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�0��09415 <br />NON UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonower and Lender fittther covenant and agree as follows: <br />22. Accelerataon; Remedies� Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleral3on following <br />Borrower's breach of aay covenant or agreement in th�lss Security Instrument (bnt not prior to <br />acceleaxtion under 5ecHon 18 mel�s Applic�ble Law provid� ot➢�erwitse). The notice shall spedfy: (a) <br />the default; (b) the action requ�lred to eare the defanit; (c) a date, not less than 30 days frnm �e date <br />the notice is given to Borrower, by wl�ich the defanit mnst be curetl; and (� that fa3lure to cnre the <br />defanit on or before the date spedfled in the notice may resalt 3n acceleration of the sams aecured by <br />tbis 5ecnrity Instrament and sate of the Propertye The aotYce shall fnrther �inform Borrower of the <br />right to reinst�te after acceleraHon and the right to bring a court action to assert the non ee�istsnce of <br />a defanit or any othea defense of Borrower to acceleratlon and sale. If the default 3s not cured on or <br />before the date spedfl� in the no13ce, Lender at ita opdon may require imme�iate payment in fall of <br />all sama secured by this Secarit� Instrament wlthont fnrther demand and may invoke the power of <br />s�le and any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Lender ahall be entitled to collect all <br />egpenses 3ncatred in purs�ng the remedies prnvided in th�s Secbton 22, inclnding, bnt not limfted to, <br />reasonable attorneys' fees aad costs of dtle evidence. <br />If the power of sale �is �invoked, Trastee shall record a notice of defanit �1n each co�ty in wLich <br />any part of the Properiy is located and shall mail copiea of sach nodce in the manner prescrlbed by <br />Applicable L�w to �orro�ver and to !he other persons prescribed by Appl�cable Law. After the Utme <br />aeqwlred by Applicable Law, Trastce shall give pnblic nodce of sale to the persons and in the manner <br />prescribed by Appl�cable Law Trastec, withont demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at <br />p�blic anction to the highest bidder at the dme and place and ander the terms designated 9n the <br />notice of st�le in one or more parcels and �tn any order Trastee determ�nes. Trastce may postpone sale <br />of all or any parcel of the Properh► by pnblic annonncement at the time and place of any prev�tonsly <br />achexlnled sale. Lender or its des�gne,� may pnrchase the Pcoperiy at any sale. <br />Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trastee shall deliver to the pnrchaser Trustee's deed <br />conveying the Property. The redtals in the Trastee's deai shall be prima fade evidence of the trath <br />of the statcmen� made there�1n. Trastee shall apply the prnceeda of the sale in the following order. (a) <br />to all costs and ezpens� of ezercising the power of sale, and the sale, inclnding the payment of the <br />Tras�ee's fces actaally incurred and reasonable attorneys' fees as permitted by Applicable Law; (b) to <br />�li snms secared by this Security Tnstrament; and (c) any ezc�s to tl►e person or persons legally <br />ent[tled to it <br />23. Reconveyance. Upan payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Leaidea shall <br />re�uest Trustee to reconvey the Propetty and shall surrender this Se�utity Instrument and all note.s <br />evidencing debt secared by this Security Instrament to Trustee. Trust� sha11 reconvey the Property <br />without warranty to the person ox persons legally entifled to it S�ch person or persons shall pay any <br />recordarion costs. Lender may charg� such person or persons a fee for r�onveying the Property, but only <br />if the fee is paid to a third party (such as the Trustee) for services rendered and the chazging of the fee is <br />permitted under Applicable Law. <br />24. Snbstitate Trastee. Leadet, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a <br />successor trust� to any Trustee appointcd hereunder by an instrument re�orded in the coimiy in wlrich ttris <br />Security Instrument is recorded. Wi4hout conveyance of the Properiy, tha successor trustee shall succQed to <br />all the title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein and by Applicable Law. <br />25. Reqnest for Notices. Borxower reque.sts that copies of the notice of default and sale be sent to <br />Borrower' s address which is the Properk3► Address. <br />2200198794 D V6ANE <br />NEBRASKA - Singls Family - Fannle MadFr�ddl� Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT WRH MEI�S <br />�-6A(NE� (os�o) Page 13 of 16 i� 7 I�' �_ Form 3028 1/07 <br />� I�. I� • t�' . <br />