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, . .i .. . . . __ - _ • < ., _t- ' — - -_ - <br /> . <br /> .._s i_—i. � _ <br /> r-� ' . __,�______�,_ . -_.._�.. � __ "_ - "._ . _., --. ._ _ - - <br /> � � _ <br /> � . <br /> . . . ^ . ` . " _'_"_ ' .r -_ „ .. � <br /> ... ._ _. -"'_ '- _, .a_�_..... -� , ..._ . - ... - � ..1 - . .. .... _ _ _ � ( ,. . xy_. <br /> ,. 9� /U���/ : . a:� <br /> . < ,� <br /> ; . <br /> �o,���s <br />. .,� . ' : � � . ;:w <br /> 1. FsymsMe. Bortowar agrees co make aii paVments on the sscured debt when due. Unless Bortower and Lender agree otherwise, any ,� <br /> � payments l..enrler receives from Bonouver or 1or Borrower'a benefit will 6e appiied first to any amounts Borrower owes on the secured debt Y <br /> 1 exctusrve of interest or prineipal,second to interast,and then ta principal.If Rartial prepayment of th9 secured debt occurs for any►easan,it wdl � _ <br /> not reduce or excu�e-ery►s���8 �ed debt is paid in full. <br /> 1 -� �.F....��..��_ �� YA� <br /> � 2.Ctdms Apainat Ti$e:Bortower�vsr�l paV�Il f�Q g'���sments.and other charges attributable to the Bproperty when due and will defend titie <br /> to tAs p�opercy aq�inst[�1y,ClaimS�h�i wbUldSm Whine Iiel aab r o�r mat ristrs o imnr�o e or maQrrta n the P oPerty�ign any rights,daims or � ' <br /> 1 defanses which BQrrouddr ma�/A"�ve s �1��• 0 supP Y P . ,< - <br /> .�'y <br /> Z 3.Insurance- Bonower wiil keep the propertY��5�►ed under terms acceptable to Lendar at Boaower's expanse and for Lender's bene fi t.A i i '� <br /> insurance policies shall incNde a standatd mortgage clause in favor of Lender.Lender will be named as loss payee or as the insured on any such <br /> � or t th secured de�If Le�der�equ iessmortgage ins�urance��8orrower agreas ta mainrain�such insurance for as long as L.ender requues r�De� �, .. __ _ - i•-�,__ : : <br /> 't � , ' - <br /> ; 4.Property.Bortower will keep the property in good cond'Rion and make alI repai�s reasonabfy necessary. ��: <br /> . .'� b.Espensea.BoRCwer agrees to pay att Lender's expenses,induding reasonable attomeys'fees,if Bonowar 6reaks any covenants in this deed � r _ , <br /> of trust or In any obligation secured by this deed of trust.Borrowflr wtll pay these amounts to Lender as provided in Covenant 9 of this deed of 1 <br /> � trust. <br /> � g.pdoi Sactufiy[rttsreats.Unless Borrower fiast obtains Lender's written consertt, Bottower wifl not make or permit any changes ta any prior �':� � - � • . .- <br /> ' security intarests.Borrower will pertorm all of Bonowers obtigations under any prior mortgage, deed of vust or other securtty agreemant, , _ , <br /> ` including Bonowar's covenants to make payments whe�due. , ... ;. <br /> 7.Assi�t of RsMs and Profitt.Borrower assigns to Lender the rents and proftts of tBe property.Untess 8orcowar and Lender have agreed . �,p:;.� <br /> � '�, otherw�se m writiog, Bonowe►may cotlect and retain ffie reote as long as Bonower is not m default. If Borrower dafaults, Lender, Lender's .�•:"=�:+"w��;,. <br /> agesrt,or a eourt appomted receiver may taks possession and mana�e the propstty and cotlect the rents.Any reMS Lender colleCta shall be � , -,�; <br /> � apptied first to the costs of managine the propertV. �nc�udina court costs and attomeys'fees, commissions to rerrtal agents, and any other +_ . ,. :____ <br /> necessary related expenses.The remammg amount of rents wdl then apply to paymenu on the secured debt as provided in Covenant 1. __. ..� <br /> `:,�--. <br /> 8.Leaseholds-Condominiums:Flannad Unft OeveJopmerrts.,Borrower agrees to comply with the provisions of any I�ase if this deed of uust is on , ,- .�+�F�r-=,-- <br /> a leasehoid.if tfiis deed of uust is on a unrt in a condom�rnum or a planned untt development, 8orrower w�i6 pertorm a1i of Bonower's tluties � ' ,:, <br /> � under the wvenants,by-Iaws,or ragulaUons of tf:a condominium or planned unit developmen� . . . _ : <br /> �.'.L.:`.f-- F-� <br /> 9.Authority of Lender to Parform tor Bcaow�r. If Bortower fails to perform any of BoROwer's duties under this deed of uust, Lsndet may , y..�.� <br /> . - perfarm the duties or cause them to be performed.Lender may sign 8orrower's name or pay any amouM if necessary for perfarmance.If any ,. r_:,�.