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<br />-.- �EEED OF'fiRUST to �, { ' " ', 4=�
<br /> E �
<br /> �� 97� ?�t��'7� ` .-��_. � ..-. �,-�-` -
<br /> ,aman U+e Grarrtot, w Nir�+np*.�—
<br /> , PARtIFS:This Daed of Trust is made on M��� 1. �"9� 8 (•gpROwar'}, • . , . � '
<br /> Courrty.Nabreska 1'Truseee'i,and the Benaficiary,G _ . .. =-
<br /> � whose residencs eddresa is �e n x �4n a.a.+a ir+lnnd �•-'i ,e corporaUon organlxed ���-' . � � �� � ,`�?_
<br /> \� _>;..., .. . . -
<br /> n...�wnrr TninfCT eTDRRT� _ . - � --� •�.��'-
<br /> .� and existjng under the laws of rrsgrznaua vrttose address is (•Lender'1. � ..U���'`��'
<br /> ' ' �nrw� tc *�m ��venr4Rn 69a0'�-7�09 � ° - •
<br /> and convsys to Trustee,in trust,with power of sate,the real properttl,of which ''�
<br /> Cpi�{/EYAl�iCE:For vatue received.Borrower itrevacabiy grarrts . ,>>�
<br /> BoROwer is law(ufy seized, dsscribed below and all buitdings,fixtures, end existlng and furiue tmproveme�s tlrereon and all rights-of-wey.
<br /> � easements, rerrts, issues, proflts, income, tenemerts, hereditamanta, priviteges and any apputtenances theteunto 6etang(ng lall called the ��-, —
<br /> �a°��•�' �o�i nnvwn � �ri��+*+ Ter_n�� ,Nebraska 6esn3 . ;�� �� -
<br /> PROPERTY ADDflESSs_ � I�M Riv coce� '�
<br /> tsueeu .. .�-'�°���.'
<br /> LEQAi OESCFiIPTION: ' ` ------
<br /> HAT.L COIINTY. NEBRASRA. .. ��.•`�:.',.:..�
<br />-�- --�-- :-�`=�,�i .
<br /> �==.`.
<br /> ._ : �'�,�:-- _
<br /> . . . ?• "; '..— -
<br /> - -. ����. �
<br /> � �;�
<br /> _ `1 f� .'�_��,��:;,:�� .
<br /> , ���� :. :�
<br /> � located i� sinr t County.Nebraska. °:..� �i
<br /> ,�� .�.
<br /> � � TlTLE:Borrowar covenams and wanants tiUa to the propertV,except for _ i e,� ..
<br /> . • -.• c. �._.
<br /> SECURm DBT.This Qeed of trust secures w Lender repaymerrt of the securod debt and the performanco ot the covenaMS and agreemerns ��`� .f'�:,��•
<br /> BoR�r�oviea toelandor�u der�thi�d ed ofeuust or under a y instrumentisecured Y thbs deod of�trw�t.and a 1 modifi�tions xte�ons a 0 '-. " j'#.� ,..L..
<br /> . �enawatsthereof. '-- . �4��.- --W�
<br /> . . `�;.,.. •j�.'�:.-:°
<br /> � The seeu^red debt is evlQenced by(Ust all instrumer►ts and agresments secured by this deed of trust and the dates tharaofd: _ _
<br /> OGL '�+; �"'�'� - -
<br /> �Fa�tu»pdvar,ca:Tfie above amount is secured even though al!or part of it may rtai yet be advanced. Furiire advances are �.:.,,
<br /> oostemplaLad and wiil be sacured to the same extent as if maQe on the date this daed of trust is execuced. ..���,�
<br /> _ -�.�.:
<br /> ❑RevoIvinp line af credit apreement datad ,witfi inNai annual interest rate a! °N�• ��.:�.,'�- r : ._
<br /> nn smounsa owee�naer uas egreament are Becured evan thoupf►all amourrta may not yet ba edvaneed. Future advances undar �, _ ;•.�_,.,,,
<br /> the a�esment are contemptate d and will be secured to ihe same exterrt as i t ma de on the date tflis daed of wst is eaecuteA. ���,���
<br /> i}not patd eari(ea —�u� '-- ,•'��
<br /> The above obtipatfon ia due and payabie on �tt►Y �4 �9°� '�+ _..;,�:,,
<br /> The totel unDatd baiane�cccurad bY this deed of tn,st at erry one timo shall not exceed e maximum princiDal amaunt o! - • _�.__,____
<br /> , e+� usm �rwrzu �raanAati anR m�t�^�uun RTRfiTY A2V�ARiIf,aepYsa IQL03..aas �O �•0(u8 ifltBieSt. � '��� - -°
<br />� pius amr amounta disbursed unEer the terms of this deed oi wst to protect tho security of this Qeed of trust or to perform any of the �V;.�,
<br /> ' covenanta eorttalned in this deed oi trust,witb intorest on sucb disbursomertte. .��.
<br /> • ❑V�ri�Rab:The interest�ate on the o6tigation secured by this doed of trust may vary according to the terms ot that obli(�ation. � ^ �, : _ _
<br /> ❑ A eopy of the toan a8reement conteining the terms under which the i�terest rate may vary is attached to this deed of trust end � �; � ± —,�
<br /> �i
<br /> made a D�hereof. �'� ���
<br /> BIDER9: ❑Commarclal � CS'I@nnvrmn ..Q aa.ntmc ❑ '°' . ,. �"'F ��--
<br /> — pESiQNA710H OF H011AESTPAD �
<br /> Purauant to the Farm Homestead Protectlun Act.desiynaUon of homestead ❑ is attached to this deed of trust and maQe e part Mreof �..-
<br /> � ❑ has Eean disctaime6;the disciffimer is attaehed to this deed of Uust and made a part hereof. , '
<br /> SIflHANAES:By�tynieD b�tow,Borrow�r a0r�s w ths tums�nd eovenants emna[pe�in thi�deed of truat.inetu�n9 thoss o�ptqe 2.and in .
<br /> �y� �pqri e��nd by awar. � f , .
<br /> ���sg%%//��i�/�.�� ;—p-�--�-- " .- --
<br /> . W MICHAEL MCiTli PATRZCIA A M[JTH � . . � '
<br /> . . . , ��-
<br /> � ACKNOYYLEOGMENT:STATE Of NEBHASKA, uAf T County ss: � ' ��'�`
<br /> ` Tho foroQoing iosUUment was acknowtedged bafore me on this �4'i'R day of�fBBCHr 1A97 - .
<br /> by .� � —
<br /> . Riue W)
<br /> ' CarpatKl a ot Q7��of Cor�vatlm W V�U�I • � � , �.
<br /> �D on be I t���r�A•
<br /> , , Aum�rteCQna�t e . . .
<br /> _ My commission expiros: / j- ��E p�pP� �
<br /> . ISevl _ c2itva PDPPS,-- ^t �r�=��.
<br /> ,- .. � �
<br /> - -:� This msbumont was Dreparo0 bY crxv�rnocA ----_— ------ ' ,_._..--.._--.
<br /> � '� Ot989��i1(EiLS SYSTEINS.ViC..ST CtOUD.M7!66301 11�804397 23�11 FOR1d OC�JAT6N£8�19A7 ApPLt! 00030142 �pag!I 012! NEB�3ASttA .. . . t .
<br /> CCDti 0100463614 �
<br /> . � �.
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