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. . '�._ .' ' , _ . . . . . _ . . � . .'._ _ - __'. _ _�=i = ;_. <br /> ' . ` ' .a. _ ._ � k.c . �. . .� '•i`y� <br /> _ _ . . ' . . . t .. . . ' � ' • . . �� � ' <br /> ' . � . a � ' • • . . , ' - • � ' , �. � ` ._. <br /> .� . � � - - ,' � ,-j ' <br /> r_xntnrr -r�- :_ <br /> �•�r�nl 1• f1 tr�ct of land comnrisin�► a (�ait of the tior�l�Pest Ouortar af th� . <br /> H.+�t.hPn�t �]uarter (NE1/AME1/4) of Section iwenty-Onn l211, Township ElRVen � � " ' • ' . " y`-� <br /> ( 11 ) N�?rlh. Renge t�Ine (9) 4test af the 6Lh P.H_, r.j�y of Grand lslauS, IFall �� � <br /> `�,':< <br /> County, t�ebrask�, and mnre pniticularlY described as foll�ris: �j . ., � , , �- <br /> C±�glnnf��g aL � �+�I�it. r.0 tl�� noi th llne of plclnhoma �vnu��c�. wl�ere such roi�rt ' - <br /> in�.r.�sr_cis with �ho east lino oP Greeuwlch Stree[: Ll�enre ruaning � � � ' ' � <br /> n��rth+uesterly alo��g ai�d upnn the east line of Greenwlch Street. e dIECAiir@ of � , - �� <br /> �)np ilundred Forty-five and six hundredt:hs (145.05) feet: thonce runninc� .� � . • _ <br /> ��orr.I��a�terlY fl disinnce of One Hundr�d lwenty-oue pnJ ihlrLY-Seven <br /> � Hun�6 edths (12l..37) PeP�: theuce runnin� southeaster ly a dFstance of nne • � < <br /> • Itundred Forty-Four anJ Seveul.y-Nlne f4u��dredths (144.7q) teet to a poinl. nn � � <br /> ' 1he north line oP oklahoma �venue: tlienr_e running snurhweste� lK alon9 a�td � � , _ - - <br /> upnu ti�e ��oTt6 1[n� af �Iclel�ome nvenue a dist�uce o( ouo IlundreJ l��ieu!y-One [ ' <br /> ' and Fo�tY-Three Ilirndiedths (121.43) feeL to lhn_ p��Int oP bo9lnnin9. , , ` - _ <br /> : f'orcPl 2= Lot TInPO <3Y. t1�t�er,tneyPr-Neul�erl 5�d�dlvlel��n, li� tho Clty of Grend � "�4' � <br /> lsIIand. Ilnl l Coun►y� Ngi1�t19It8. � < - <br /> ' f+orrnl 3� lot lwo (?), ihnnsmeYer-Notthert Sul��!lvlsic�n, lr� tltn Clty of Grand • �_ <br /> i�laud. Hall Conn1.Y. qnb�t�skq. ' ' , " , ' - <br /> 1•t��rnl A: . .. " . . <br /> . 7, .� <br /> . � , ��-� � -— <br /> A ttac! oQ lonA comprioing the Westerly Thirty-Tliree t33.01 •r-- I - <br /> Foet of l.�t Six (6y, Olock Four (4), Mcsvea Yiret nddition, � ;;,,�.'�. <br /> ' togetlier aibl� thot portion of tl�e vaoated alley lying . ^ <br /> : &outhsriy pcom ond o�tjacent theretot and a part of elock <br /> 1 Three (3), Roehier eubdivieion, all in the City oF Grand '_� <br /> Ieland pall County, qebraeka, and more • ' � • '`e' ^'-' <br /> � , particulArly Aeecsibed . <br /> as iolloaa: . �,... �i'�'— <br /> . . t �.� <br /> 8eginninq at the Southeaet corner of eai8 Dlock Three (3), ' <br /> '�, [coehler Subdivi0lon� thence Weeterly alonq the 8outh line of • : :�t� <br /> ��� � ._ ' <br /> eeid Bloak Three (3), a dietnnce of One itundre8 7ti+enty-One � . �:T�f��;: <br /> and Tao Tentt�a (121.2) Feett thence f7ortharly parnllel to , '�` <br /> tlie 47eat line of said Block Three (3). a diatance of One <br /> ;, Ilundred Sixteen (116.0) Feet, to the Southwest coroer of • •• � � ��`' <br /> said Lot Six (6), Dlock Four (A), Mevea Firat Additionj `� <br /> thence Northweatecly along tl�e Westerly line of ec�id Lot six '. S.� • ���,{�. <br /> (6), a diatnnce of Corty-Two and Three Tentha (42.3) Feet, •.,� r ._.,. <br /> . to the t�orthaest corner of eaid Lot Slx (6�t thence Nortlr _.,,�'�. � .