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[� _?����� ! � :. fi <br /> 18. Bo�row�r's Right Lo Reinst�4e. �t eorrower mee�s certetn conart:ons, sorrov,e��all Asvs the right to �sve e��o�Cement ot ' ,� <br /> ttiis Secur2y instrument disconttnued at any tine p�or to the eartfer of: (e) 5 dsys (or such othsr period as apAGCab1e law may sFeci(y tor , z: <br /> re'vistatement) befo+e sate of tAe Property Pursaant to eny power ot saM contamed rt� Mts fiecuritY InsWment; or(b) eritry ot a judyment _- <br /> enfor�in0 tf�35 Securtty�+�strument Those cond'+ttons ere that Bortower. (3)pays Lender a0 sums which then would be due under this SacuNtY <br /> Instrument end the Note had no acceleraUon occurred; (b)cure5 eny defaua of eny other covenant or agreemBnts: (c) paYS au e�snses °.;'.�" <br /> � mcurred � entorcing this 5ecurity Instrumen� includng, but not !'anited to, reasonabte attomeys' fees:a�d (d) takes such ectlon es Lsnde� . �.. <br /> ; may reasonaby require to assure that the Cier► of this Securty Instrumsnt, Lende�s rights a� the Proper:y and Bortowefs ob6gation to pay <br /> � the sums seCUred by th�Security Instrument shall continue unchanged.Upon reinstatement by Borrower,this &eturty �nstrurtssnt end the � <br /> ! <br /> oblig8tlOrts S9CUred heteby Sh811 rBme�l tulty eftBCtive 8S i�no 8CC81er8ti0n h8d OCCUrted. Howevet, this right to re'nsffite shell nOt 8pp�y �n �. <br /> � the case of asxeferaUon under parugraph t7. <br /> � 19. Sale o9 Note; Change O� L0019 Servicer. The Nota or a paRia� interest � the Note (togather wlth Mis SeCUrity <br /> . � Instrument) may be sotd one or more Y+mes without prior notiCe to Bartower. A sate may �esuR m a change fn the entity (knovm as the . _. <br /> � •LOan Servicer')thst colleets monthty payments due under the �lote end thls Security lnsVUmer�t Thare also may be one ar more changes s <br /> of the Loan Senric:er unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a changs at the Loan Servicer, 8arrower w11 6e given wrriten notice of the <br /> i change in BCCOrdance with paragraph '!4 Bbove and appGcab�e taw. Ths noYice will State the name and address of the navr Loan Servicer : ` <br /> and the address to which psyments 5houtd be made. The notice wU atso contain any other o�fortnation requfred by app�k:able law• : — <br /> 20. Hazardous Substancea eorrower shalt not cause or permn me oresence. �se, d�svosai. s�oraQa or re�ease of any � . � <br /> .i Ha�rdous Su6stances on or e�the Property. Bortower shall not do, nor aROw anyone else to do, anything af(ectin8 the?roperty that is m i � � <br /> .� viaFaiJon of any Environmentai Law. The preced�g two sentences shall not appty to the presence, use, or storage on the Property of small � <br /> ; quant�s of Hazardous Subsiances that are 9eneraUY reco9^�d to be approptiate to normat residentta� uses end to matntenance ot the i <br /> Property. , `� <br /> Borrower shail promPUy 9ive L.endsr writien notice of eny investl8aqon, ciatm, demanA,�wsuft oP oiher action by eny go+remmenffiI or - . .. i <br /> reguiatory agency or prtvate partY invoN�g the Property and any Hazardous Subs�tance or Environmental Law of which BoROwar has actual . , _ <br /> knowtedga if Borrower �eams, or is notiBed by eny govemme►ne� or regulatory authordy. that any rema++ai or other remedtatton of any , <br /> Hazardous Substance affect�g the Property is necessary. Borrower shaD PrompUy teke a0 necessary remedial ecdons �n acea�da�ce with . , �.� <br /> Envtonmental Law. . � <br /> As u5ed h this paragraPh 20. 'Hazardous Substsnces" ere those substances defned as toxic or hasardous substances by � <br /> Emironmenfal Lew and the taUowinp subsianees: Qasoline, kerosene, other flartunabio or toxic petrolsum products, to�dc pesticides and . ,- __ <br /> herbicides. vola8te soNents. materials contafia�g asbestos or formsldehyde. and radiaactive matoriaLs. A.+ used Tn tAis pareareph 20, ` .. �,'_`= <br /> 'Environmental Law" means federal laws end Iav+s of the jurisdfctton where 4he Property ts located that reiate to heakh, SatetY or I `"� <br /> ' ,�y_�-- <br /> environmental protection. ' • � . sf �� <br /> NON!-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end l.ender turther Covenant and agree ss to�bws: ' <br /> ._ •}-f:`�z'}f�% <br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedfes. Lender ahail g{ve noUce to �orrower prtor to eccelsraUon toilowintg� � ,,t;,�„ ,, ., !. <br /> gonowe��$ b�each o! any cave c�n t o r a g r e a m e n t t n 4 R�!s S e c u r t t y I n s tr u m e n t (b u t n o t p r t a r , � : �! �' <br /> acceleratlon under aeegraph 17 unieas applicable taw provides otherwiae). The notice shatl specity: (a) t s <br /> P <br /> the defautt; (b) the action required to cure fhe deMutt; (c)a da4e, not lesa than 30 daya irom the date t0ie ':. � � � <br /> notice fs given to Barrower,by which the d@4a�lt must be cured; and (d)ths�t��ure to cure the detault on � � u. <br /> o r b e t o r e t h e date s pecified in the noUce may result in acceletat�on ot the sums secured by lhis Security �' .: �� .;�� � <br /> I n�t r u m e n t a n d a a l e o f t h e P r o p e r t y. Th e n o t l c e s h a t l t u r t h e r i�t orm Borrower o 4 4 h e r i g h 4 W r e i n s�t e a t t e r : . ` <br /> acceleraUon and the righ4 to bring t+ cou�t ect3on to essert the non-existence of e detautt or eny other �� � !