr tcrms of paymc�u.these amounts shall bcur intcrest from the
<br />�'�% � ' dnt�r of dishursem�nt at the Note rute und shull hc:puYub�e•v"i�h interest, upon notice from Lender to Bonower requesting �,
<br /> _"-. ..' .•` pnyment. �rr
<br /> �='":s:Y.::,...� g, ►►Qurt�nge Insur�+nce. If Lender reyuircd mortg.�ge insurnnce a�a ronditiai of m:►king the.loan secured by[his
<br />=�'"'•=`'L' �' Secudty Instrume:nt, Borrowcr shall puy the premium� rcyuired to maintain the mort�ztge insurance in effect. If, for any
<br /> tl �-���;�~ nzuson, ths martgage insurancc cnveroge rcyu�md by Lendcr lap�es or cc:ities to be in effcct, Bonowcr shnll pay the —
<br /> ";�y premiums reyu��d to obtain coveruge subtitantially eyuivnlent to the mortga�e insurance previously in effect, at a cost �
<br />�,,.
<br />....,�w•'� ••� - substanciully cquivalent to the cost to Borrowcr of the mortgagc insurnnce previously in effect,from an altemate mortguge
<br /> ,,. ,.,sv.;,.-.
<br />_�;,;p�r•� .. insurer approved by Lender. If substantiall)•eyuivalent mortgagc in�urun�e coverage iti not available,Borrower sha pay to
<br /> - """4°'° '" Lcndcr each mnnth a sum cyual to one-twelfth of thc ycarly mortgi�gc insw'�ncc premium being paid by Borrowcr when the —
<br /> ' '� � inr;urnnce coversbe lapsed ur ceased to be in effect. Lender�vill accept,u�e and reutin these payments as a lo�s re,erve in lieu
<br />- - of'mortguge insurnnce. Loss rescrve payments muy no lon�er be n:yuined.at the option of Leuder,if mortgAge insurance
<br /> cnvamge(in the amount ancl far the period thut Lender reyuires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes �;�'
<br />- � availuble and is obtuined.gi-cm nt fohimort��ecin u un c ends�i�accorclunce w'th any writtenragr ement between Bormwer _
<br /> t�c• los�n.serve,until the nq �.'..
<br /> .:.�. and I.cnder or applicable law.
<br />- • �' g, Inspectiun. Lcndcr or its agent may make rca+onable cntri�.upon and inspections of the Property. Lendcr shall �:-,
<br /> � , E;vu f3urrower nutice at the time uf or prior to un inspcctinn tiperifying re:�s�mable cause tbr thc im�scction. ,
<br /> " L0. Condemnution. The proceed�of any aw.�rd or claim for dumugrti.direct or conseyuentiul,in connection with any � _F
<br /> � tiinglr Famdy••I�nnnle MndFtcddle Afnc UNIFOFtM INti'I'ItU111F.NT--Unifumi Covi n:mt. 9/90 lpuge?.,j n p�xe.+� '
<br /> . . Ymnt I:Aea ltuslncsv Yomu.Ine.e
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