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Rw-sos—waRRniv� nEEn �s-ss 5-357 (8) R-7h0a <br /> .� <br /> „ <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT I, Ethel R. Burr�r, a widor► <br /> oJ the County of ancl 3t¢te oj Jor and 4n consideration of the <br /> sum of One Hundred Six and 50�100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ��1.06.50) - - - - -DOLLAR3 <br /> in hand paid do hereby gra�at, bargain, sell, co�tLe� a�:d co�af{rm za�cto TFIE 3TATE OF NEBRASS� the jollowing �lescribed <br /> real estate situated i�x H811 Co2c�at�, an�l State oJ Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> A tract of land located in the North Half of the Sauthwest Quarter <br /> of Section 7, Township 12 North, aar►ge 11 West of the 6th P.M., Hall f <br /> �ount�, Nebraska, described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the west quarter corner of said Section 7; thence <br /> south?rly on the West line of the North Half of the Southwest @uarter <br /> of said Section 7 a distance of 1,3�2.l� feet, more or less,to the south- <br /> west corner of said North Half of the Southwest Quarter; thence easterly <br /> on the S�uth line of said North Half of the Southwest �uarter a distance <br /> of 60.0 feet; thence nertherly on a line 60.0 feet easterly from and <br /> parallel to said West line a distance of 1,3Lt2.l� feet, more or less, to <br /> a point on the North line of said North Half of the 5outhwest @uarter; <br /> I thence westerly on said North line a distance of 60.0 feet to the point <br /> of beginning, containing 1.8[ acres, more or less, which includes 1.01 <br /> acres, more �r less, previously occupied as a public highway, the remaining <br /> 0.84 acre, more or less, being the additional acreage hereby secured. <br /> Also a tract of land located in the Sc+uth Half of the South Half <br /> of the Northwest @uarter of Section 7� ToNnship 12 North, Range 11 west <br /> of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the west quarter corner of said Section 7; thence <br /> northerly on the West line of the South Half of the South Half of the North- <br /> I west Quarter of said Section 7 a distance of 61�5.l� feet, more or less, <br /> to the northwest corner of said South Hal.f of the South Half of the North- <br /> west Quarter; thence easterly on the North line of said S�,uth Half of the <br /> South Half of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 60.0 feet; thence <br /> seutherly on a line 60.0 feet eas±erly from and parallel to said �est <br /> line a distance of 6l�5.� feet, more or less, to a point on the South line <br /> of said South Half of the South rialf of the horthwest �uarter; thence <br /> i westerly on said South line a distar_ce of 60.0 feet to the point of <br /> beginning, co�±aining 0.89 acre, more or less, which includes O.�t9 acre, <br /> more or less, previously occup;ed as a public highwa�, the remaining <br /> 0.40 acre, more or less, being the additienal acreage hereby secured. <br /> � <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD t)ze pre»zises aboLe describerl, toyeUcer toitla ail t3ae T'e;ie»zerzts, Heredita�>ze>:ts a>td ElPpt�rte- <br /> I �tia�2ces i.iaereicnto belo�aging, unto tlae said The State oj brebraska and to its successors aaad assig,es fore�;er. <br /> And I do hereby covesaa�et uitit tlee sai.d Gra;:tee a�¢d icitl� its steccessors a�acl assigns tkat j � laac- <br /> � fztilly sei.�ed of said prenaises; tTattt t1ae� m•e free frona encunibra�tce <br /> I� tTtat I iaave �ood ri�ht a�td iaio�ul authorit� to sell tl�e sanie; anid j do hereb� covexa>at to w•arra�at and <br /> � defend t3az title to said�reniises a�caixst tlae iaavficl claims oj ali �ersons xohon�.soever. <br /> � /,��,/� ,,�/,,/ •�,,�^� ,,/,/�/ <br /> !`�'"F"�����`"t 7 ��������Y`�i�Y°���/Y`iF <br /> ��lt��/�S'Y YN'�5��9�1�'hS�������F�k�/�'PYS� <br /> Sig�ted tleis 21st aay of July A.D. 19 5S <br /> In Prese�rce oj � ----�---,------:...._---'�- ---- -°- -- ---..... <br /> � ---- -----�------�---�-•�-°-----°-----°-°----°-°°-............................. ........• . <br /> I f �� s- <br /> 1,.� ,,��--.. � - : - <br /> -------------�-- --�- ----�--�---:-�::.--�-----�-----�------�-----'-�- <br /> .......:..y------. ..............��----��---�---.............-�-� �-�--.._....-�--��---.....-��---......._..-�-.-..-.. <br /> (See Acknowledgment—Over) <br />