>_.-;'�- <br /> constructlon on the property is discontinued or not carried on in a reasonable manner,Lender may do whatevar is neeessary to proteet Lenders >•,�*«-. " _ <br /> security interest in the property.This may i�cluds compteting the canstruction. <br /> ,��.��-- <br />�i:�•� � Lender's failure to parfarm will not preclude lsnder nom exercising a�y of its other rights undar the law or this deed of uust. ___ , ,_. <br /> ' Any amowtts paid by Leodar to(�rotect Lendet's security interest wllt be secured by this deed of trust.Such amounts will be due on demand . 1���-- <br /> , and will bear irtterest from the date of the payment until paid in fu11 at the interes[rate in effect on the secured debt. � <br /> 10. Del�lt and AecateraUon. If Bonawer fails to make any payment when due or breaks any covenants under this deed of uust or any '` •�� �`j!�� <br /> ' obligatlon secured by this de�ed of vust or any prlor mortgage or deed of irust, Lender may accelerate the maturity of the secured debt and � �}� :� <br /> •i. . <br /> - - damand immsdiate payment end may invoke tfie power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. �_ , •�`.: <br /> :_S•_. •.� •:'r';� :, ` <br /> ' 11.Ryqssast!et l�lotice of OefavTt.It is hereby�equested that copies of tfie notices ot defautt and sate be sent to each person who is a party . _. ��_ _,� _: <br /> � � hereto,at the address of eaeh such person,as set forth herein. °" <br /> ��._ � .�—.__�_' ;; <br /> ' 72.Power of Sd�.�t the Lendar invokes the power of sate,the Trustee shall first record in the o�ce of the register of deeds of each county „�,.�,�'�+; <br /> � wherein the trust property or some part or parcel ther�of is situated a notice of defautt conteining the i�formation required by law.Tha Trustee •..,�,,.... � � <br /> ereta, and to other persons as rescribed by �-: <br /> shall atso mail copies of the noUce of defauh to the Borrower,to each person who Is a party h Q -°`'�`""" � : _ <br /> appticable law. Not Iess th�n one month after the Trustoe records flia notice of defauft,or two momhs'rf the uust property�s not in any . ,i , , i. <br /> incorporated ciiy or villago and is used in farming oparatlons carried on by the trustor,the Trustee shall g(ve public notice of sate to the persons �.Y__ , <br /> and in the ma�ner prescnbed by appplicabfa law.Trustee,without demand on Bonower,shall sell the property at public auction to the highest � - <br /> bldder.ff required by the Farm Homestead Protectlon Act,Trustee shalt offer the property in two separate sales as raquired by applicabte law. ; ',`it : <br /> � Trustse may postpone sate of atl or any pareel of the praperty by public annou�cement at the time and place of any prevlousty scheduled sale. ��. <br /> , ,; Lender or its designee may purchase the property at any sate• �� :' ' , <br /> • :;� Upon receipt of paym e�t of the price bld,Trustee shalt deliver to the purchaser Trusiee's deed conveying th0 property.The recitials contatned In ' "';' :,�•- -�� 'r._ <br /> TNStea's deed shall be prlma facia evidlenae of tfie uuth of the stateme�ts contained therein.Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the . • - <br /> tollowtag order: (a) to atl expenses of the sale, Inctuding, but not Iimited to, reasonable Trustoe's tees, reasona6le attorney'c fees end {;�d�:-_ <br /> � rahs�tatament feao;fb)to aU sums eoeured by thta dead of uust,a��d icl the batance,if any,to the persons legatty entitled to receive it. :,.���- <br /> :�� :..•„-- <br /> 73.Fonetawr�.At Lender's optlon,this deed of trust may be foreolosed in the ma�ner provlde by appticabto Iaw for foreclosure of mortgages r, <br /> � on real property. „ ��� ��- <br /> � �'•'��.