78—QUIT CLAIM DEED (Revised) The Hnfiman C+eneral Snpply Honse, Lincoln, Nebr.
<br /> THIS INDENTURE, D7ade this Fourth day of August ,in the year one thousand
<br /> s�ine hundyed and Fifty-Eight , between - Serena Waldbaum, wife of Sidney Waldbaum,
<br /> of tlze first part, ¢nd - Sidney Waldbaum -
<br /> of tTie second pavt,
<br /> GVITNESSETH, tliat the said pas•t y of the first part, iri considcration of tJze sursa of---------------------
<br /> One Dollar ($1. 00) and other good and valuable consideration ---------------�:����� I
<br /> to her dirly paid, the receipt �e�Tcereof is hereby acknowledged has re�nised, rele¢sed, and
<br /> qicit-clai�ntied, and by tliese prese�its do eS for herSe�, her I�eirs, executors an�l ad-
<br /> s�riinistrators, re�mise, �•elease a�ad forever qi�iE-clainz u�rto tl:e said �art y of thc seco�id parf, and to his
<br /> laeirs a�id assig�as forez�er, all her right, title, interest, estate rlairn and
<br /> de�nand, botla at la��asid i�i eq2cit��, of, i.n and to all the following described realty, to-wit:
<br /> All of Lot Seven (7), and the Easterly Fifty Feet (50') of Lot Six (6),
<br /> all being in Block Eighteen (18), in Kernohan & Decker's Addition to
<br /> and in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, according to
<br /> the recorded plat thereof; _ _
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<br /> To�eth�r z��ith all and singular Ehe keredita�nentsTreunto e ong»i�. -------___._
<br /> TO H.�IVE A���'D TO FIOLD flae nbo��e dcscribcd prenzises :nito the said - Sidney Waldb2.um -
<br /> atiid h1s heirs and assigns;so tltat�icitker Serena Waldbaum tlae s¢id
<br /> granto�• , nor a�ay pe�•son in her na7�ae and bel�nlf, slaall or zvill kereafter clai�yi or de-
<br /> i� �rca�ad any right or title to tl:e said f�renaises or orz�� part thercof, but the�• ond ez�er�� one of the�n shall b�� these prese�its
<br /> I
<br /> ��� bs e.ticluded and forever barred.
<br /> IN IVITNF_SS «'HF_REOF, the said part y of the Jirst hart l:ag l:ere�a�to sct her liand
<br /> asad seal tlie day and��car obove written.
<br /> ��
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<br /> S'igned, sealed and deli�ered in presence of �./.�'./L,C'.1.�'�_...�.;1._.��1.���LC.t_..�__
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