NOU-25-c�11 15:23 From: To:818774229960 P.2
<br />�
<br />(C) "Lender" is �LLS FARGQ BANK, N.A.
<br />2 01109325
<br />�
<br />organized and etcisting under ths laws of THE nNZS� STATES
<br />LenaCr daare.,s �s 1a� NQRTA PBtLLtp3 AV1+:NQE, SYt3�f3L I:+ALL�, $D 57104
<br />L�nd,;r is lhC bcnCficiary und�r this Secueiry Instrument,
<br />(DI "T�U&tBe 15 W�LLS �'A'�tGO FZNANCIAL NATL 13NR
<br />C/O SPSC. SBRV., PO BOX 31557, SiLLYNG$, MT 59107
<br />iE? "Note" means the promissary note signed by Borrawer �nd dated NOV'E��� 2 5, Z 011 _ Thp N pte
<br />3Cal@� ill;�t $CirrOweT Vwps [.CntiCt TWO HONDRED FORTY FOQR TSDeSAliID FZYB HpNARSTJ AND
<br />QO/�QQ
<br />bo]i9rs (U.S_ $*•**'a44, 500. 00} plus interest. Iiorrower has promispi tp pay thi3 debt in regular
<br />Periodic Payments and t� pay the debt in full not latCr than aa�s��.t p]„ z021 ,
<br />fFl "Properry" rncs�ns the prop�rty that is described below unticr ChC hr,ading "Transfer of Ri�l.its in the
<br />Froperty."
<br />(G) "LOan" meauts th� d�hi cvi�lenecd t�y ihe Notc, plus intercct, any prepayment charges an�i late charges due
<br />under the Note, u�d �ill sun�s due under t,his Security instrument, plus interest,
<br />iH} "Riders" mcans al] Riders w this Security Instrumcnt thal are exeauted by Barrower. Tl�e followin� ltiders
<br />are to be executed by Basawer [check box as applic��ble]:
<br />� Adjustable Rate ltider 0 Condbminium RiCier Secaud Hame Ridcr
<br />�$alloon Rider 0 Planned Unit Develogment Ricier � I�t Family Rider
<br />❑ VA RiC1er � BiwCCkly Paymcnl Ricier � Other(s) �specify�
<br />{t) "Applicable Law uieans all conteQllin� applicable federal, ststC an�i lUCal statutes, re�ul�ltioas, ordinanees
<br />uid administrativc rulcs ancl r,rdcra� {that hsve th� t;l"fcxl of law) as well as all applicablc tinal, nvn-appe�lable
<br />juclicial c►pinions.
<br />(J} "Community Assoclation Dues, �ees, 8nd �SSe�smants" means all duC+, f�es, assessments �nd other
<br />char�es that are imposed on Borrower or the Progerry Uy a condominium associ�tion, l�omeowncrs
<br />assc�ciation or similar organization.
<br />{K) "�le�ctrotti� Funds Transfe�" �eans any transfer of funds, athCr lhan a transactiou originatcd by eheek,
<br />draft, or sinular paper instrument wk�ich is initiatCtl lhrUU�h an electronic ter.aiinssl, tcicphonic instrument,
<br />computCr, pr magnetie tape s� as to order, insnuct, or authorize a financ;i�l instikution to debit or credit an
<br />:i(:C��Unt Such teim includes, bat is not litnited to, point-ot�sal� transfers, auromated tellcr msc.hine
<br />tr�nsactions, tra�isfcr� initiaicti by te]�phc�nc, wirc tr;�nsfers, and airtomated cle�ringhouse transfers.
<br />tL� "�scrow Items" me�ans those itecns that are describa� irt SCC:tian 3.
<br />lMf "Iltliscellaneous Proceed�" means any cvmpe�ation, settlement, awerd of d�un�ges, ar proect;ds paiii by
<br />any thir�l party (other than insurance proceeds p�id uader thc cavarag�s described in Section S) fQr; (i)
<br />damage to, or destruction of, thc Property; (ii} ccmdemnation or ottler taking c7F aq or a� part of the
<br />Prcyrierty; (iii) conveyance in lieu of eondemnation; qr (iv) misrepresentations of, pr c�missions as to, the
<br />v�lue 3nd/or condition of the Yroperty.
<br />NEBHI\�KA-Singlg ham9y#On1118 MBB1Fibdd�e M9C tfNIFORM INSTPUMENT
<br />VMP �
<br />wv�torz ��uwer Finex�ciel Servicas
<br />Form 3d28 7t0�
<br />VMP6tNE1 (71061.00
<br />Pa�p+ 3 01 17
<br />11t25/2011 12:32PM (GMT-07:00)
<br />