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<br /> � z 1 � °� ? y � � ° � � l , � ..� 1 '�r :
<br /> SD p ' � > r l N � �' `s i_` "� :
<br /> ,.I � When Recorded Mail T'o: � 1 •`•' �' ;��� � � ~ °' � � � ' t_
<br /> �� '� First Federal Lincoln Bank � - ::` ` �' � r o N , . `
<br /> 1 _ 3 r _4
<br /> � r n n7 �
<br />� • � Cammercial Loan Servicing �� � . � ° � . , ' �
<br /> i � P.O.Box 830fl9 �� ° A ,,,,w� � ` � s=
<br /> ' Lincoln.NE 68501-3009 � , `l, � � .� � � : � •
<br /> �' 97 _
<br /> `b FFL Loan No.01-10091647 } i � —"'��'��''f � ' ` --
<br /> :1 t i ; �' , , ;.�
<br /> -� t � " ' .
<br /> RELEASE OF AS5IGN1Vi�Pi'�'OE LESSOIa'S INTEREST IN LEASES �� �—.- _` -,-- �`-. ----:
<br /> f • '�,_
<br /> TION of a ent in fiill of the debt named therein, the undersigned FIRST FEDERAL ;� � f � ' °
<br /> W CQNSIDERA p Ym .
<br /> SAVINGS ANU LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, a United States Corporation, hereby releases the �, . � —
<br /> Assi�,mment of Lessor's Internst In Leases, dated December 1, 19�9 made by and between HARRY C• � ; �___ -�
<br /> S T A L K E R an�P P.T R I C I A P.S T A L K E R,h u s b a nd and wife("Borrower")and FIRST FIDERAL SAVINGS ` .
<br /> AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN("Lende�'�on the following described ProPertY: ��� �' ' . �� '_ _
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast auarter of the IVortheast auarter (NE 1/4 NE 1/41 ; . ��
<br /> 3 of Section 24, Township 11 North, Range 10 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more • :��":
<br /> �� particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East Line of said Section 24 said '� � r__
<br /> point bein g 297.5 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Northeast auarter of the Northeast .� �_;-_>_
<br /> , ' Quarter (NE 1/4 NE 1/4); thence Weste�ly paraitel to the North line of sai d Nort heas t Qua rt e r I N E : , t: "�, � -, .
<br /> �:;
<br /> 1/4), a distance of 680.0 feet; thence Northerly parallel to the East line of said Northeast nuarter ,_��. .�_.._.
<br /> INE 1/4), a distance of 109.16 feet, to a point on the Southeasterly right-of-way line of U.S. • '=1.�'-
<br /> Highway 30; thence defiecting Right 58 degrees 47 minutes and running Northeasterfy along said �� _
<br /> right-of-way line, a distance of 151.83 feet; thence Easterty paratlel to the North line of said :`
<br /> Northeast Quarter(N!E 1/4) a distance of 530.14 feet,to the East tine of said Northeast Quarter (NE , „,,�; s� '. .
<br /> � 1/4); thence Southeriy along the East lirte of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/41, a distance of 190A �__�;• ��;=-*�.: -f
<br />� f e s t t o t h e p l�c e o t b s g i n n i n g; EXCEPT a tract of land located in the Northeast nuarter of the ,*,��':.•�'�; .: �,.
<br /> {Vortheast Quarter of Section 24,Township 11 iVorth, Range 10 West of the 8th P.M., Ha U County, �' _
<br /> • Nebraska, described es follows: Referring to the Southeast comer of said auarter Quarter Section; '� q( � -'
<br /> � �A�•' %.t �
<br /> thence Northeriy a distance of 297.50 feet a long t he Eas t l i n e o f s a i d Q u arter auarter Section to i �
<br /> the paint of beginning; thence Nattherly deflecting 000 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds a distance �,y;��;,��+��
<br /> o f 1 9 0.0 0 f e e t alon g the East iine of said nuarter Quarter Section; thence Westerty defiecting 088 ,. • . ,; r�,.
<br /> d e grees 48 minutes 30 seconds Left, a distenca of 45.30 feet; thence Sout her iy de f i e c t i n g 0 9 2 ' .,�
<br /> degrees 32 minutes 26 seconds Le ft, a distance o f 1 9 0.1 5 f e e t; t h o n c e E a s t e r l y d e f l e c t i n g 0 8 7 ��,. : . �'� �
<br /> - e e t t o the oint of ba ginning. t . �:��:� • --
<br /> �� degrees 27 minutes 34 seconds Left,e distance of 40.82 f P °�`, _.
<br /> f..•�- .�`'��•i:i_._..
<br /> which has a propertj►address of 410 South Webb Road,Grand Island,NE 68803. •� •�.",• '�-� �•�
<br /> . .,�c.*._. �.`t:i�- - --
<br /> :. ; � .��:. :�-. ..--�
<br /> . . . ,�. . _ . _
<br /> which was recorded December 4,1989,as Documeni No.89-106557 in the Official Records of Hall County,State � �, .��-_-
<br /> � -��_
<br /> , r of Nebiaska. .�`."f,�.;�,r:.�-
<br /> :�x-�":;
<br /> ]�'^�/ � .__
<br /> .;�.,; LINCOI,�h�.ca�sed th�se presents to be executed by its Q�ll,�„�.;—�-'-� �. �
<br /> , . :�';�t-..i.�.y�".` _
<br /> --- • Yursua�tt to�nma�dt��nt to 3�ttsart;.r.fh:t Fedets3 Ssvings end loa� __`"'-�L�"�,.��''�'—��`•_
<br /> Auocintlon of Lincotn is now know ss Fitst Fcderal Linwln Bank ., .;����;;.
<br /> Dated: � FIRST FEDERAL LINCO BANK '_ _ , �•
<br /> . ?�it+�:
<br /> . , • .
<br /> R �
<br />� STATE OF NEBRASKA ) . . ��� .
<br /> %: COUNTY OF LANCASTER ) . �; .,...;.;,.,�.; ��
<br /> . �
<br /> pn this a��t day of March . 19 9� ,before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public in and �
<br /> •.. �:;
<br /> for said County personally came �. F. Roschev�ski knov�m personally to me to be the .
<br /> � Chai rman of the Board identical Qerson whose name is affixed to the forgoing instntment and _
<br /> . acknowledged the execution thereof to be the voluntary act and deed as such o�cer, and the voluntary —�
<br />- act and deed of the said First Feders�l Lincoln Bank.
<br /> . . � �
<br />_ Wimess my hand and Noturial Seul at L!ncol n , Nebraska in said County the day and �
<br /> year last above written. . � �
<br /> ; �s
<br /> .� -
<br /> MY COMMI5SION EXPIRES: OTARY P LIC anita �. scheu�e� � � ��'
<br /> t�arcn a, 2000 �� GENENIIHOTAAY•StateolNe0rula � �
<br /> .I � IAy Conm.f D•M�eD 4.20C,0 � ' -
<br /> ; �` '.�
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