. . _ - ... . , - , �T c-=- ��
<br /> � ; , . • _ .. ` ; ' ' � . � , . . . . . . `' :�
<br /> , .. , � � . � . ' . � ' ' i <., � ` . � , _
<br /> � _..._- . �� . .__`.:. .. . , .. -- ._._,_�- -, �-- ---- _ . .. .. _. ,..: , �� ._......_ .` -- � . �___ -. , i • -
<br /> � �� • _ ,_E, µ`"�7F'.
<br /> 9�� i��0� ; ;-�z
<br />" � 17. Transt�er of the Propert}or a Beneficial Inter�est in Borro«er. It all ar an�part oC thc Propert}�ur any interest in it `;��
<br /> ans
<br /> � is sold�u tramfrrreJ lur if:�beneficial intcre.t m Burtowcr i��old ur transferred and Barru«cr i,nut s natural person)without •
<br /> Lendzr'� prior written contient. Lxnder may. at it, uptiun, rrqsire immctiiiate pa}�ment in full of sll .ums secured by this '• _
<br /> Security Imtrument. Howe�•er,this option,hall nut be exercued b}• Lender if exerr►se i.proh�hitcYl h} federal iaw as of the date � ti
<br /> ' of thiy SL�:urity Irotrument. . . �
<br /> __ If Ixnder exercises thi,option. Lender,hall gi�e Borrower notire of arceleration.The notice,hall provide a period i�f not •
<br /> les� than 30 days frum the date the notice i� Jeli�•ered or mailed within which Borruwer mu.t pay all .um. ,ecured by this _
<br /> -_J C�•uri�v in,trument. If Borrow�er faib to pay theye sums prior to the expiration of this perial. Lxnder may in�oke any remedies -- - .-- -: - -
<br /> permitted by this Security(nstrument without further noUCe or demanu un nu«�»��. --"`--
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. (f Bortower meets rertain coaditions, Borrower shall have the right to have , ,"z'
<br /> � enforcement of this Securit}• Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as . . _ �!�"
<br /> � applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Pmperty pursuant to any power of sale contained in this - ` ; :_ ,' !��.
<br /> Security instrument:or Ib)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security [nstrumen[.Thoae ronditions are that Bonower:(a)pays �.
<br /> Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred; (b) -`:':��.�,x_1
<br /> cures any default of any other covenants or agreements: (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security instrument, : • , ,, ,
<br /> including. but not limited to, reasonable attomeys' fees: and(d) takes sucb action as Lender may reasonably require to assure :` ',�.•.�,
<br /> that th�lien of this Security instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by ,;�,�,�r:_�._--__�_
<br /> . this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrouer, this Securiry Instrument and the : •- _ _ __
<br /> . , obliga[ions secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no arceleretion had occurred. However.this right to reinstate shall , ',::_: �ti=` '
<br /> , not 3pply in the case of accele�'ion under paragraph 17. #`��� r� '�—
<br /> 14. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Sarvicer. The Note or a pania! interest in the Note (to ether with this Securi , -''�'���' • T"-
<br /> g LY �r .. ;.�,�,�„�-�_
<br /> _ In�trument>may be sold one or more times without prior notice ta Borcower. A sale may result in a change in the enuty(known - • . A
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There also may be one •r ��� ��,-
<br /> � or more chan ges of the Loaie Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower will be • �_,j:.'� :�_,.. ._�.�t.�
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordance with para�raph 14 above and applicable law.T he notice wi l l state t he name an d ..._ ___ _ ,�.�=___
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice Will also contain any other t���"-"
<br /> ,..�;,`:� infonnation required hy ap,licable law. _. . � •
<br /> � 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrow•er tihall nut cau+e or permit tfie pre�ence, u,e, di�potial. scorage. or release of any �'` �
<br /> ' Haiardous Subtitan�e, on nr in thr Pru �rt Borrua�er .hall not do. nor allc�w anyone cl�e to du, anything affecting the ,'�;. .
