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<br /> 97- i�23J� Y ., . � ��
<br /> 2.18 INSPEC The Owner aad �heir �gen�s �hall have the • L �t .
<br /> right to go upoa the propsrty at any time Yo iaspect the sapae os to � �
<br /> make repaira or improvements th�reon or for any ather purpose - � ' „ ,
<br /> - Ara�ide�tal �o the manag�eat of the pro�erty. -- -- � : _ . � '
<br /> ':,. , .
<br />-; ' 2.19 WAIVER• The failure or delay of the Owner to eserci�e . � • ��
<br /> � any righ� or privilege under this lease shall not be held a waiver . Y.-.�_.
<br /> of anp of the tertns, covenants, or conditions of this lease and anp -_ - � � ` .��=--��
<br /> act di the Owaer waiving or which �ay be �eld to have waived, aay � ��'� �
<br /> sgecific d�fault of the Tenant shall not be construed or held to be . � .;�,^,TM=—
<br /> a waiver of anp future dafault. � � '-`�-�` -
<br /> : ,..�-�.-
<br /> :::•!,:�.
<br /> 2.20 DBFADLT. Tenant agre�s that ia the event he shall not ,�-_��, -�._
<br /> keep aud perfora► each and ali of the cavenants and aqre�ments _ ' `"�==•�-�°
<br /> �---_:
<br /> contafned herein or otherwise implied or impos�d ugon the Tenaat bp �. ".� ;:�•-�"��-=-'�•�-
<br /> law, the Tenant shall forfeit all rights to further occupaacy of ' '"�"-�
<br /> ,,:� ��:...�_,.�,
<br /> the property and Owner shall be entitled to reenter the property �"� '°
<br /> ` without the necessity of legai pracess for recoverg of the ���-�.
<br /> - propertp. In the event of anp breacb of any covenant or agreement ...;�t,�;:� � ��
<br /> f ., pres�cribad in this lease, or arising by oPeration of laca, Owner
<br /> shall be entitled to maintain aa action in ealuity or at law �or the � ��''� � --
<br /> . appropriate remedy, or, at the option of Ownar, the Owner ffiap ,;��,�• , ,��
<br /> `��' declase this lease terminated without waiver of any rights or
<br /> � remedies which Awner othezwi5e has as a result of this lease, aad , •
<br /> Owner shall be entitled to immediate possessioa of the property. : - �'��. ' �: � � ='
<br /> •-�,�'�: ns�- .
<br /> 2.21. BINDING EFFECT. This lease is bindfng upon and inurea ~� ��'�
<br /> ico the benefit of Owner and Owner's successor or suceessors and � ~�� ����
<br /> � � upon Tenant and Tenant's heirs, personal represen ta t ions an d �
<br /> � assigns. �
<br /> ie� s..
<br />� - IN WITNESS WI�ItEOF the parties hereto have set their hands on •��,�_' .
<br /> Marc& �. 1997. _-
<br /> _�--
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<br /> ,�-.. - -
<br /> � Q•y ==.
<br />� (Dale A. Wh efoot) ' ,��� ��` --
<br /> Trustee of th Dale A. Whitefoot Trust creatad by tha Revocable � � :.��°.
<br /> Living trust �igreesaent dafced February 7, 1994 - " - -
<br /> OWNER � - -
<br /> � � + _
<br /> -- (Tj 51a3 �ZTa�iBh} ' _ -
<br /> � ,.: TENANT b��i`�'t'=�,'� :�:. _
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<br /> --.` ( eith McTavishy '`' -- - --
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