� <br /> � detense of Borrower to acceteration and sale. If the defautt i� not cured on or fbefore the date speciRed in . '_ ���}i� <br /> � the natice,Lender at tts optton may require Immediate paymenZ in tull 04 all auma aecured by this Security �• . . � � j. <br /> ��, < . �, <br /> � �� Instrument without further demand and may invoke the power ot a�le and eny other remedie� permitted , _,� � <br /> by app7ieable lew. Lender ahall be entitled to collect ell expenses incu�red in purauing the remedies ,; ,� �.�.r�,�_ <br /> ,� <br /> provided in this pa�agraph 21, including� but rtot Iimited to, reasonable attorneya' fees aRd coats of 41t1e �;�;,. <br /> , evidence. <br /> . It 4he p�wer ot sale is invoked,Truatee ahall record e notiae ot deteuft in eech coyaty In whlch any � <br /> 11 mail co !es of such natica in tl�s manner preacrtbed by upplicabte . ��::#`' <br /> par4 of the Property Is located and sha p �� , � . <br /> law to Borrower and to the ather perwns prosarifoed by appticable law. ARer the Ume required by , • ��� ;�,i� <br /> . appilcabie law, Trustee shall qive public noUce of aale to the peraons snd la the manner prescNbed by T <br /> ahall seti the Property at publtc auctton to the �—�`�-- <br /> appilcable law. Yrustee, without demend on Borrower, . <br /> . htgheat bidder at the Ume end ptace and under the terms deaignated In the notice of aale in one or more . . <br /> , .. ,. ;;; .. . o. �� �A AO?P�R}�p�t7f. Trustee ms ostpone sale o4 ali or eny parcel ot the 'l"` <br /> -� ��:.�.s a�.. �r, c.�� Tt_� Y P � � -- ---__—_-t—.... <br /> Property by public announcement at the tlme and place of any previous{y acheduted sale. Lent9er or Ite ` � <br /> designee may purchase the Property et any sele. • <br /> Upon receipt of psyment ot the price btd. Truatee shall deliver to the purchaaer Truatee's deed • f'"' <br /> conveylnq the Properly. The recttels in the Truatee's deed ahali toe p�iana facie evldence o4 4P�e 9ruth of � � <br /> the stetementa made theretn. Trustee shatl apphl the proceeds o! the aale In the followiny order: (s)to all . . <br /> � coats and e�ensea of exerclaing the power ot sete, and the aele, Including the paymeat of the Trustee's � <br /> • feea actuaity irtcurred, not to exceed 3 % of the principa9 amount of ti�e note at the Ume of , <br /> t3�e dectareUon of defaul4, a�d reasonable atGorney's fees as permitted by law; (b) to ali aums aecured by � <br /> this Security Inatr�amea�t; end (c) any excess to the person or persons legalty entitled to iL <br /> 22. RECO11VCyaRC@. Upon payment ot all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lende► shan request Trustee to reCOnvey the <br /> PropeAy and Shall surtender this Securily instrument end all notes evidenCinp dobt sscured by this Secutity Instrument to trustee. Trustee ��- <br /> sha0 recomey the Property wRhout wartanty and wRhout charge to the person or persons�egalry ontitted to it Such person or persons shall i ; R"_ <br /> 1 <br /> pay any recordation costs. � . <br /> 4 � <br /> ' 23. Substitute Trus�tee. �endar, et its optlon, may hom ttme to tVne remove Trustee and appofnt a successor trustee to eny i <br /> � <br /> Trust9e appohted heteun0er by en nstrument recorded h the county in whic� this Security Instrument Is recordad.WRhout conva/anco of . _ <br /> the Property,successor trusteo shatl succeed to alt the tNle, power and dutles conlerrod upon Tn,stee hereb and by applicabte law. ""�-� <br /> �, <br /> 24. Request tor Notices. Bonower requests that copies of the notbes of defauft and sale bs sent to Bortowers address wh�h �—_ <br /> is the PropeRy Address. <br /> ' 25. Fildera to thta Securlty Instrumen� If one o� more tlders are executsd by 9ortower and reCOrded topether with this <br /> Security Inswment, tha covenants end agreements ot each sucA rider sha�l be incorporated into end shall amend and supplement the . —_ <br /> covenants and agreements of thLs Security InsUument as if ihe rider(s)were a part of this SeCUrity Instrumen4 _ <br /> form 3028 Y/90 <br /> F4008.LM4(�0/GB) Pap�a of 5 : _• <br /> 494 ' <br /> _ ,j..�._..�.-..---�—�''�''� <br /> -1..� T wi.�`T'��� . . . �;� � � . <br /> . . . . . , .� . .. . . . . . .. . . . - . . . <br /> _ " . ... ..' ._ . - . - . . . . '_ � . .. , ` � y, . . I. _ _ . • ' • , '. . . . .. . . � .. . 1 . • . . • _ � . . . <br />