o:n � t 2 — - _ _. .c „ .
<br /> !`i f
<br /> l��.
<br /> �' l ' �T . . � � _� ..
<br /> �� t�.�� — �C
<br /> ����•. �'�` "�:'s'-.r . .- �- _ - ---- .. _ - �i . , --- '-__ .-" -•- _ '. � _ _ _5-_
<br /> ._� „ �.:�t:.•r'i�t`" . . .. ' - � � � YZ1 r► . �..: . . i�-
<br /> � . . _ ' . . ' . _- . YY'.n
<br /> . . . . . . ,�� .. , e�, . . .. .i� ..�' ""' ' _ '� �1_,
<br /> Yl\R{/�«W�iiMnii ��a/�R���:�M�7�i. . . . _.��o,-
<br /> • ��d{�r ��}.
<br /> L �J4w�R�f lrie�!�ii�irr�h,Pe�q�e�t�M.Iale(�S. 8arn�er s6al1 PoapN P�;1'� '. `
<br /> dYepciu+�id�di�lar,dnat�ed�tsYida�otd 6y t1ieN�e�d�t.i�s'�!��Iatecha�Sduenedertbe Note. :'�'.
<br /> . b� FY�it�r�'#ar�sa�iLw�lwcs. Sl�bje�tto �� ' 6nrortoa�rritte��vair�byLender.8ot�+awtirsbaltp�y �<: '�,�
<br /> . ioi.Leder va tLe�dt!�9 PR3'��a�edpt wider:Jtiie Aiw�+me�[b�Note�6��id ia fuU.�xum C'Fw�ds")Wwl�o . _ .
<br /> io�t�tw�dRit�(a1 part�ta�oes a�d�ts�iidi mag atnin priotity.or�tlxis:Security Iastruma�t;(bl S'�S
<br /> � la�ioM P�ttmrs a tru�sd ra��oo'tLe Piapaty,i f anq;(c 1)�Y����P�ium�a r�d(d l!!�Y
<br /> ,. a�ort�e�nooe p�wa�s.faay.?6ese itaRS are�alied"escro+a it�s."•Lo�der ms}rs�inu�to tl�Funds due an thwe
<br /> _ I�d��otits�dteaso�a�+ieesiiw�tesdfut�eesc:orit�ng. . < :
<br />-- =-- --._-----=�Lcf�ds�s�lbel�ddi��st��eca�c�',rhich�ci�uredafgaarantoodbyafedenlar __ _:--_
<br /> � ��Y f�E�'d I�a�der is wcb�au�tiao�.I�o¢er?Jail aPP�Y�Fuads ta pa�Y the escrt►w+items.
<br /> � I,eder�nay aoEChiu�e fo�6oidiAs a�applyir�tbe Funds.�aatyriuiE tt�e i000unt ar t�esiE��it�the escraw itcros.uetess
<br />= �Rdec P�}s Bo�ho�ret isteKSt an thr Fueds and applieabk law7 pertnits I.mder to asiiict,such at cbar6e.Bortow�er and
<br /> Le�3a a�r aP�s ia�iti�that i�te�est s1n11 be pid m tLe Futds.Qakss an a�r�aaeot is m�or z�pGcabk taw
<br /> �eq�i�s i�tb�e pid►I�eader s6a11 oat bo cequiied bQ p�Y Hoanwet aay intt�e�st or.wrain8s on RLe Fw�ds Leoder
<br /> ` s1rY�iretoHorra�wer.�itbnut"aL�r�anaanwl�t�ttaEoftl�eFur�dssbo!�iaacndits#���tntLeFundsaadthe
<br /> : , p�aiefa�rliic�e�chdetitmtlieFtiudSwasmad�Tt�Fw�lssrepkd�edasaddtiowlsocadhrfortbesu�se�curadby
<br /> r, .:•-..�� :•,. , ' ,. �`'.",.�z�:.;�•.=;,.,
<br /> tlrsSer�rity_�trnmmt. . ' . ,.,.
