<br /> 108—WARRANTY DEED The antimsn aenersl anpply sonse, Lincoln, Nebr.
<br /> THAT I or We, Ronald I;. Kilker and Frances L. Kilker, husband and wife,
<br /> and each in his or her own right
<br /> of the County of Hall , State oj Nebraska for and in consideration of the
<br /> ' DOLLARS,
<br /> sum of Other consideration and One & No/100________________________
<br /> in hand paid do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirsn unto
<br /> Vaughn E. Larsen
<br /> of tlae County of Hall , State of Nebraska , the following described real estate
<br /> situated in Grand Island , in Hall County, State of Nebraska , to-wit:
<br /> Commencing at the Northeast corner of tract commonly known as "Huston� s
<br /> Reserve" and more particularly described in deed recorded in Book 86, Page
<br /> 237, Records of Hall @ounty, Nebraska, same being a part of the Southeast
<br /> quarter of the South@�St quarter (SE4SE4) of Section Eight (8) , in Township
<br /> � Eleveri (11) , North, Range Nine (9) � West of the 6th P. M. , Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska, and running thence :�1est on the North line of said tract� a dis-
<br /> tance of' One Hundred Thirty-Eight and One-Half (1382) feet, thence South
<br /> at right angles and parallel with the East line of said tract a distance
<br /> of forty-F'our (1�l�) feet, thence East� on a line parallel with the �?orth
<br /> line of said tract, a distance of One Hundred Thirty-Eight and One-half
<br /> (1382) feet, to the East line of said tract, thence P�orth Forty-Four (!�4) f�et
<br /> to the place of beginning, said tract having a frontage of Forty-Four (�.4)
<br /> feet on Broadwell and a depth of One Hundred Thirt;* Ei�ht and One-half
<br /> (1382) feet.
<br /> Subject to one first mortgage to tne First Trust Company of Lincoln,
<br /> Nebraska which has been assigned to the rletropolitan Life Insurance
<br /> Company in the amount of N7,509.19 a$ of September 1, 1958 which the
<br /> grantee assumea and agrees to pay.
<br /> �
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<br /> TO HAI�E AND TO HOLD the ¢remises above described, togetlier zvith all the Tenenzents, Heredxtasnents and i
<br /> appicrtenances thereunto belonging, acnto the said Vaughn E, Larsen �
<br /> and to hi S heirs and assigns f orevcr.
<br /> And I or ti�e hereby covena�zt zz�itla the said Grantee or gr¢ntees and zvith his, her oy their heirs and assigns, that 1
<br /> anc or We are l¢ze�fully seized of said premises; that they are free frotin encutinbrance �
<br /> �I
<br /> that 1 or lVe kave good riglat and lawfi�l a:�Eli.ority to sell t/:e sarae; antl I or bf/e hereby coven¢sit to zvarrant an�i ��
<br /> � defend th.e title to said pre�nises against the In�uful claitns of al! persons zuho�msoever. �'
<br /> And the said ROriald L. i�ilkel' and �rances L. Kill:er hereby relinqTSishes all �
<br /> their' right, title and interest in and to tl:e a�iove described premises. i
<br /> I Si ned this J+ da o op ,
<br /> 9 th y f S„ tem�er 958 .
<br /> I In Presence o f ,?C•-- --�p� •.+�i.rJ�C_�.et..�---•--•
<br /> ij ,k----��.�.�,�.�..�,,,�- -----�--- -- - -------
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