� <br /> easterly along the Northerly line of epid Lot Six (6), � � � � r�•.! <br /> diatance of Thirty-Three (33.0) Feet� thence SoutheAaterly i -� t <br /> parallel to eaid Westerly line of Lot Six (6), a dieCapce of �^ ` � � <br /> S ixty-Nine and Pifty-Pive Itundredtha (G9.55) Feek� ko a �"' �et • <br /> ;�;:'.. �. <br /> point on the 8outherly line of eaid vacated alloyt thence : •, � : <br /> Eaeterly nlong eaid Southerly line of the vaeatod alley, t� ' �•' . �t�: <br /> dietanca of EigNty-Oue and Twe»ty-Eight flundredthe (01.20) '-'•'-"�"'" t: - <br /> Feet, 6o a • ' �" '� <br /> poi�t on the Eaet line of eaid elock Three (3), . "� :.: - <br /> Roehler Subdiviaion, said point also being the Uorthwest '� " �^- � <br /> . •x, ,�.,.,. <br /> � corner of Spelta-Schultz 1ldditiont thence Southerly along �;:W.;. �.;, <br /> eaid Eaek line oE Dloak T1�ree (3), a diatance oP One Iiundred ' �' "" <br /> . ;�: <br />-•�• one and Hine Tentha (101.9) Yeet to khe �lace of beginning. • ,_,R . .�: <br /> ����� ' ' A trnct of lnnd comprlsinq oll of Lot Sr,ven (7), ttlock Four �� ���' <br /> (4). Meves First nddition, toqether aith thnt portian of the �'4����',. <br />� vacated alley lying 9outl�erly isom anA adjacont theretof t►nd <br /> t+ pact of Olock ThrQe O), Roehler Subdiviaion, pll in tUo �,,�' _�: .�\-�-.. <br /> City o! tirand Islnnci, itall Caunty. Hebrt►akn, und more � � <br /> particularly dascribed as folloMa� ' �� x�� <br /> . . :_µ�: :: <br /> Oegin��tny at a point on tho 8outh line oF eai� IIlock Three � „='ti;�. <br /> -� t'�?r 1t^ehlss S!�bdivislos�, anid point baing One tivadred ��`'--'� <br /> 7�enty-One t�nd 7'wo 7•entl�a (121.Z) Feet Weat of the Soutl�east . . � <br /> oon�er o! eaid Block 9' O)� thence Wenterly alouq tha � - ., - <br /> Soutb liue oF said Dlock 7'I�cee (3), a �ietAnae oF one ... ' <br /> Itundred Eighteen And Tweuty-Five itundredths (118.25) Peett ' ' <br /> theuce Nortberly parullel to the Weat line of said Alock • ' <br /> Three (3), a diat�nce oF Ninety-Nine ind Fifty-Five Hiuul- - <br /> redtha (99.55) Feet, to A point on tho Southesly line of _ . �� � <br /> said vacatad alleyt l•hence c+leaterly olong said Southerly �• ` �F� <br /> line of the vncated olley, a dietance of Twenty-7t+o ona ono � � - <br /> Tenth (Z2.1) PeeE, to a point on thu 8outherly rigbt-oE-woy ° � - <br />. 1lne o1 Memorlal Drivet thence Northeastetly along eaid • - • � <br /> Southerly right-of-way lino, a disl�nce of Sighteen and six ' � <br /> Tentl�e (18.61 Feet, to the Southweet cornor oP anid I.ot - <br /> Seven (y), Olvck Four {q), Ftvveo Pirat ndditionl tlience • , <br /> Northeneterly alonq tho Northerly line of oai�I Lvt Seven �, .� <br /> l7)r A dietanao of One uundred Twenty-Three on� P�vcs Tentha . . <br /> (123.5) Feet, to tl�o Norkheaet co�ner of eAid Lot Seven (7)r � <br /> � lhence 9outheasterly plong the Easterly line of eaid Lot . � ° <br /> Seven (J?. t� dialnnce of Forty-Two c�nd Tl�ree �'enths (42,3) <br /> Peek, to khe Southenat corner of eaid I.ot Seven (7)j lhRnce �� <br /> Soutt�erly rorol lel to tl�c, t;ast liue oF e�id Dloak Three (�), • <br /> Koel�ler SuUdiviaion, p diel•ancn n[ o��n Ilundr��l 81xl:can � <br /> (I1f,.0) F�et. to thn pince of br.qinnlnq, f ' <br /> �- . . . . __ E � . � . � <br />� .� . � . . _ � . . ,,:- <br /> � �-�:�;---,:--�-�----,-.�----�--�----�, ��� <br /> .-- . -4. ; - . . � �• : . � � . .. .. , . ' . <br /> . ... . ;, . . � . .. . . .. . • . . � � ..' . <br /> , .. . .. . . .. � . r . . .. , ' 1',. . '. , � iti ' .` <br /> � , . • .. . � � , , . � . � . . . . .. . . . . , . . , . . <br />