<br /> � �Uttie amo�rt otthcFiuids l�eid b�t�r,��t6e futai[+e awatldy�paymehts of��ot�a��pr�t to
<br /> tT�ed�ed�escfti�c#�c�owuems.slalE�tfieanoountrequir�edtopWYtl�ea¢roxrtaas-w�m,�t�ee�is.s�Ube. ,
<br /> - � �t Bartitwe�s�;.e3t�r ptomqh'rsp�i�tis Boaa�reror cr+editad to Botmnrer ao montldS P�S�S af��Mil�if tbe :
<br /> amwntdt��fildd,b�►Lrndaissu.tsuicieattQp►�tL�ecscro�vitans�bandue,Borm�xslnBpaytoLoidsrany .
<br /> - aeo�nt���itq�eaptbeddomc.�giAa�eccl+a��iymmtsas�attodb!►1.eodet -� �' . ,; ..'.:
<br /> � Upon ia f�lt ct'all waaos�eaitz�d by � , . P�� BOR'O'�� ; - -.
<br /> y I�ti I.ender sbaYl rrlima to �. �;,-:_.
<br /> ayr�dst�ei3,��+tisaer;if�ckrp�.i4the issoi�t�t�neaby►�de�I.�a�ssMll�pdY �� - �'"
<br /> tlq�iptped�td�y pio�.�:ti�t�le af Qii�:�!t�g"ptaty a�dsaoquisitiaa'6��.a�der.�r Fo�s 6dd�:i��der st the tiroe d r:;,-,;`` ;f:
<br /> ' � appiicationsac�ediE�,�sac+ei�iddbyt1�Sae�uitylMaumeas.` � ;-;-, ;;-,``- '
<br /> . � A1l�':�� Unks s�iii+w provides ctt�ar�vix.rtit��ved by I�edd'es.unckt ,.
<br /> P�+�E�O�1 aud2;#�t�Q�d:f�st.toluecbAar�+�ir�undert6eNotCSOCa�rid�.to`�ay�i�4a*�es�+itxkrtLe '
<br />= NotCtiu�d.•a�M ( �}�/� / iomta�st[�audlast.t'o ` "-.,.. . �.;;`` - .
<br /> l Y�7����7'�'��J� wwf ��n=t�{F:-'• , 1� .
<br /> — - �1. Qi��I3e� Borraxa sb�U�y al!taie�a�enls:'.�ar6�s.6nes aad�ittr�to We�;�;y�,
<br /> ��atn ;�:">
<br /> pcupe�ty r�O.iosy attain priairy ovet this Sa�uricg:�Av�en�:�d kaseLold p�Ymeats a':�Youf�d�t�;,, tnf:.,; . , �
<br /> - . $pi[orner�,�qY ibese obii�in tbe maane p�d i i i d�in p u t 7 l�t a p h 2,o[i�'uot p s i d in t 6 a t m a a�t t;�r a k i v��e�s 6�t f;:i,�;;��-
<br />-- ps'tl�em oa.tis�directTy ta the person mooedpsyma�f:�aciinver s6all P�P�Y��to Lmdaall noace�p�`a�.�qu�s`.�;::
<br /> _ to be prid af�3e���i.'n pua�raPh.If Botmxa mata tbaz psy,nx,�s;fd�ti�t1Y.BorroMe[s6a11 prq�i�.�amis6 to•I:endefc';�.`�''� _
<br /> ��������- . . ,...y. ,.;.,:� •-.4�'.. �:r::_,�.
<br /> ` lien which has priorfe��o+�ti tha Seourity I .:`,. `�tless Borran►er:(a) !
<br /> Hori'on�i� Pr+omMlY discl�ar�e�t '`� '
<br /> ' aaraain�rrilpR}�ikitbep��a�aintt6epb�}'�svnsccatedbqthelieainamanaaaao�tat�k.p��E�`Q6)ooatatsin�ood
<br />-- faitb tLe hea 6�,�or�dc�lsaj�ri�st . ��bne ottbe�ien in.le�a1 Ptoceedin6s�?►�e.i�:��x'�S°PjyO°°P�[o
<br /> �� • t tLe anf�4��c�iea oi�fo�t'ature af ariq�rt of tl�e Pmperty;or�c�r`�ia�1�dthe lirn sn
<br /> a��eaneat sati�ct��qa'�a��ir�5ubardinaRina ihe li�to pus Sowrity Instrumrn�tf Lenaes ` tha#ury pa�R oP..
