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<br /> � 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one wnfosmed copy of thc Notc and of this Security lnstsumcn� , �.
<br /> 17.Transfer of We Praperty or a Beacficial Interest in Barrower. If all or any part of�hc Property or any incemst in it u
<br /> sold or uansferred (or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold ar uansfcrrcd and Borrowcr is not a nawra!person) without . _
<br /> ' Lender's pnor writtet►consent,Lender may.at its o�tion,require immediatc payment m full of all sums securcd by this Security
<br /> Instrument However,this option shall not be exerrued by Lender if excrcisc�s prnhibited by federal law as of the date of this
<br /> Se�uriry Inswmer�G � . _:
<br /> If Lendcr ezercises this aplion,Lender sball give Borrower notice of acceleratioa.The notice shall provide a peciad of not Iess , . •�--
<br /> than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrowet must pay aU sums secured by this Seturity � . _
<br /> Instrurr�ent If Borrower faiLs to pay these sums prior w the eapiration ot'this periai.Lender may�nvoke any remedies permitted i` � ,
<br /> by this Security In.suument without further notice or deanand on Borrower. � �
<br /> 18.Bormwer's Rig6t to Reinstate. If Bonowrd meets certain conditians, Bormwu shall have the right to have , . --
<br /> enforcement of this S�ty Instrnment discontinued az any time prior co the earlier of: (s►) 5 days (or such other penod as t �
<br /> applicable law may spe�ify forneinstatement)before sale of the Fropeny p+usuant w any power of sate contained in this Security ` ,
<br /> Insrr�men�or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Securiry Instrumeat'Chose condirians are that Bosrower.(a)pays Lender all , ���� ;. _—
<br /> sums wirich then would be due under this Secwity Instroment and the Note as if ao accelecation had occurred:(b}cures any —
<br /> d$fault of any orher covenants or agreemeats•(c)Pays all expenses incurred in enfercing this Sec�uity Instrument,including,but - —
<br /> not limited to,reasonable sunmeys'fees;and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably req�ire to assare that the liea of this � . • - . .
<br />. Security Instrument, Lend�'s rights in the Propcaty and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security � . . _.
<br /> lnstrument shall conunue �nchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Security Instcument and the obligaaons secured ,, .. .� •{°e:
<br /> n
<br /> � hereby shatl cemain tully effective as if no acceleradon had occurred.However,this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of • , .f,
<br /> acceleaation under paragraph 17. •
<br /> 19.Sate of Note;Change of Loan Servicer. The Nore or a parUial inteaest in the Note (together with this Sa:urity ��
<br /> � Ins�uument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the enrity(lmown � �: �. .s;.
<br /> u
<br /> as the"Loan Service�')that collects montiilypayments due under the Noi�and th'ss Security Inswmen�There also may be one or � � � '''�T
<br /> . more changes�f the Loas�Servicer unrelated to a sale of ihe Notc.If there is a change of the I.oan Service,r,Borrower will be � .. �` -
<br /> g i v e n w r i t t e n n o t ice of the chan ge m accardance wlth p a r a g r a Ph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will staie the name and � • �� `��'��—
<br /> address of the new Loan Seavicer and the address to which payments should be made.The noiice will also contain any other . , • '�
<br /> ,� .
<br /> informatian required by applicable law. : .. Y;'�i;,i �
<br /> Z0.Ha7ardaus Substances. Bo:rower shall not cause or pecmit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any ,
<br /> • Hazardous Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shall not do,nor allaw anyone else to do,anything affecting the Property t . • � -
<br /> thai is in violation of any Environmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or storage on the . , : _
<br /> ' � Property of small quantities of Ha�ardous Substances that are generally�cogmzed tn be appropnate to normal residential uses i �:• j , :�: ,: �
<br /> and to maintcaance of the Property. ! ; �<-,.
<br /> � Bonower shaU prompuy give Lender written noace of any investigation, claim,demand, lawsvit or oth�action by any �� � �. �;�.�. �
<br /> , govemmenral or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Ha�ardous Substance or Environmental Law � � ' . , �� r'�
<br /> of which Boaower has actual knowledge.If Borrower leams,or is noqf ed by any govemmental or regulatory authority,t6at any E �� . . �
<br /> removal or other remediaaon of any Ha�ardous Substance aff�cting the Property�s necessary.Borrower shaU prompily take all � • ;.. �'
<br /> nccessary remedial actions m accordance wiih Envsonmenlal Law. • : �rc —
<br /> . A s u s e d m t h�s p a t a�a p h 2 0, "H a z a r d o o s S u b s t a n c e s' a r e those substances defined as toxic or ha7aMous substances by �._� '
<br /> Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoluts. kerosene. other flammable ar wxic petroleum prnducts, toaic - � -- `` j
<br /> ' pesticides and herbici@es,volarile solvents,materiafs containing asbestos or foimaidehyde.and radioactive materials.As used in ���:' _ --
<br /> . this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jwrissliction where the Property is located that relate , . ' •���
<br /> �.. to health,safety or environmental protec6on. � ."�=�°
<br /> .�-
<br /> • NON-[JNIFORM COVENAIVI'S.Borcower and Lender further covenant and agree as foll�ws: � ��i;-
<br /> �'�
<br /> 21.Acceleration;Remedies.Leader shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration foIIowing Borrower's breach of ' . ��t,.:�
<br /> any coveagnt or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceierallon under paragrap6 17 onless . .
<br /> � appllca6le Iaw provides oWerwLse).The notice shall speciPy:(a)the defautt;(b)t6e adlon required to cm�e the default;(c)
<br /> "•'�r,,:.
<br /> a date,not less than 30 days f'rom t6e date tbe notke is gtvea to Borrawer,by w6tc6 t6e default must be cnred;and(d) � . _ _
<br /> .� that tailure to+ceire the defaalt an or before the date speriPled in the notice may resWt in acceleratton of the sums setured . • -""'{ -.�
<br /> ' by tAis SecarItq Instrument and s�1e of the�roperty.T6e nottce shall furWer inform Borrow�r o!the right to reinstate . :, -
<br /> after acceleratloa and t6e rigbt to bring a conrt sction to assert the non-existence of a default or any other defense ot ��!"F': �_.
<br /> . ' Borrower to acceleration and Aale.It the defautt is not cured on or 6efore t6e date specif'�ed in We not�Ce,I.ender,at its ...-----��— __
<br /> • optton,may require immediate payment in Bull of all su�s secured by thiv Sec�irity Instrument without furt6er demand ' • � -
<br /> � and may iavoge the power o!sale aad any other re�edles permitted by eppUcabte law.Lender shall be entit[ed to collett . • '}'
<br /> .�
<br /> all expenses incurred in pursaing t6e remedies provided in t6is paragrapb 21,including,but not limited to�reasonable � .
<br /> ; attomeys'4'ees and costs of titte evtdeace. � •
<br /> If t6e power o8 sale i� invoked,7'rustee shall record a notice of detault in eac� county in whicb any part ot the � —
<br /> � Property is lacaled and shall mail copies of suc6 notice in t6e manner prescribed by applicable Iaw to Borrower and to the ! � .
<br /> • other persoas prescrtbed by applica6te law.After the time required by sppllcable faw,Trustec sha0 give publlc notice of ! • . ,
<br /> sale to We persons and in the manaer prescribed by appllcabte law.'Trustee,wit6out deffiand on Borrower,shall sell the I ` , • ;
<br /> Property at publtc auctton to the hig�est bidder at the tlme and place and under the terms designated in the notice of sate f '�
<br /> • � � , . .
<br /> � Form 3028 9/fl0 ��
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