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<br /> �_ � f1 lrac+. of laa� comprisiaq a part of l,ot Oae (1), COaestagn Horth � _,.,� .���� ; _-_
<br /> �leventh Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Aall County, � � „� � �k �'�
<br />• � Nebraska, and more gar*.ieularly described as followsz Beginr�inq at J� : . ' °
<br /> s point on the cauth line of said Lot One (1), said poiat being Rvo . � ' ,
<br /> Huridsed Siuty (260.�) feat east oi !Ae sonthwest ecrrses of aai�l Lot _ * . .�:�°•
<br />- One (�), aad aigo being oa the psolongcsstioa of 4he aest liae of Lot . � � '
<br /> n ,., : .
<br /> � ltiae (9), Cortestoqa btarth Subi9ivision; thence aortherly, alonq aad '. `*�;�
<br /> '°:_�r�..�+;i._ , ,
<br /> - npon ¢&e prolonqation of said Lot Aine (9) aad also bein asallel _- v� ' �
<br /> 9 8 _��'-,_:'��.
<br /> with the west line ot said Lot One (1), a distance of One Hundred , a"' _
<br /> � Niaety-five (195.0) feet; t!►enee eastesly, parallel wilh the south ; _�V ' ,��,,�. ,.
<br /> _i line of said i,ot One (1), a distance of One Hundred Fifty (iB0.0) � `_,-.�?�:.� -:, j$. .
<br /> feet; tDence southesly� parsllel with she aest line of eaid I�ot one �� � ��;'
<br /> (i), a distence of One Huadsed Hinety-five (195.0) fe�t to a point .; _�:�,���:
<br /> ,� on Lhe soutr line of said Lot Oae (i�j tdenee westerly, along and
<br />• •..i upon the soutA line af said IAt One (i), a distance of One Hundre� �'� � '�t � "
<br /> ;.( Fiftp (150.0) feet to tPie p�int of beginniug. �:....�., ' . ' ,��
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