<br /> _ the Pmperty:��t�i��35in Mbich�.q,atain priority over this Securiry Inmumeat,La�ss�isy E+�e Borm�ver a
<br /> ' ;'� notiee identil�Ti's�c�:.fl�ar,1Br:,t�arver shall s�tisfy the tiea or take ona or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days
<br /> �;''Y �rhe vbt m�. � . ,•;,• . ':
<br /> 6� �',..''.:�'.
<br /> .'��.��.;;� S. .�ai�t� Bocrower shall kce;s i�emprovemcnts naw existing or herqtter erocted an the;�opMy
<br /> '�red�;l���"1't��irdsincludad�vithin tlutam"eatGnded wverage"and any otherh�ardsfar�i�c�ii Eebder ,
<br /> re�aires�fiv.'41ls��'�n",-ursnce shall be maintained in the amovnts and for the periods ttt3irLender raquira.The ,�:'.:'
<br />= iroaratice ca�tier��r's�-�the insuraac�sbaU 6e chosen by Bonovrt�subject ta l.ender's apph;rv§�l whicb ahall not be, .':. �
<br />-, untdisonab�'���.,.,'� . _ ' '�' , -
<br /> - All ir�s��r,�a�id rrnewaJs�hall be acxepiabte to Lmdcc and sfiali:#.r�Iude A staiiidard monpge cTause. �����' _
<br />= Leoder shall!li�ry�:i'rie i�x�1�W ehe qolicies and rn�t�ts.If Lender roquires.��axl�.�romptly give to Laider � _
<br /> aU raaipts af prbmifi�c attd m�wa4E's�a���tnni���nF of 11a?s.Horrower s#�t���(�+r�?�natice to the insursace =
<br /> s� es.
<br /> aarrier�ndL�.Lendermaym�icep�imi�irr�;i�f�aa!zr�deprora�!byBorrov��c' �;.;,.� _
<br />: Urt�s�an�Harrmverotl�`�e,�-e�`a�#'�:ting,it�caoerr�proceedsshalibeapp�`�dtorestarationorrep�ir -
<br /> �f.t6�, "p�i�� Eed,StLe restora�a�iiwr c►�air:��o�,�pmioi�Eg�sibk snd l,ender's security is aot ksxned.If the =
<br /> -- ��+ �:��i',�xu�:ep�ir is nat ewnamicallX,�i'�.1�;e,c'ss�r's sec�g would bc les�nod.the iasuraace praceeds shall 6e • T
<br /> - ,,'f``��r:�ii��nss the Prope ty�Soc�r,a��.`G��"'`sx�aaq��hethe�r.�s�ass t�m du��vith any ea�cess paid to Baa*b+va.If.. . _
<br /> g�
<br /> -- 1��: . . ,or doesc��'��;;� n 30�x���i�iytice Prom t.tnder tltat fJh,e,insuronie�r h��;:';;,, _
<br /> - � • aRere�to ,seC�l�a�mlaim,then Lender m$y�U}�r t�sr�.v�sance prarsa�Es.�ender may use the�ta repair or restose;;�,;.;, -
<br /> —��rt`��}�'� ,t1�e�ropeffJ��an ro pay aums socured by(tfis��e^sa�ry.4�c?�ment.a�i setber or�ot�hm du��e�i�a►y periad�rill begin' , .
<br /> :� . � ,,, . ,�� �.�,,, ,,,,,,, ;,,,;; ;�'
<br /> , � ' .•�benthenaticeisgivrn. � �r `.. ., .,. ,. '�., _
<br /> ., ' � `����.� Ualesg l,ender and Bonower at��'�'ee ce x�ra�^an8.any application o� , `'t�n �.pal shall not eaund or . --
<br /> � ��.. 14!�.�.