�-' <br /> ` 14,Inso�ctlon.Lender may e�ter the property to inspect�t if Lender givos Borrower notice betorehnnd.The notice must state the reasonable = __ <br /> �.._'• caus�for Ler+der's inspection. �� ` <br /> _ ����r�#'•��_ - <br /> 15.Cond�mnaUon.Borrower assigns to Lender tha proceeda of any award or claim for damag es connected witb a condemnaUon or other taking �'_"-= - --- <br /> of all or any paR of the propertY.Such proceeds will be applied es provided in Covenant 1.This a�slgnment is subject to the terms of any prior _ _ __ <br /> security agreemant. � <br /> � ,��„eL,p";,"°. <br /> 16.Watvu.By exercising eny remedy avaitable to Lender,Lender does not give up any rights to later use any other remedy.By not exerclstng "� �M� <br /> ' any remedy upon BorrowePS default,�.endet Coes not waive sny right to later consider the evant a defeuft if it happens agaln. '��n:_T_ <br />" � 77. Jdrrt tnd Swaal Uabilitv; Co-slyn�n;Succ�uon and Astipn�Bound. All duties under this deed of trust are joint and several. Any ""�"• <br /> Borrower who co-signs this deed of uust but does not co-sign the underlying aebt instrumentfa) does so onty to grant and convey that � ��r���"�`. - <br /> Borrowet's interest in the property to the Tmstee undar the terms of thls deetl ofYrust.In addition,such a Borrower agrees that the Lender and .�,.::�.;:�_,::� �• <br /> � ' any other Borrower undet thia deed of trust may extend, modi�or make any ot hor c hanges in t ho term s o f t hi s d e ed of trust or the secutad �::'-��,;,p��. <br />. debt without that Bonower's wnsent and wfthout reteasing that orrowar irom the terms of this deed of troat. ,.•,. .., <br /> :?sr,-.��,_... ::,.,. ' <br /> The dutles and benefits of this deed of bust ahall bind and 6e�efit the suecessors and assigns of Lender and 8orrowet. ' � • <br /> ;�..�.,,y;,,.�^:�`-."''itE'" .: <br /> � 18.NoUc�.Untess otherwlse required by law,any notice to Borrower shall be gtven by delivering it or Gy mailing ft by certiHed mail addtessed to . . -� -. . • <br /> • Borrower et the property addreas or enY other address that Borrower haa given to Lender.Borrower will give any notice to Lender by certified .,;..,„;:,..;,__,.. . <br />' • mail to Lender's addross on page 1 of thls deed of trust,or to any othor address which Lender has Cesignated.Any other notice to Lender shall ..,.�_:_.�, <br /> bo sent to Lendets addresa as stated on page 1 of this deed of Uust. : : � <br /> Arry notice sfiall be deemed to have been gtven to Borrower or Lender when given In the manner stated above. _ ' ' <br /> 19.Trenste►of th�Propety or e B�n�flclal tnt�r�st tn th�Bortow�r.I}aU or any part of the propeRy or any interest in it is sold or transferred _,- - <br /> wiihout Lender'e priar written consent, Lender may domand immediate payment of the secured debt. Lender may also demand immediate � <br /> payment if the Bonower is not a naturel person and e beneticial interest In the Borrower is sold or transferred. However, Lender may not <br /> demand payR+ent In the ahova Fituatinns ii it Is prohibited by�eAe!al law as of tho date o!this dQed of trvst- ! _ <br /> 20.Aeconveyance.Whan iho obligatlon securnd by thls deed of trust has boan paid, and Lender has no further obligation to make advances � � � � <br /> under the Insiruments or agfeements secured by thia deed of trust,the Trustee shall, upon written request by the Lender,reconvey tho trust . , � <br /> - property.The Lender shalt detiver to the Borrowor,or to Borrow9r's succeasor in interest,the trust dead and the�ote or other evidence of the • <br /> � obligation so sattsfied.Borrower shall pay any recordation costs. <br /> K <br /> 21. Succesaor Trustes. Lender, at Lender's option, may remove Trustee enA oppofnt a successor trustee by flrst, mailing a copy of the ` � � <br /> � subatitution of trustee as required by applicable law,and then,by filing the substitution of trustoe for record in the offico of the regfster of doeds f � <br /> of each courrty in whieh the trust property,or some part thereot, is situated.The succossor trustee, without conveyance of the proporty,shatl f <br /> succeed to all the power,duties,authonty and tttte of the Trustee named in the deed of trust and ot any successor trustee. � . <br /> r., <br /> I <br /> � - <br /> � <br /> . � : <br /> ( <br /> ' fPegO 2 Ol 21 � � <br /> f • . <br /> • BANKEi1S SYSTEMS.WC..ST.ClOUO.MN 68301 It-800.397•Y3411 Po8M OCP�tdTC�NE 8�79/91 _ ___ � , . <br /> i -- <br />...'- :-� . y ; - --' °°-_`°�"--� _. _ <br /> I f' ' � <br /> i }��^�-•-•_--•.--._ � _ <br /> � <br /> --_ • . ,--, . , .. • � ... . <br /> . . . . .. , . <br /> • ' . ,_ � .. ' . 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