i � • - ' '
<br /> RAILF30��� COI�PANY, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of
<br /> Illinois, in consideration of Twenty Five and No/100 Dollars (�25�pp) to it
<br /> du]y Pa3.d� the receipt r,�hereof is hereby acknowledged, has re�nised, released
<br /> and quitclaimed, and by these presents does remise, release and forever qui,�-
<br /> claim onto GFARGE BUFiT�T and EVFs�tFTT �UkTpg and to their heirs and assigns
<br /> forever, all its right, title, interest, estate� claim and demand, both at
<br /> law and irt equity, of, in and to the following described real estate situated
<br /> in Hall County, and State of Nebraska., to yrit;
<br /> Al1 of that portion of a parcel of land in the Southeast Quarter
<br /> (SE�) oP Section One (1), Toxnship Fleven (I1) North, Range Ten (10)
<br /> West of the Sixth Principal Heridian, acquired by Chicago, BurZington
<br /> & Quincy Railroad Company by a certain cortveyance dgted January 30,
<br /> 1890, and recorded in Bouk 1,t,, of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska� at
<br /> p$8e �s lying southwester]y of a parcel of land situated in the said
<br /> Southeast Quarter (SE�) of Section One (1), Toxr�ship Eleven (11) North,
<br /> £cange Ten (10) west of the Sixth Principal Heridian, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska,described as follo�ws;
<br /> Begituling at a point on the East line of the Southeast
<br /> Quarter of Section One (1), Township Eleven (11) North, Range
<br /> Ten (10) ;�iest of the Sixth Principal Meridian, One Iiundred Fifty
<br /> and Nine Tenths (15�.9) feet South of the Aort�ieast cor ner
<br /> thereof� said point being on the Northeaster�y right oP way
<br /> liiie of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company;
<br /> thence continuing South along the said East line of the South-
<br /> east Quarter of Section One (1) a distance of One Hundred Fonr
<br /> and Three Tenths (1Q4.3) feet to a point on the Southwesterly
<br /> right of way line of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy 13ailroad
<br /> Company; thence Northwesterly along the said 3outhwesterly right
<br /> of way line, it being FiPty (50) feet normally cli,stant Southwesterl,p
<br /> from and parallel with the center line of the main track of the
<br /> Chicago� Burlington & Quincy Railraad Company as originally
<br /> constructed and now existing, making an interior angle of Seventy
<br /> Three (73) degrees anci Twenty Seven (27) minutes w-ith the last
<br /> previously described course, a distance oi Nine Hundred Thirty
<br /> and Two Tenths (93�.2) feet to a point on the East-�r7est ceriter
<br /> line oP 3ection One (1); thence F`saster� along said East-:ro'est
<br /> center line of Section One (1), making an interior angle of
<br /> Fifteen (15) degrees and Fifty Five (55) ninutes with the last
<br /> prePiously des�ri:�ed course, a distance of Three Hundrad Sixty
<br /> Four and Seven Tenths (3b4.7) feet to a point on the North-
<br /> easterly right of way line of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
<br /> Railroad Company; thence Southeasterly along sai.d right oP
<br /> way line, it being Fifty (50) feet ncrmall9 distant North-
<br /> eastsrly from and parallel with the center line of the main track
<br /> of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Compar�y as
<br /> originally constructed and now existir�, ma'cing an interior
<br /> angle of One Hundred Sixtv Four (16t�) degrees and Five (�5)
<br /> minutes with thelast previously des�Mbed course, a distance
<br /> of Five Hundred Forty Nine and Eight fienths (549.8) feet to
<br /> the point of beginnir�g, containing an area of One and Seven
<br /> Tenths ,(1.7) acres more or less,
<br /> said last above described parcel of land havir.g been acquired by The Grand
<br /> Island anci Wyomir�g Central Railroad Company by a certain conveyance dated
<br /> February 16, 1886 and recorded in Book 4 of Deeds of Hall Countq, Nebraska,
<br /> at Page 206.
<br /> Together with a.11 and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong-
<br /> ing; TO I',AV�, E1AiD ^j�p HOLU the above described prea�ises unto the saic George Burton
<br /> aixl Everett Burton, their heirs and assigns�
<br /> IN WITNr�S.S 'rrH:;'RFqF, said Chicago, Bur].ington & Ouincy Railroad Company
<br />