<br /> ` .; �'. :�qstpone the due d�te ott�e�azonthty p�r,�ea's���4,'�t�an pangraphs 1 and�i,��sy�a:��16t�s��eunt of the p�ymrnts.U
<br /> �sa;., ' ���Wn�h 19 the Prqferty isac�i'�6v���si�r�.�orrower's right toan,y��iicg►ii�o j�t��sd pcoceada resulting`:;�.:. � _
<br /> han da�cis�e�tr`Y�1ue PcopertY Prior to t�e�i?�ta�srn s3�!I�ass to Lender to tbe e�1��W{,'t�les�sa.�red by this Secunty . .
<br /> "�i;�r� ,;�rtar�Qji�ai�r3iatelyprio�tothe�lE�ha� `� s,...., � ; : ; , � ,; :;,. . . -
<br /> ; - . , � 3
<br /> _ ��:� �, y��'�Y�tatie�aM�4i����� � ` `. -�- - -
<br /> :. `, Horrowers�sA�desrc4�;��3geo�s�bst�ntialL�g, ' .
<br /> .c�p�.tt'i��ecty.alla�r:Wc Propect;��i:�! �commit wsute.IPth�s�rity 1ni�.tsru�i�nt.is ai�.�t��f�.�� �
<br /> ��� t �
<br /> -;, �ahrnrea�� p:ittit�fpty RiilD nhe provis.��;o�f#��qs��if Sorrowet arquires fee tifle to t[ie A�roys�hy.the�r�ise{�totd ari�;;;��:.
<br /> .._. r�'. ::;
<br />- ''<;�.:'` .�. latitle�iripinsrge uat�s l.�ttd� ��1��the merger in writing. . •:,�:?;, ,.
<br /> �:' ' ,=� f . � �v�R1ow ot I.erdtr's�id t6e Pro�My: 1�iortga�e Insuraece. lf 8arcciwrer fails to perform the��'�:..z'
<br /> - eavenartts ae�agreanents caatained in this Security lnstrumrnt.or there is a legal procadieg that may significaatly a�'cct
<br /> _ `- I.a�der's ri�hts in��P��g�ty(snch as a proceeding in bsntcruptcy.pmbate.fac ccMdrmnatlon or ta.eaforce laws or �
<br /> � -'�i'T reaulatia�e�sj.then lradcr m�do and pay farwhatever is neressary to protect the��of the Property and Lender's rights _
<br /> � �- ;�°•'`•" in the Property.L�nder s'y:rions may include paying any sams secured bya�ietr v�ihlcb has priottty over this 5ecurity -
<br /> �✓�, _
<br /> - ��'�.-��,"'°' ,:� I��.�fl8��•P�YmE reasoaabte attomeys'tas and mteriag on the Property to make repalts.Altt�ough � . •
<br /> -��"�� :: f.endermayta�ceactiaiunderthisp�araBraPb�.Lenderdasnolhavetodosa. � • - _
<br /> ���:; ; : My amourtts disbrttrsed by l,ender nnder t�s puagaph�shall become�d&donal debt of Bonower secated by tTus� . -. . ,
<br /> ';�;'�.:,,y;,,,,t �, �Secuxity tn.mument.Untrcw&mmyer and,Lendef agzi�to other teims of paytnerit..these amounts shall bas iaterest trora _
<br /> '- ��;, ;3.. tbe datt oP disbursement ac tht NoCe rat�aiad sbsnll3 G'��yabk witb intet�t, u�noNce fram Lenda to borrower
<br /> � ' r �r,l�-� te4t�stitiSl�Yment ` , . . .
<br /> . •
<br /> —. ._ - ___ � .. . . . _. _.,- .. ,
<br /> ;
<br /> -- �;� z _ .,,•- _ . . _--•. . . � - -- •. _.. _ _ .. _ .
<br /> �.• x `.l ' . _ , .• - '
<br /> _ _ , . �
<br /> �,>';,'-�, ' , _
<br /> .., -
<br /> . . t � - - _.
<br /> - ,} � ' .
<br /> .. � �•s.� 4A,,'�., . . . . _ . .
<br /> . '..r4.:�., . .
<br /> - ��IF ° _-_ _..__— . _._ _. _ . .. __...__ . _— . _ _ . __–_
<br />