<br /> P� y. �� �� ''�
<br /> . - Properry that i+ in ciolation ��f any Envirunmental Law. �i�hr p�eceding twc�.entence�,hatl nut app�y to the presenre. use, or ••• •
<br /> storage un thr Pruperty uf.mall yuant�tir.uf Haiarduuti SuMtanr�+ that are generally recugniced to he•rppn+priatr tu nurm3l �v •� ,V�
<br /> � re+iJcntial u.c+and tn ivaintrnanrr uf thr Pruperty. -�'_ • . "' ' •
<br /> Burruarr ,hall prumpU� give Lcnder «ntten nutire��I am• im•c�tigatiun.claim. drrnanJ. I�w.uit��r other:utiun by any '.,"� ' ' �
<br /> . ��•�.• gacernmenlal ur regulatory agen��}•ur pritiatc Party �m��teing th�Prupetty anJ any H:uardous Suhtit:utce or Envirunmental Law 'a`• �
<br /> u!wh�ch Bnrru�ver ha.actual,tinowleJge. If Burru�►�r lcarn+. ur i�n�nificJ hy any guvemntental ur regutatory authurity. that . ;� ' -_
<br />� _ any r�m�n•al or uthcr remediaiiun uf anJ•Ha�arJuu,Sub.lance aftccting the Pruperty i,n���y+�ry. Burruwer,hall promptly take •� ' �t :..,�.
<br /> , .` i
<br /> all net�„ary remcdial actinn,in accurdanrc��•ith F.m imnmcntal Law•. '�.•' ��:� 1``
<br /> • ,• A, uxJ in thi+paragraph 20. "H:v�rduu. Sub.tance+" are [hu,e wb,[ances defined a�coxic��r hazardous �ubstanceti by - .,�:,�,�i� : �
<br /> Environmenwl Law and thr fulluw►ng ,ub.tanrey: gatiolinc, keru�ene. other flammable or toric petruleum pr��ductx, toxic _ �t —
<br /> - pe�ticid��and hrrbirides,volatile+olvent�, tnaterial+runtaining a�Ne.to�ur formaldehyde,and radioactive material..As u�ed in
<br />• � this paragraph 20. "Environmental l.aw" mean. fuferal law� and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that `
<br /> ., �;,�..,��- '��.:
<br /> '" relate to hr,.ilth.+afety ur environmental prorection. _�
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrc�wer and L.ender further covenant and agree ati follow5: • -����,,,
<br /> 21.Acceleration;Remedt�. Lender shall give notice to BorroHer prior to acceleration follo�rins Borroe•er's breach �. .f'�-. •;-�-a��
<br /> . of any covenant or agreement in this Securtty Instrument (but noi prtor to acceleration ander pa�agrapb 17 unless - �, _
<br /> • applicable law provid�otherwise).The notice shall speciPy: (a)the default; (b)the action required to cure the default; ,,, '�! ':$
<br /> (c)a date.not Iess than 30 days from the date the notice is�iven to Borrower,by which the default must be cured;and ��, .. •• "�`:
<br /> (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date speciffed in the notice may r�ult in acceleration of the sums
<br /> . secured by this Serurity Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shaGD Purther inform Borr�wer of the ripht to ����
<br /> . reinstate after acceleratlon and the rlght to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any alher �'.'�`-
<br /> defense of Sorrower to acceleratton and sale. If the default is not curetl on or before the date specified in the nutice. �..,�,� .�-
<br /> . Lender. at its option, may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by thLs Security Instrument wtthout --- �_--
<br />- --_- fur:lscr�cma�3 a:s�ma3 insa!;e th�power of sa�e and anv other remedi�permitted by aopltcable la�v. Lender shall be '��"_r�'_
<br /> ��' entitled to collect aU expenses incurred in punuing the rertiedtes provided in this paragraph 21,includin�,but not l imit e d -�.� ___�_�
<br /> to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. _. "i�.'-"'�
<br />� � IP the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shal! record a notice of default in each connty in whlch any part of the
<br /> Property is located and shall malt rnpies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to _ '��'• �•
<br /> the other rsons rescribed b a licable law.After the time re uired b a licable la�ti�,Trustee shall ive ublic notice _, ' `v� , � *-`
<br /> Pe � P y PP q Y PP R P ..
<br /> .•� of sale to the persons and in the manner prescritoed by applicable la�v.Trustee,wtthout demand on Borrower.si�all sell - �`��,,-,,<-' �-
<br /> the Piroperty at public aaction to the hi�hest bidder at the time and place and under the terms deslgnated in the nntice of • ��• . _.
<br /> sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determin�.Trustce may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the .
<br /> Property by p�blic announcement at the Hme and place of any prevlously scheduled sale. Lender nr i�s designee may , ,-y��~��~�-
<br /> purchase the Property at any sale. � ', ° `C:� � -
<br /> � ::
<br /> , ��., .
<br /> Form 3028 9190 .
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